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Hello, Selah, Snappy and All! I'm having trouble hearting posts today. . . so hope this goes thru okay. I heart you all here: ❤️


Our Easter snow. . . 




And I don't think those were bunny tracks. Likely a red squirrel. Left no eggs, in any case! 😜 Still cold here -- 36°. More snow due on Thurs and Fri. Dexter yet loves it. . . everyone else is sighing: enough already. I'm glad in one way, though; it delays Dad's gardening ventures with the pinched nerve in the neck. Mom keeps recommending excellent gardeners that her friends hire, and he will hear none of it. That and golf are his favorite hobbies. He's been told by the neurologist to do neither. If the injections are approved and work to numb the pain. . . I fear he'll carry on and make the condition worse. As Gram says, "there's no stubborn to match that of an Irishman."


Has your father begun his planting yet? How did your eye exam go? God forbid that either of those silicone disks should rupture, but if you even suspect one has. . . Please have it checked out! 


Sorry for the heat in the church and school. I'm praying for Tanya's efforts with the fundraiser. I'll be in touch with her soon, in case there is something I can buy to contribute. I still yet badly want one of Rowan's paintings for my home. I know she's had no time lately to create more, but aren't there some in storage from her old studio? Hope they'll be on display in LB's shop when we visit. Or otherwise accessible. I have zero seaside wall art so far and I know she did many back in Mystic. 


Selah, you got me in the feels with that cute 'everything crossed' graphic! 💗 Thanks for that -- the thoughts and prayers from you and Snappy, among others who haven't checked back in yet. I trust you are and I humbly thank you. 


Yesterday, for all my anxious anticipation (and over preparation) it was done before we knew it. I thought we'd be more so interviewed?? That will come later. Forms filled out and our local county office will call soon to set up a home study. We were given the literature on the training that is required for either or both foster care and adoption. Also the criteria to be met for special needs children. I already submitted that and the IRS documentation. They have a website for us to learn more information on the children in our state that are available for adoption. I'm trying to resist looking until we pass the home study and are approved.


Such an emotional thing anyway. Praying for guidance and leaving it in God's hands to choose the child He wants us to care for and raise. Matters not the gender or age, and we're aware that quite a few are of Native American heritage. The same poverty you (Selah) witness there on the reservation exists here, too. We would certainly welcome any child, of any tribe and try our best to honor their origins. This is public (HHS) so many have been removed from their parents' care due to abuse, neglect, etc. Always hard -- can be extremely complicated. I see this daily in my work which moves me beyond my 'normal' maternal needs or desires. More about their needs to be met. Just as your Tanya feels! If, for whatever reason we don't pass the pre-placement evaluation, following the home study. . . We will then turn to private adoption agencies. I can only say that so far, the admissions rep indicated that everything looked very good for us. 


Snappy, it breaks my heart to hear of you sitting and weeping in pain! 💔 I'm sure your MD will do a urine test and otherwise check for the possibily of a kidney infection, which can cause extreme lower back pain. Just because of your frequent UTIs that can travel to the kidneys. I hope it's muscular, stemming from the CMT and can be treated with muscle relaxers until it passes, God-willing. 


Oh, what joy! I'm elated that you'll get the private time with your GGD this weekend! 😍 Been praying they'd be moved to bring her 'round to see you, so I thank the Lord. 


I've heard very little from Joy in Israel. We got a group text wishing us a blessed Easter. They're having nice, mild weather and no problems traveling about. She made no mention of her heel spurs, but I know there's much more walking yet involved this week as they tour sites beyond Jerusalem. I saw the schedule by email before they left. She should be home sometime Sat. I can't wait to hear all about it, too! 


We, too saw the David Jeremiah Easter broadcast. He is one of several we DVR each Sunday to view throughout the week. You did best to stay home with your ailing back. No one understands suffering more than Christ Jesus and we can certainly thank and praise Him where ever we are. I believe as you. . . His church is not an organization, but a living organism made up of the body of believers everywhere. Aye, His bride. We keep our lanterns filled with oil in readiness. 


I did NOT get around to making those cupcakes after Doris broke a bone in the top of her foot. The ER took up that time, but small matter. We can enjoy them this weekend sans jelly beans since those are all gone. Baking will help warm the house, too. I'll take some over to Doris if they turn out well. How easy it happened. . . She was merely carrying her empty crockpot (a double-sized unit) from her pantry storage to the kitchen. Dropped it on her foot! It didn't break, but a small bone in the middle of the top of her foot did. Sure it could have been worse, so we're thankful. She's a wonderful MIL and grandmother to our nieces and nephews. They made her up a beautful Easter basket filled with little treasure she loves. It's her family's church, dating waaay back, that we attend and volunteer through. I'm sure you'll be recalling how long I searched for one. . . was led there through Love. 😊


This Undy Arm recipe. . . 😆😂 I dunno, Selah. Looks a bit like sticky gingerbread which I do like. I may try substituting golden raisins for the dates. I know, for sure, who will love this, though (besides Lurky, of course). My neighbor and her DH -- the ones you met who has the hot spring. I'll email it to her now. Her father is Scottish and so they'll be able to vouch for it. They travel there lots.




My love to all,

--Marcia 💋


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@MsLomo - I found it!! Going to make 2 pans. I with nuts for Darrell and one without for Jacob and I. 


Here's the recipe for others interested. @Rowan72 - see the white chocolate variation! 


Bakers One Bowl Brownies




1 pkg. (4 oz.) BAKER'S Unsweetened Chocolate 

3/4 cup butter or margarine 

2 cups sugar 


1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup flour 

1 cup coarsely chopped pecans


Heat oven to 350°F.


Line 13x9-inch pan with aluminum foil, with ends of foil extending over sides. Spray foil with cooking spray.


Microwave chocolate and butter in large microwaveable bowl on HIGH 2 min. or until butter is melted. Stir until chocolate is completely melted. Stir in sugar. Blend in eggs and vanilla. Add flour and nuts; mix well. Pour into prepared pan.


Bake 30 to 35 min. or until toothpick inserted in center comes out with fudgy crumbs. (Do not overbake.) Cool completely. Use foil handles to remove brownies from pan before cutting to serve.




Prepare recipe as directed, using one of the following options:


Super Chunk Brownies: Stir 2 pkg. (4 oz. each) BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate, coarsely chopped, and 1/2 cup raisins into batter before pouring into prepared pan and baking as directed.


Cake-Like Brownies: Stir 1/2 cup milk into prepared batter along with the eggs and vanilla, and increase the flour to 1-1/2 cups.


Extra-Thick Brownies: Pour batter into prepared 9-inch square pan. Bake 50 min. Cool, then cut to serve. Makes 16 servings.


Extra-Fudgy Brownies: Prepare batter as directed, using 4 eggs.


Rocky Road Brownies: Prepare batter as directed; pour into prepared pan. Sprinkle with 1 pkg. (4 oz.) BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate, coarsely chopped. Bake as directed. Immediately sprinkle with 2 cups JET-PUFFED Miniature Marshmallows, 1 pkg. (4 oz.) BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate, coarsely chopped, and 1 cup chopped PLANTERS Pecans. Cool completely.


Cool Spider Brownies: Prepare as directed, but do not cut cooled brownies. Use a 2-inch cookie cutter to cut brownie into rounds. Reserve brownie trimmings for snacking or another use. Frost tops and sides of brownie rounds with 1 tub (8 oz.) thawed COOL WHIP Whipped Topping. Decorate with chocolate sprinkles. Insert string licorice pieces into brownies to create spider legs. Makes 15 servings.


White Chocolate-Glazed Brownies: Prepare brownies as directed, but do not cut into squares. Microwave 1/4 cup whipping cream in medium microwaveable bowl on HIGH 30 to 45 sec. or just until cream comes to boil. Add 1 pkg. (4 oz.) BAKER'S White Chocolate, finely chopped, into cream; stir until white chocolate is completely melted and mixture is well blended. Drizzle over brownies. Let stand until firm before cutting to serve.


High Altitude Directions: Decrease baking time to 25 to 30 min.


Use Your Stove: Melt chocolate and butter in large saucepan on very low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Stir in sugar, then continue as directed.


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Registered: ‎01-01-2014

I can’t even tell you how good the cake was! There are no words, but I made 2. Took one to the widower and children of my deceased friend/co-worker who died due to the brain tumor. They seemed so grateful - and for the visit. All 3 appear to have lost weight, though certainly none of them needed to. So very sad. 😞 When the weather finally makes up its mind, so we can somewhat predict in advance, I'm going to plan a cookout and have them over. They live in the city and the kids would really enjoy visiting the horses, sheep, etc and maybe fishing in the pond with Jacob. Their dad and Darrell seem to get along well and he needs someone to talk to/ pal around with. His only brother lives out of state. 


@DeLaney - it sounds like you and Mike are off to a good start, and know we are all praying. I'm so sorry about Doris' foot! I guess she had to miss church services, too. We also had the sunrise service. It was cool and drizzling, but then the day cleared and warmed up in plenty of time for the egg hunt. Suz' and two of her friends hosted it on their property. Jacob found so many eggs that he shared them with the smaller children....including little Jax. He was so cute, all dressed up in a vest and bow tie! 


@snappyfrappy - I prayed and sure hope your Dr was able to help you with everything including the terrible back pain today! I'm sorry that Shirley was feeling sick for Easter and hope she is feeling better now. Glad DD#1 came and you could see how well she's progressing since the surgery. We moms worry! 


@Q-Anu - I have a question re your salmon and asparagus quiche recipe..... Can I use some of Joy's fresh asparagus from her garden? She wants us to cut them while she's away, so they don’t get tough or go to seed. Should I sauté them first, before adding them to the recipe? They are not very thick spears- about medium, I'd say. 


Have to run, but will be back soon, friends. Have a great evening! 


With love from Agnes ❤️



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Hello ladies:


Just a few lines to thank you for your concern and to let you know the worse is over with the 2 wrist fractures Had amazing care with plenty of love.but discovered bruised ribs are far more painful than anything else. I was bringing groceries into the house and fell flat on my face, causing the breaks as I attempted to catch myself. Sure this incident was only a preview of what's ahead so may eventually choose to relocate as God leads.( Have a temporary cast on now and plan to start rehab next week.)My kids and grands have been so helpful, as well as my sister and brother.


Was finally able to contact Barb last week; she is having more problems breathing and is now under Hospice care.  They visit twice  a week now but will probably be coming more often soon. Barb seemed calm and seemingly  has been made as comfortable as possible.  Her other son Sam is living with her now and is quite comforting to her; entirely different disposition than Zack.  I know you all will continue to pray for Barb. that she will continue to be made comfortable and feel the peace and love of the Lord Jesus Christ.throughout this ordeal.


Tired now so will close with love to all.



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@HiLo.... how excited I am to find your name here!!! E8E7C933-BFF1-4E8D-BD58-DD36434A45EC.gif


So thankful you're recovering from that terrible fall and will begin rehab next week. I know it won’t be fun, especially at first, but they'll help you so that you'll regain strength and flexibility. I didn’t know you also bruised your ribs - ouch! We'll continue to pray for you.... and with where ever God leads you. 


Yes, for Bobbiesue, too. I'm sorry to hear that hospice has had to come in, but we've all been thanking God that Sam went home. She worried so about him during his absence. I'm sure this has brought her the most peace she's known for years. Please send her our love and assure her we'll keep the prayers going for her, as well as for her family. 


You take care now! I will write you soon when you're feeling more like using the computer. 







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Registered: ‎09-29-2013

@agnesann.... yes, absolutely - fresh asparagus will be even better than frozen. You can either slightly steam or lightly sauté them first. 


Bless you for taking the cake over to your deceased friend's family. I hope you get to have the cookout for them soon. Yes, it's terribly sad they lost her so early in their lives. It's like Marian and her boys, since my brother-in-law was killed. Are they in grief counseling? If he's not interested, maybe he would consider it for the children. They apparently have no aunts or other family to help them through this tragic time. I'm still praying for them - wish I could do more. 


Yay, @snappyfrappy - your baby girl will be there this weekend!! 🤗 I'm praying extra hard that your back pain subsides so you can hopefully hold her. How sweet..... she has red hair like your hubby! I will check back in with you soon to see what your doctor said. 





Not that you will need it! 😘 Patience with the process. God's timing is the vital thing. 


@SelahG - I can’t stop laughing at that name, and at the same time..... GROSS. 😝 The Scots have a w I c k e d sense of humor, so you come by it honestly! I'm might just have to try this concoction - AFTER the brownies without nuts. (Thanks for posting the recipe, Agnes!) 


Goodnight, everyone- sweet dreams! 🌜


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A blessed Wednesday to all you dear ladies from a rainy, WINDY, PA. High winds whipping around out there, breaking tree limbs. Some power outages. All of this must be driving the snow toward us for Fri and Sat. 😒 I hope it calms down a bit tomorrow. I have an appointment with my cardiologist and an echocardiogram scheduled very early in the morning. My recent MRI results showed about a 20% increase in deterioration from the RA. No surprises there.. Will learn of any new treatments next week.


I stayed on at Tom's through Tuesday afternoon since his grandchildren were there on Spring break. Some of them I don't get to see very often. So nice to catch up with their young and busy lives. We talked about my birthday party and they all understood and were agreeable to a nice sit down dinner. Gwen is going to video everyone and make me a copy I can store to watch on my iPad. No gifts, just precious time shared. I'm so relieved! Still I need to do something with my hair. It looks a fright! I've been rolling it myself on curlers I bought from the Vermont Country Store. That's fine for around here, but it needs cutting. Mine always had a tendency to frizz and since I went gray, that's worse. Have some thinning in the crown, too.. I think from my meds. I'll let the hair stylist decide what can be done.


Snappy, I'm happy to hear that you also remember the Hot Cross Buns song! You, HiLo and myself are likely the only 3 here that do. Aren't we thrilled that HiLo felt up to visiting with us here? I am so relieved to know she is rebounding from that fall and the surgery! Really am so thankful she didn't break her neck or back.. And your back has really been bothering you. I'm so sorry, dear. What did the dr determine? It sounds like your DD's surgery was minor when compared to the hip replacements, and I guess the brace is loose since they want her to stay mobile. Bless her! I hope she's fully able to enjoy that upcoming vacation of a lifetime. Good for you on speaking up, and now you'll get some special, quality time with your darling GGD! 😍 I'm so pleased for you!


Hilo, thank you so much for taking the time, and making the effort to check in here with us. I know it can't have been easy in a cast, with bruised ribs. We knew your dear family would take good care of you, but it's wonderful to hear just the same. It scared me, of course, when our mutual friend told us you had fell. Gert and I have been praying for you daily and will continue to.


Yes, the good Lord will lead you, if you're meant to move away. Isn't it wonderful to know that you're so wanted by the loving children you raised with such compassion? You have choices- such a blessing. We adore our friends and neighbors, but there is nothing like family! It's just more comfortable when we require a little help. You have always been there for them and they want to express the same care for you. God guide and bless you in your decision. I know there are advantages to either choice, and a few disadvantages and adjustments to be made, too. I'm availble to listen if you need an ear with a heart for you, my sister. ❤️


Of course we'll continue to pray for Bobbi's continued peace and comfort in the Lord. It's sad, but also comforting to know Hospice is there. With Sam there, too, I won't fear she is being neglected or abused. It always seemed too much for Zach's tolerance level- he has too much on his plate perhaps. I pray for healing for the whole family. May the merciful Lord move all involved to peaceful reconciliation through forgiveness. 🙏



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Laugh- we did, too, girls! 😂 But my SIL and I already made the Undy Arms Sticky Toffee Pudding and it's delicious just as instructed by that recipe! The only thing we didn't have was the gin, so Tom gave us a half cup of bourbon to soak the dates in. He thought we were drunk or something, but just giddy. The kids kept coming in to sniff for undy arm odors, but none were to be found. Try it! 😍 


Thank you again, Selah! 


I brought further temptation, since Easter is never complete without a good coconut pie! Gwen made this one from a recipe blog she follows. Brace yourselves! 






1 9" Refrigerated Pie Crust
3/4 Cup of Granulated Sugar
1/3 Cup of Cornstarch.
3 Cup of Half & Half
2 Egg Yolks
1 Egg
1 Cup of Sweetened Shredded Coconut
1 Tablespoon of Vanilla
9" Pie Plate


2 Cups of Heavy Cream, Chilled
1/2 Cup of Granulated Sugar
1 Tablespoon of Vanilla
1/2 Teaspoon of Coconut Extract
1/4 Cup of Sweetened Shredded Coconut, Toasted


Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.


If using a refrigerated pie crust, make sure to let it come to room temperature.


Roll it out and press into your pan cutting off any extra hang off, and poke a fork all over your pie crust, bake on the lower rack of your oven for about 10-12 minutes or until golden brown, let cool completely.


In a large saucepan, combine your sugar, egg, egg yolks, cornstarch and half & half, and bring to a boil over medium heat for 1 minute making sure to whisk for the whole time.

Remove your pan from the heat and stir in your sweetened shredded coconut and vanilla and stir.


Pour into your pie crust, and chill completely to firm up (stuck mine in the fridge for a couple of hours).



With a handheld or stand mixer with whisk attachment, place your chilled heavy cream into your bowl and whisk until it starts to thicken, then add your sugar, vanilla and coconut extract and continue to whisk until stiff peaks form.


Spread your coconut onto a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil and bake at 400 degrees F for 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally and make sure to watch because it burns quickly, until they are toasted and delicious.


You can pipe or spoon your whipped coconut topping onto your pie, and then sprinkle your toasted coconut on top, and enjoy!


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Marcia, I prayed the night before your and Mike's appointment. Later I awoke from a dream where I saw you and Mike walking with your backs to me, with a little child  between you. The child was holding each of your hands and you were both swinging him up, at intervals, while walking. I could hear you all singing a song and laughing.. going up and up a wooded trail. The child had a cap on his head, with dark wavy hair peeking out below. Probably a result of my imagination, but I awoke feeling so happy for you 3, as though it could be that the Lord showed me a sign of something wonderful.. that I may not otherwise get to see, but have been praying for for a couple of years now. 


Whatever He actually has in store for you, we can trust it will lead to the best outcome for the child and your family. I know that your and Mike's parents must be beside themselves with excitement! If I were you, though.. I wouldn't let anyone else know of the website that stores those precious children awaiting adoption. You and Mike will know your child when you see him or her. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to your hearts if you ASK. Trust in that.


It's going to be wonderful, though there are trials with all children. Just as we each try our Heavenly Father. Many things in your lives so far- good and bad, have been preparing you both for this. ❤️ Your most important work. 


Love to you and Mike, 

Ruth Ann 


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Registered: ‎10-14-2013

Some blue birds for happiness: 




I leave with you sweet kindred, as my prayers are being offered for each of your needs and petitions on behalf of others. Including Agnes' deceased friend's family, Marian to recover from the cold or flu, Doris' foot, the adoption process for Marcia and Mike, Snappy's poor back, Hilo's healing and rehab, cute's GDIL's treatments, MsLomo's DH's procedures, Joy's safety in Israel, Jubilant's continued healing, Lurky's safe travels to her appointment tomorrow - with only good news from the test. 


Oh boy ... brownies plus coconut cream pie! It's all over folks. 🤤😋 My tuna casserole is looking very blah now. Will have to make a store run for ingredients! 


Marcia: you'll not be buying any paintings from me, you silly goose! Don’t go spoiling my surprise. One of the few I held onto during our move. 😉 It's waiting on you here. Don’t tell your dad, but YES ... ours has begun some of the hardier planting, but mostly soil prep and building the hives. Our house has walls! Walls with window and door openings!! 😍


How as the movie, Anu? We want to see it, but can wait until it comes to TV if not worth the ticket price. 


Have a nice evening, all! 😘