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Hi agnesann, good to hear from you. It's lovely that your church does so much for the shut ins and others who just can't make it to church. Even taking communion to them.

What a blessing. I remember WaJa telling us about all of that when first we met, and now you are adding your own expressions of love. I'm sure she is relieved to know the work continues while she is away. BTW, so thankful they are okay.

I do hope your weather stays nice so Jacob can do the things he is looking forward to. So nice that he fits in there so well. What a difference from the woman and child I first met in OR!! God has amazing plans for us.


That cake is absolutely gorgeous and OH I imagine it's the tastiest thing ever. If I were doing any cooking at all, I'd try it for sure.


I wish you and all who read here and observe a very meaningful Good Friday and the most joyous of Easter's.

He is risen!!


snappy Heart

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Agnes, you are such a doll to post the Hershey's Cocoa recipes!! FYI, I fill the cupcake "baking cups" 1/2 to 3/4 (closer to 1/2), and I make a lot of cupcakes with one recipe. I usually have icing left over, but of course it is necessary for me to taste it A LOT to make sure the flavor doesn't change while I'm icing, heh heh.


I bake the cupcakes for 25 minutes and let them sit 10 to 15 minutes before icing. I am SO GLAD you all like them! I agree that it's THE PERFECT chocolate "cake" (or cupcake). The icing, too, is, oh my, DELICIOUS!!


OK, one more recommendation: THE PERFECT BROWNIE recipe is on the box of Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate Squares (actually, one square per package/recipe). Recipe is called "One Bowl Brownies." I use a whisk after I melt the butter and chocolate together in the microwave. I bake for 25 minutes. (I always underbake -- I do not like hard/dry cookies or brownies.)  Also, fyi, I do not add nuts. (Got to watch those calories ya know, lol.) I let cool, then cut and remove to a fresh piece of foil -- about 6 brownies per one foil piece -- wrap and freeze in Ziplock gallon bag.


Marcia, I like your recipe with the cabbage and potato. I am going to try it soon!


Snappy, thanks for letting us know the wonderful news about your DD and Shirley. I hope you are feeling better, too.


I hope Cute t/Devia had a fab birthday.


Got to run ... see you all soon. Heart Heart Heart

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Hello and Good Morning on this Good Friday.. Well i survived another Birthday and yes it was a Great Day.. My Hubby and i took in a Flea Market that day and of course we ate out.. BOY we have had so much rain and country roads flooded.. Today we have Sunshine.. as so for..

Our Grandson just arrived home after being in Florida for a week as Conference he gives speeches on GEOTHERMAL saving on energy bills.. thankful for safe travels..

Hoping all of you have a Wonderful Easter.. our Big Kid will be having a Birthday this Sunday as she was Born on APRIL FOOLS DAY.. !!

Snappy, Issy, MsLoMo, all of you our in my thoughts.. I try keeping up with all the posts.. Prayers that all of YOU our doing good that is on this THREAD.. Our Great Grandson was 3 Months old Yesterday. He Loves Music and Dancing.. he is sure a Joy.Beautiful Smile and so Happy.. WE our all doing Good .. I will catch up with all of you later..


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A blessed Good Friday to all you dear ladies. Tom will be picking me up after he finishes his errands here in town. I'll be spending Easter weekend there with them on the farm. Attend Sunday services at their church before coming home. Wanted to wish you each a nice weekend before I leave. 


Snappy- I'm so very happy that Shirley's chemo is over and I’ll continue to pray for her, and you. I hope the back pain subsides and isn’t related to a kidney infection. Sure you would know the difference and probably run a fever with that. Hope you received the new baby photo by now! 


Got down to the big kitchen early this morning to help make the Hot Cross Buns. Will take a dozen with me. That is a Good Friday remembrance tradition for us, but you can enjoy them any time at all. Thought I would share the recipe with any here who are interested. 


Hot Cross Buns 




For hot cross buns
* 1 1/2 cups milk lukewarm
* 1/2 cup sugar
* 1 tbsp active dry yeast
* 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1/2 tsp nutmeg
* 2 eggs
* 4 tbsp butter unsalted (1/2 stick), softened
* 1 cup raisins soaked in rum if preferred

For syrup glaze
* 1/4 cup water
* 1/4 cup sugar

For cream cheese icing
* 1/2 cup icing sugar
* 2 tbsp cream cheese
* 1 tbsp butter unsalted, at room temperature
* 1 tsp vanilla extract
* 1/2 tbsp water

1. In a small bowl combine the lukewarm milk, sugar and yeast. Stir and let it rest for about 10 minutes until the yeast activates, you will notice bubbles forming.

2. In the bowl of your mixer add 4 cups of flour, salt and nutmeg. Mix until combined.

3. Add the eggs and butter to the yeast mixture and stir. Pour the yeast mixture over the flour, and using the dough hook attachment mix for about 5 minutes. Add raisins and continue mixing for another minute. If the dough is too wet add more flour as needed. The dough should be quite soft and elastic. You will know when it's done when it doesn't stick to the sides of the bowl anymore.

4. In a large bowl add a bit of oil, about a tbsp and place the dough in the bowl, rolling it around so that it gets oil all over, this way it won’t get dry. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap. You need to let the dough rise for a couple hours until doubled in size. You can also do my trick where I turn the oven on for about 1 to 2 minutes just until it’s warm in there, and place the bowl in the oven, close the door, make sure you turned off the oven and in about half an hour the dough would have doubled in size.

5. Preheat oven to 375 F degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. I used a roasting pan that's 16x12 inches.

6. Clean and flour your work surface. Usually I don't add any flour to my work surface because I find it easier to roll the buns on a clean surface, but it's totally up to you. Punch down the dough, and cut it into 15 equal pieces and roll each one. Place the rolls in the pan and cover with a clean damp towel and let them rest for another 30 minutes until doubled in size.

7. Bake for about 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.

8. While baking make the syrup by mixing the sugar with the water in a sauce pan and bring to a boil over low heat. Continue boiling for another minute or until syrup thickens a bit. Set aside.

9. To make the icing, whisk all the ingredients together and pour in a piping bag and refrigerate until ready to use. If the icing is too thin add more icing sugar, if it's too thick add more water until desired consistency.

10. When the buns are out of the oven, brush with the sugar syrup. Let cool for about 5 to 10 minutes then pipe the icing over the buns to form a cross..


Much Love, 

Ruth Ann 💜


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Blessings to all on this Good Friday! So nice to read so much good news. I'm elated for @snappyfrappy's sister and DD, and hoping your crabby back is in a much better mood today. I bet you'll get a pic of your GGD wearing her Easter outfit -- maybe even a bonnet. 😍 


Glad you enjoyed a nice birthday, @cute t! 💐 Sounds like your GGS is thriving well, God bless him. I hope his mommy is handling her cancer treatments okay. A very happy Easter to you, too! 


Wow. . . just look at these recipes. A chocolate lover's delight with special designer tips from both @MsLomo and @agnesann!! How can we go wrong? If I can pull this off -- cupcakes, I think -- Mike and Dad won't know what hit them. I might put a jelly bean on top of each and use the pastel colored liners. Festive enough, yes? 


And now, @LurkyLoo's Hot Cross Buns, too! Those would be great for Easter breakfast -- Mom would definitely agree. I hope you didn't wear yourself out this morning, Lurky and you can enjoy your time at Tom's! TY for this and God bless you. 


@Q-Anu -- so glad the Colcannon was a hit! I would LOVE some of Logan's Texas BBQ. Tell him, we'll be expecting it at our next KS Fest. The guys all love to compete with their grilling techniques and we all reap the rewards! A blessed Resurrection Sunday!


@SelahG -- I'm not seeing the Sticky Toffee Pudding recipe. 😚 If you emailed it on the sly, I'm filing my official complaint here. No holding out! Sorry that @Rowan72 has to work on thru the holiday on the iniative. . . but I'm sure it will be years in training before benefits are seen. May God bless their efforts with all those requiring mental and emotional treatment. Including many parents. Have a joyful Easter weekend! 


@WaJa61 -- our thoughts are with you there in Israel. Praying for your group's continued pleasure and a safe return. 


Thinking of and praying for @HiLo as she continues to recover from her injury and surgery. A blessed Easter season to you and your dear family. 


Sending my love out to sweet @Issy379@jubilant@LadyAnn@Dawn 06 and any others who drop by! ❤️ Have a glorious weekend, ladies. 




--Marcia 💋


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Helloooo all you lovely peeps! I feel like I hit the jackpot here with all of your happy news, well wishes, great recipes, tips.....and Marcia: that video! 💗 Truer than it ever was. I shared it with many by email. 


Thank You All! Such a nice beginning to Easter weekend. Agnes, your dinner menu sounds delish! I'm going to make these chocolate cupcakes, too, but maybe with my favorite buttercream icing this time. Will try the chocolate icing later. Our neighbor will be bringing 2 chocolate pecan pies and I have made 2 kinds of fudge - both white and milk chocolate. With no nuts, MsLomo! 😉 I don’t like them inside fudge or brownies either. Anyway, lots of chocolate.


Ruth Ann, we already made the large scale Hot Cross Buns   from your saved recipe and delivered those to the soup kitchen early this morning. Tomorrow is our turn to help serve lunch there. Afterwards, we're taking the kids to see the movie, “I Can Only Imagine.” Marian was supposed to go, too, but she's sick with a cold......or something. Praying it's not the flu, which is still going around here. We'll take her boys to see the film. It should be coming soon to your community, so I won’t spoil it for you and others here who may want to watch it. 


I have some goodies to share, too. Some quick tips and a fabulous, simple Quiche recipe! Hope I can get it to paste here. Fingers crossed! 


Easy centerpiece! 



My daughter is arranging this veggie platter with dip.



Your bunny rolls! 


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Registered: ‎09-29-2013

Coconut Macaroon Nests



Makes about 30


Here's what you will need:


4 egg whites
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 package (14 ounces) sweetened flaked coconut
1/2 cup white chocolate chips, melted
70-90 mini candy eggs


Begin by preheating your oven to 300 degrees F. Coat the cups in a mini muffin pan with cooking spray and set the pan aside.


In a large bowl, lightly whisk together the eggs whites, salt, and sugar to combine. Then, with a fork, mix in the coconut.


Drop 2 tablespoons of the coconut mixture into each prepared mini muffin cup.


Lightly press the mixture into the bottom and up the sides of each cup. (Use your thumb or a wine cork.) Bake for 28 to 30 minutes, until lightly golden on top. (Loosely place a piece of aluminum foil over the top of the pan if the coconut starts to brown too quickly.)


Let the nests cool in the tins on a wire rack for about 10 minutes. Then run a spatula around the edges of the muffin cups to loosen the nests. Carefully lift out the nests and allow them to cool completely.


With the melted chocolate in a piping bag (or plastic baggie with a corner cut off), pipe a small amount of chocolate into each nest. Add 2 or 3 candy eggs and press them gently to secure.


Pack and store in an air-tight container.

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Registered: ‎09-29-2013

Smoked Salmon & Asparagus Quiche 






1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon onion salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 tablespoons milk
1 package (3 1/2 to 4 1/2 ounces) smoked salmon, flaked
1 package (10 ounces) frozen asparagus cuts, thawed and drained
1 cup shredded Havarti cheese or Monterey Jack cheese (4 ounces)
3 eggs
1 cup whipping (heavy) cream
2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill weed or 1 teaspoon dried dill weed
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper



Heat oven to 425°F. Mix flour, sugar and onion salt in medium bowl. Beat oil and milk in measuring cup with fork until creamy. Pour oil mixture over flour mixture; stir until dough forms.

Pat dough on bottom and side of ungreased pie plate, 9x1 1/4 inches, or quiche dish, 9x1 1/2 inches. Sprinkle salmon over crust. Cut off bottom one-third of each asparagus spear; reserve top spear portions. Chop asparagus ends; sprinkle over salmon. Sprinkle cheese evenly over asparagus.

Beat eggs, whipping cream, dill weed, salt and pepper in medium bowl with wire whisk. Slowly pour egg mixture over quiche ingredients. Arrange reserved asparagus in spoke fashion on top of quiche.

Bake 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 325°F. Bake 40 to 45 minutes longer or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. If necessary, cover edge of crust with strips of aluminum foil after 10 to 15 minutes of baking to prevent excessive browning.


Let stand 10 minutes before cutting.

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Posts: 1,522
Registered: ‎09-29-2013

Wishing you a beautiful, peaceful Easter Season... 




From our family, to yours! 💜




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Registered: ‎10-14-2013


Hello and Happy Easter to all of you sweet kindred! So very relaxing catching up with each of you here before turning in. I'm sure you'll all soon be busy with family, friends, Sunday services, egg hunts ... and cooking! As will I, so I wanted to take a moment and thank you each for your uniquely special presence in my life. All blessings counted daily that resonates all the more within my heart on Resurrection Day. Pretty sure I would not be here at all to enjoy any of life’s blessings without that amazing saving grace. 


Agnes, how I would have loved to be able to accompany our brother to VA and spend some time with you and our other beloved friends next week. Just not possible for me right now with this work for the school children looming large. May the Lord guide us along. We'll all be together soon enough, though - with much to catch up on! Including Marcia's happy news!! Maybe there will be progress there to celebrate during our reunion. 


MsLomo, you tickle me so with visions of chocolate icing bowls to test and retest! That cake looks so moist and delicious. I'll be doing my own testing and sampling very soon. This I can promise you. I hope your husband’s procedures are behind him now and he's game for enjoying the feast I’m sure you're preparing. 


Snappy, I bet your DD can whip that cake up! Perhaps during her vacation. You both deserve a special treat. I'm so happy her sister is managing so well so soon after her surgery. I used to have the sweetest cocker spaniel named Maggie. Wow. Must have been 20 years ago now. Yet I can still close my eyes and see her precious little face. Those enormous pools of deep chocolate eyes peering up into mine.


I'm praying you'll be feeling up to the gathering on the 15th. How can it be that your GGD is 9-months old and cute's GGS is already 3-months old? Time is on overdrive, it seems to me. Our oldest son, Daniel will be finishing up at the culinary institute in June. His fiancée, too. They want to get established in their careers before marrying ... and then, I can hopefully look forward to my first grandchild. Between this, and the time it takes to finish our new house, I may not have much time to experience the empty nest thing. I can hope! 😉


Anu, great minds and all that ... though I have to say, you have bested me again! I so want your quiche more than this one I will double for our breakfast: 




Ham, Pineapple and Cheddar Quiche 




3 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened
1 1/4 cups Original Bisquick™ mix
2 tablespoons boiling water


1 1/2 cups shredded sharp Cheddar cheese (6 oz)
3/4 cup finely chopped cooked ham (4 oz)
3 medium green onions, sliced (3 tablespoons)
1 can (8 oz) pineapple tidbits in juice, well drained
3 eggs
3/4 cup half-and-half
1/4 teaspoon white pepper


Heat oven to 350°F. Spray 9-inch glass pie plate with cooking spray.


In medium bowl, cut butter into Bisquick mix, using pastry blender (or pulling 2 table knives through ingredients in opposite directions), until crumbly. Add boiling water; stir vigorously until soft dough forms.


Press dough on bottom and up side of pie plate, using fingers dipped in Bisquick mix, forming edge on rim of pie plate.

Sprinkle cheese, ham, onions and pineapple in crust. In medium bowl, beat eggs, half-and-half and pepper until blended. Pour into crust.

Bake 40 to 45 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.




Love and peace of grace to all always! 💛