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Hi, y'all! Good to see everyone doing so well. Hope your weekend was nice. We didn't stay too long at the Cinco de Mayo festivities because it was sweltering, and then....some trouble broke out, as I feared it might. Thankfully, we had eaten our fill, so we drove over to Cedar Park, hiked a short trail, then just chilled.




Ahhh.... good for the soul. I could live there (in the residential community) if the commute to our jobs weren't so far. The kids love it there, too. 


@DeLaney - yesterday I made the Boxty, but without the bacon grease. Substituted light sunflower oil - they were AWESOME! Logan grilled brats and Mia made a huge salad (minus our favorite Romaine hearts). Dessert was butter pecan ice cream which Marian brought. Her youngest son is so funny! He loves the pecans, but not in the ice cream. Sat and picked them all out and then ate them separately. 


Did you ladies watch the season finale of Call the Midwife last night? 😩 I was doing okay until.....


The young mom named her baby Barbara! 

It was all waterworks then, and I shouldn't have watched so close to bedtime. 


Agnes - thank you for these Mexican recipes! Will be making these for our Mother's Day cookout. I hope you'll love your new hair cut. It should look great on you!  I didn't cut mine short enough, when I donated the braid to Locks of Love. I may remedy that Fri or Sat. How did the little boy (Jacob's friend) do staying over for the weekend? So sorry for his mother's loss. 


Hi, @Annabellethecat66! Love how you introduce yourself, so Anu here, saying welcome. How do you like the Apple TV? I love their computers and devices, but have never checked out their TVs. Can you shop and post here directly from it? That would be cool! I buy a few of IM's pieces here, but mostly Argan oil and a few other cosmetics when there's a good sale. Some household stuff, too. Hope you have lots of fun with your daughter! 


I donate mostly through my church's foundations and I also like Samaritan's Purse. Our family volunteers through our church's inner city youth program, which includes everything from the arts to sports and helps to teach leadership skills and some academics for those who need this help in school. Mentoring. We also rotate with many others to work in the soup kitchen, and our home is listed shelter for the displaced now since last year's devastating flooding in the south (TX). We met a few incredible people who lost everything, while they stayed with us until permanent housing could be found. Good luck in your search to "pay rent." Love that quote! ❤️Nice chatting with you. 



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Registered: ‎09-29-2013

Hi, Lurky and thanks for the frozen strawberry jam recipe! That's so easy, even I can accomplish it, I think. My whole family loves berries of all kinds. I wonder if this would work with others, like blueberries? Sometimes I eat toast with jam while watching TV at night. Yes, my bum feels much better and your ointment does help! Really glad it helps you - plus no side effects! It's so sweet of Tom and his wife to ask you, but I believe you made the wisest decision to stay put. Not to many there would miss you. I can only hope there will be such a nice place if and when I'm ready for it. God-willing.....if I live that long. I'll pray Geri and her husband get in.


Joy, I'm so happy that you've decided to hire help with the housework! Not though because of the sciatica.....wish there was a permanent fix for that. Just because you certainly have earned it! You didn't list even a tenth of all you do and give, but I understand why. I forgot to say, when posting to @Annabellethecat66 that if I weren't working full time and attending corporate law classes.....what I'd most like to volunteer time with, would be as your DIL, Suz' does. Working with the moms and their babies to be adopted, since that's very important to me. Lots of need here, too, in the many programs set up through local churches. They even help the mother's find jobs or further their education, as well as assist in the adoption process. If I were Marcia.....I would begin my search there, but then, I know she wants to fill other needs, too. I'll be praying your foot surgeries go well! 🙏 Gosh, I love those bridal shoes. 😍


Hi today, Snappy! Glad to read your DD is walking normally and will be able to enjoy her travels abroad with her DH! I was amazed how well my Nan was restored following the double hip replacement. If only it went so well for all......I'm looking into getting those counter tops, since Logan loves them, too - including the materials they're made of. 😊 Looks as though they will be installed in late June or early July. Our cabinets and sinks are fine, so only the counter tops with back splashes are going in. Thanks again for the tip on the trash can! Now if only the dog and cat weren't so interested in it. Anything new and moving, ya know! 


We love David Jeremiah, too. Record his weekly sermons each Sunday. Always so informative and uplifting. I don't think it's silly that you enjoy your weekly Starbucks. I treat myself at a certain yogurt shop weekly - full of fruity, creamy goodness! 


Break's over, so back to the grind here, friends. Wishing you all a lovely week ahead and my prayers go up for your every need. 







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Hey, Snappy.  Got your message to "phone home", ha, ha, ha.  I have been super busy, but I have been reading the posts.  I am so glad that everyone is doing okay.


Simone organized a surprise birthday party for me.  I was absolutely in shock.  It was just beautiful, with good food, flowers, cake and ice cream,  gifts and cards.  It was so funny, because earllier I was sitting in her wig shop and across the room was a beautiful moonstone bib necklace.  I was thinking to myself "I should buy that necklace".  Guess what?  I received it as one of my birthday gifts.


There was a variety of food--dips, chips, cheeses & salami, pasta, lettuce wraps, parmesan souffle, salads of all kinds.  There was a white cake with buttercream filling and strawberries.  A good time was had by all.


I will return later with more details.

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Hello ladies.  I want to thank all of you for the wonderful birthday wishes.  It was the best birthday that I have ever had, and I am so glad that I was able to share it with all of you.


I will be back with more details.

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Issy, so glad you "phoned in," and that's what I'm doing, too! Glad you had your best birthday ever, including a surprise party (and the bib necklace!).


Cute t, how are you? Hope all is well with you and your family.


Snappy, thanks .... Like Issy, I have been swamped, but I have been checking in to read the posts when I get a minute or two. How about the recipes?! Oh my goodness, I am breaking out in a sweat just thinking about them. DELICIOUS. I can't wait to try them.


Love the pic of the hair ... adorable styling.


So many enjoyable comments, recipes, and photos on this thread ... many thanks for all of the kindness, information, and humor.


Heart to all

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Registered: ‎08-01-2013

Hello, ladies! No real news here today, just checking in with all of you- wishing you each..




I thought this might interest Joy: 




Gwen realy enjoys her journaling Bible and I know you have that artistic flair, too. While your first foot heals from surgery, it may be a good project for you to begin.. while the new housekeeper is there to help- Yea! 


So good to hear from Issy- your birthday party sounds wonderful, and DELICIOUS! Enjoy that new necklace and don't work too hard. 


Hello, MsLomo- have been missing your witty, upbeat posts here. Sorry you, too are swamped with work. Hope you get a break soon- a nice, long vacation! 


Snappy, I pray you continue to feel better from the UTI- I know you're looking forward to the baby shower on Sat! We will want to hear all about it next week. About all I have planned is going to the farmers market and the quilting supply store. Maybe have lunch out. That will be enough "excitement" for these old bones. Happy to say, though.. less severe pain with these new pills and the daily rub. Feeling very blessed! 


Here's a funny one I copied for you girls from Delphi: 




Hee-hee! All God's creatures have personalities! ❤️


Anu, the finale of Call the Midwife was both moving and sad, because of Barbara's death. I was most shocked to learn that Sunday's episode was the finale already! Will miss it until it returns. 


I have a recipe for you (and any others interested) that will work with all berries. Will post it below- enjoy! 


With Love,

Ruth Ann


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Posts: 1,714
Registered: ‎08-01-2013





makes 6 – 8oz jars of jam



Potato masher or hand mixer (the hand mixer is GREAT for the blueberries)
Flat bottomed bowl for mashing / mixing fruit
6 – 8 oz clean straight-sided jam jars with lids
5 cups of crushed fruit (single berry variety or mix & match)
2 cups of granulated sugar
6 tablespoons of Ball Real Fruit Pectin Instant Pectin



1) Wash fruit and prep. This means remove stems, hull strawberries, if you want to get technical. Make those berries look pretty.


2) Place berries into flat bottomed bowl, one layer at a time and mash, mix, practice a little anger management. Pulverize that fruit using your potato masher or hand mixer. (said with a *smile*)


3) In a separate bowl, mix sugar and pectin.


4) Add fruit mash to pectin / sugar mixture and stir for 3 minutes.


5) Ladle into clean 8 oz jam jars and cover. When filling jars, leave 1/2 inch headspace to allow for food expansion during freezing. Let stand for 30 minutes and use immediately or freeze.





THAT IS IT!!! DONE! BERRY JAM!! It is good for 3 weeks in your refrigerator or up to a year in your freezer. To defrost, just throw ‘er in the fridge. Really, that is it. 😊


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Hi Anu, glad to hear that your kitchen is coming along so well. It's the most important room in the house in most ways. And when you can't use it, you really miss it.

Hope you find just the right counter tops and backsplash.

There are SO many options. When my sister came last week, she saw ours for the first time and was over the moon with the sparkles in the counter tops. Now we didn't even know they would be there. The little sample they showed us didn't have any. But we like it.

I can imagine the animals liking the trash can. As it is for us with no pets, we try to skirt around ours so it doesn't open unless we want it to, but it's very sensitive. It needs a little battery now and then, but it's WAY cool, imo.

I guess I'm easily pleased.


Really happy that your Nan did so well after having a double hip replacement. My goodness.


This will be a busy weekend, hard in some ways especially on DD#2 who uses Saturdays to do the shopping. But the baby shower starts at noon (maybe, LOL) and then I imagine there will be games before presents. We could have to leave a bit early in order to fit in the shopping. The next day being Mother's Day makes it harder also. DD#1 and her hubby are coming out in the afternoon, but I know DD could leave to shop if necessary after visiting with them for a while.


Found out the baby's first birthday will be held close to my son's house so we will be able to get there. All I need to do for both events is wrap, or "bag" the presents.

Glad you like David Jeremiah also. I love to hear the music they do. It's sort of become my church.


Also like frozen yogurt. Oh yes. A sweet tooth for sure.

DD#1 was told *bucks won't be offering the "light" syrups anymore. They told her they are making way for new drinks. Don't see what the one thing has to do with the other, but there must be something.

It's been very warm out here, but it's pleasant today. Fan going, door open, nice breeze coming in.


Enjoy the day.

snappy Smiley Happy

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Hi Issy...SO good to hear from you. Thanks for phoning home...Sounds like you had a really nice birthday. So good of your friends to have a party for you and to give you the very necklace you wanted!!

You are on top of things, so they must have worked hard to keep it a secret. Yeah. They obviously love you, and who wouldn't?


Love white cake and buttercream frosting. Yummy.


Nice to see you. Yesterday we lost the internet when I tried to use my computer, but I rebooted the router and fixed it. Sort of amazed myself.


snappy Heart

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Hi MsLomo, sometimes I forget that you are still working, of course you are busy. Thank you for making the time to stop by so we know you are okay.


If I were still cooking, I'd try some of these recipes for sure.

So nice of the ladies to share. After we had the kitchen remodeled last year, DD put things away and I don't know where!! And, I don't know how to turn on the oven. I'm sure I could learn, but then I might be expected to make something....hmmm.


Hope cute checks in really soon.

Take care of yourself,


snappy Heart