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Dear WaJa, it's always a treat to hear from you and get caught up a bit on what's happening where you are. It's hard to imagine Gracie being old enough to even think about lipstick! I think her mom found a good compromise for now.

Sorry your DDIL has pain. My sis says her joint pain is indeed from the shots that boost her immune system. I think it's better than having pneumona which happened to her the first round when she didn't get those shots. This week she is free of treatments.

She and a couple of her kids went to a pottery store and made coffee mugs. You paint them and they fire them for you. I believe she wears a mask whenever she is out of the house. Her next treatment is on the 8th. Sometime after that they will do a PET scan to see what effect the chemo is having on her tumors. I hope they are GONE.


My sister has the medical alert to wear around her neck and one in the shower. She had been falling a lot and both the blood clots she had were the result of injuries sustained when she did. I've thought about it, yes. I do keep my cell phone right by me.

We got the RING. I can step out on the front porch and speak to DD who gets the message at work. I also text her to let her know I'm okay. I told her to get a nanny cam so she can watch where I'm spending the day, but she seems to think that would be invading my provacy. I wouldn't care at all. Maybe it will happen.

This morning I wasn't able to stand in the shower long enough to dry myself. I had to step out and sit on the loo to dry myself. I had forgotten to put the robe close by.

I have to devise ways to help myself. Seconds count. This morning I had my meds and oatmeal before I tried the shower. After that, I spent time with the Lord and then I had enough strength to get the sheets off the bed and into the washer.


DD#1 had a colonoscopy and an upper GI scope this morning. Her ucer is healed, thank the Lord, they found 2 small polyps and removed them. She's home, after having breakfast out with her hubby.


I'm grateful for the weekend so DD#2 can sleep in and recoup. She is going to stop at Subway for sammies on the way home. I really like the turkey on flat bread.


I'm so glad your job allows you to swim and that it helps your aches and pains.

We know that was the Lord's provision for you in so many ways. You are such a darling.

Thank you for praying and for posting, Hope you have a wonderful weekend,

snappy Smiley Happy

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Hi there, Selah, it's in the mid 70s here. I know it's ideal weather which is why so many move out here,, but we so need rain.

I haven't heard anthing about schools closing because of the flu. DD didn't get the shot, but I did. She was so worried I would catch it from her, but the Lord protected me.

We talked about how hard it is for her to leave me here, but that if I were to move into an assisted living place it would be way more stressful than it is. I can still take care of myself without help, but the day may come when I need to find someone to come in a few hours a day. I think my insurance would help me find such a person we could trust.

Today I was unable to stand long enough to dry myself off in the shower, so I just put the towel on the loo and sat down to do it. It worked out okay, although I can tweak it so it's easier. Some days I don't have enough of what it takes to even try.


DD#1 had her colonoscopy and upper GI scope this morning. Her ulcer is healed, and they found and removed 2 small polyps. It was a blessing that the GI doc insisted on the tests after hearing that my sis has colorectal cancer. My doc has told me that it takes about 10 years for them to become cancer. I don't think she has heard about the hip scan, but it could very well be what you think.

Her dog is borred. Nobody to play with or take her on long walks! How funny is that?


No, my bracelet didn't have a magnetic closure, but nice try. It was a rope style.

I'm at peace about it. I'd be happy if it turned up somewhere, but am okay.


What a kick readng about your GS's igloo. Hope you do get to visit for a while.

My baby's mom does send me little videos of her. I see her crawling and drinking from her sippy cup and then making the "raspberry" sound. So funny. The doc told her it's time to get off the bottle so they are working at it.


Sorry that Lurky is having RA pain. What a jewel she is. Working hard to help others in need. Say hello to HiLo if you speak with her. Sometimes she posts here or on Widows. Always a pleasure to hear from her.


Enjoy your weekend,

snappy Smiley Happy


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Hi Lurky, you are a lifter upper as always. I can imagine you getting bored chopping all those veggies but you do it for love. It's nice that you have some time to fellowship with others and listen to praise music. That's what I do too. Can't stand to watch much of the news, and there's no reason to wallow in it. Much better to have my mind filled with the Word. One song says "we breathe in grace, we breathe out praise". I love that.

Every breath is a gift of His grace.


I am sad to learn that dear Bobbi is having trouble giving up smoking. It must have a very powerful hold on people. I was thrilled to know that Samuel is home! She asked several times that we would pray for him. The Lord answered. I'm thankful he is there and do hope he is a help to her.


Yes, DD has arthritis. When they did her knee surgery, they cleared out as much of it as possible, so it likely is in her hip. I don't know what they will do about it. My DDIL is having knee replacement surgery on Monday. She has so much pain in her body, but keeps on keeping on. I pray this will solve at least that problem for her.

Thank you for praying for my GD and the baby girl she is carrying. It will be so much fun to see the two little girls together. Wish I could watch them grow up, but am thankful for their great aunties who will and who will guide them spiritually.


Glad your foot got better, and pray the rest of you will also. It's good you have found ways to fill your time with nice programs. I found the Hillsong Channel where there is some good teaching. Some I don't consider to be, but it's a blessing to hear what I enjoy. My internet radio is working now and I have the ability to give thumbs up or down to songs. I take advantage of that now and then. That way they put together a personalized program of music since they learn what you like and don't.


Am grateful that school is out for the day and DD has the weekend. There's a lot to do around here, but she can sleep in and see for herself that  I'm okay.


snappy Heart

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Dear, dear MsLomo....oh, how much I praise the Lord for your wonderful news.!!!!!

You must feel like the weight of the world fell off your back. It's just the very best possible outcome, and we are all grateful. You matter so much to us and of course to your family who are most certainly thrilled as well.

Does this mean you don't have to maintain voice "silence" for days????

So glad you are at home.


snappy Heart

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Hi cute, I'm so happy to see you today. Sorry you and your dear hubby have had some sort of bug, but it's smart to stay inside and rest until it is gone. Glad you don't have any snow or ice. I know you don't like that. Cold is easy. Just pile on the layers.

It's in the 70s out here today.

Do you like to watch the Super Bowl? If so, do you have a favorite team this year?

I used to be more interested in sports than I am now. I loved NASCAR when Carl Edwards was driving, but now I don't care anymore.

My little baby GD is crawling. I have a little video of her. She was attracted to a shiny toy and determined to get to it She is also trying to pull herself up to stand.

I'd love to see her, but they would need to come here and they are busy and live at a distance.

Take care of yourselves there and know that one day soon you will be out driving Maybelline around town waving and blowing kisses, pony tail flying!!


snappy Cat Happy

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MsLomo, I was reading (and hearting) posts here last night by cell phone. When I got to yours; I first breathed thanks to God, then put the TV on mute to share it with the family. (We pray together, you see.) Everyone is so elated and relieved for you! My mother, Winona did a short praise song and dance in her native Cheyenne tongue, giving thanks to our Lord and Savior for prayers answered on your behalf. Having survived cancer, she knows the fear and the ultimate relief intimately. 


No surgery required. Just gone!


Could anything be better? I know that you and yours are counting your mutual blessings. I hope you celebrate somehow! Which ever way you most enjoy. May the peace of grace continue to guide you and be reflected through you. 💜


Snappy, we're likewise offering our thanks on your daughter's behalf! Her ulcer has healed - so quickly, too! Hoping her colonoscopy and other test results come back looking good, too.


I think you are wisest in planning for a potential time when you may need a bit of in home assistance, rather than seeking out care facilities. Sure your daughter would worry more with you away - so would I, with either parent. Would be much more cost effective to have an aide come there, as needed, too. Then to be erring on the side of caution; the closed security cam can be considered. (Your dd may worry that those connected to the internet can be hacked, and they certainly can be.) Not only for your personal protection, but to safe guard against theft. We hear of it too often. You will want to hire someone through a well-established, bonded agency, if and when the time comes. 


I pray your DIL's surgery brings her lasting relief. This is your darling GGD's grandmother, correct? All the abbreviations throw me sometimes when I am leading us in group prayer. Your only son's wife, I believe, who has lived with so much pain for too long. I'm sure besides caring for herself, her home and other duties ... she would love to be able to hold and play with her only (so far) granddaughter. May God grant her this blessing.


I look forward to the day myself, when our oldest son, Daniel  marries his fiancée, Harper and they begin their family. I now have my days when I miss those times when my sons were toddling about under foot, so I must be coming into my grandmother cycle. Note that it wouldn't shock me in the least if my first grandchild comes through our youngest, Joseph, who is so much more spontaneous than his brother. Naturally less mature, too. Will cross that bridge if and when we come to it. Joy assures me constantly that he's behaving himself up there and making us proud, but bless her tender heart ... She cannot be in all places, so I remain concerned. I'm practicing the discipline to cast concerns to the Lord, before they become worries which linger and help no one. Bless you always! 💜



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Ruth Ann, (Lurky) if Winona hasn't told you on Delphi already ... She is already growing very attached to this visiting cat, which I fear does indeed belong to someone. Possibly it wandered over from the nearby reservation, as there are many cats (dogs, horses, cattle, chickens, etc.) there among the residents. She has been calling her Mosi, which just means "cat" and she did, after all, just mosey on over, and could likewise mosey right back.


The problem with keeping strays, as you well know ... is that we have no idea which vaccines it may have already had. It's been a long time since I had a cat, but I recall that they require the core vaccines (feline panleukopenia [distemper], feline viral rhinotracheitis, feline calicivirus and rabies.) Is it every 3 years? Then for indoor/outdoor felines, (which this one could be) it's also recommended they have the noncore vaccines (feline leukemia [FeLV], feline infectious peritonitis [FIP], Bordetella and Chlamydophila). I don't know how often, as my previous cats were all indoor. We don't know this beauty's age, but I assume the vet can tell us roughly. I know your Smoky goes out often, there on your brother's farm, and laws vary by states, too ... But how often does Smoky have to get shots?


I also recall they need to be checked and often treated for worms and other parasites that can also cause health risks for humans occupying the same space. Since the chemo and radiation, my mother has to be so careful and it concerns me that this unfamiliar visitor is being allowed to climb all over her, lick her face, etc. She certainly appears healthy, but I know that can be deceiving. I also know that many on the res' treasure their pets, as we all do, but most lack the funding to give them proper medical care. 


Should Winona mention Mosi to you, I know I can rely on you to gently caution her, as we have tried. She poo-poos us, claiming her instincts assure her of the cat's healthy state. You have been there with Smoky, who found you - and you are her peer and trusted friend. I offer my thanks in advance. 💜 


Joy, here is an idea for your consideration: since Selah has the traveling itch and you so love to design and decorate ... Won't you trade places with her, when you are done there with the resort, and save me from myself?! She still has renovation burn-out and no patience for my tedious indecision. Chay is becoming annoyed with me, too, and is no help with his: "whatever you like is fine" - when we both know, that may not be so once the house is built and lived in a bit. My eyes are glazing over from so much careful study of designs, including online, such as that mutha' of all time consumers - Pinterest! I have the budget and the basics - you and I are truly kindred when it comes to detailing and you know my tastes as well as I do. We can then present this to the contractor, since the time is drawing near to measure for and lay the foundation. 


Oh, and Elk says to bring Will and Reuben as they have plans of their own to flesh out. (I am not EVEN asking! More concern casting ... ) 😁


Are you and Will planning to steal away for your anniversary/V'day this year? Perhaps after that, if you are traveling and before you leave for Israel. I will understand if you can't or don't want to, so please don't feel obligated in any way. 


Also, please consider wearing the mask when visiting with the sick along your charity route - for your good, as well as Suze's. This flu, which is not covered by the vaccine is horrendous and the cases are yet growing. Twenty more flu-related deaths in the last week here in NC, bringing the total count to 95. It is far from peaking yet. 💜


Everyone, stay well and safe, I pray! Enjoy the Super Bowl, if you watch. I won't be, but I'm in charge of making the hot wings and blue cheese dip. How did that happen? 😘




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@MsLomo wrote:


@MsLomo ~ I couldn’t be happier and more relieved for you and all who love you, including we your “hello family” here!! Thank you so much for sharing this best of all news with us. Makes my heart sing with praises of humble gratitude to our merciful Lord! How great He is!! 


Our Agnes is sick with the flu or some other terrible bug, so I found this to post for our celebration: 




Champagne with strawberries! ❤️


(This brand won't go to your head and make you dizzy, Lurky.)


My husband has a metal detector. Maybe Flo will transport it and us to Snappy's so we can treasure hunt for that bracelet. 😉 


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Dear Snappy ~ Sunday blessings to you and yours! I hope you are getting some rain over there in CA. We began with sleet this morning, but it quickly turned to rain and is really pouring now. I hope I don’t lose my WiFi signal before I get this posted. I know you will pray for our Agnes, who has come down with something that began with a scratchy throat. Has advanced into what sounds like a terrible head cold, with a hacking cough. She stayed home from church, not wanting to spread it around, and of course Darrel stayed with her. She'll hopefully be seen by the doctor tomorrow. All that extra training with rigorous drills for her security job really pushed her to the limits, and a few at her workplace has been sick, too. 


Gracie takes dance lessons and some of the older girls there (tweens) use the shiny, tinted, flavored lip glosses. Hence she wants to, too. From what I see there at the school; they mostly keep licking it off and re-applying it habitually. I’m sure it tastes good, but I have no idea as to its health risks, if any. I agree with you and Suze... the lip balm is a good compromise. I know her daddy doesn’t want the “slime” on her lips ~ especially when she kisses him. And she is still very much a kissy-face, affectionate little thing. I bet your GGD will be, too! She sounds so open-hearted and expressive already. 😇


I told Suze to ask her endocrinologist (she has seven specialists to keep up with!) if those shots could be contributing to her pain. She  said she will, but it's rather irrelevant since she has to have them. Blessed will be the day, when safe, non-addictive pain relievers are available for all who suffer so. Lord knows... I am praying for your DIL's surgery, and results. Always for dear Shirley, too. How is her son holding up? 


So much of what you share here takes me back to when I was caring for my mother here at home. I'm sure you recall how she had Parkinson’s, then developed colorectal cancer, too. That is what took her Home, despite the treatments, but we were told the odds were very low to begin with. Ever since, my older brother, younger sister and I have had to have those colonoscopies on schedule, too. Soon enough my kids will. I sure hope they will follow through since early detection is vital to successful treatment. It sounds like your DD1 passed with flying colors, PTL! Plus the ulcer has healed. 


I wish we would have had some of this technology around back when Momma was here. Thankfully, I was privileged enough to take the time out from working (not everyone has that luxury) and my husband, teen children, dear Becky and our church family all helped with the household chores, the farm/ranch, shopping, etc. The Lord provided! Otherwise, I may have had to let Momma go into assisted living, or later... a nursing home. It was her greatest fear, being such a modest, kind of introverted woman. I thank Jesus that she didn’t have to be cared for by strangers, until at the very end, when hospice graced us by coming in.


I'll never regret seeing her out of this world, as she brought me into it. Wouldn’t change a thing in hindsight. You have such a close and loving relationship with all of your kids, especially DD2, so I'm assured that come what may in the future, you'll always have the very best of care. I'm going to pray that if you need a medical aide ~ or a housekeeper to free up time so your DD can assist you with bathing, and other personal needs... that our Lord will send the perfect one.


There is also hope that you will get stronger through medical advances, so I won’t cease from asking. I thank Him for watching over you and giving you the strength to accomplish what you need to daily. You are so precious to me and always will be! ❤️ Please give DD2 my best, too and tell her my prayers are with her to be able to work until her full benefits kick in. 


Chat more soon! 🌷





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Rowan, love... until I can get there for a weekend, stop looking at the house project as a construction job with the deadline. You are an artist at heart, so use your God-given gifts! You paint ~ think bones for structure. 


Put all those ideas from others aside right now. Too much influence is as worthless as none.


Sit alone and journey back through your previous house in your mind. Make a list of everything you loved about it, and everything you didn’t. 


Process of elimination. Toss out all that the new house won’t need for your new lifestyle. Then add anything new your family will require. 


Then, room by room ~ including access ~ visual projection by functionality. Aesthetics will come later. Consider it will be your forever home as you'll age. Necessities for safety, security, practically, ease of organization, etc. Senior ready baths for your parents and possibly yourselves later. 


This will be the lay-out the contractor needs to begin. How many rooms, their square footage and location. Lighting, including windows location and size. Entry doors according to driveway, garage, etc. Porches and decks. Storage space, including for AC/Heat and duct work. Water heater and treatment/softener if necessary.


Wire (think nerves) for the finished project, including outside security lighting, cameras, etc. Home generator system wired to kick on during power outages. It will save you a lot of time and money later.


Plumbing (think veins): you garden ~ plan for multiple outdoor water spigots, according to where you plan your various gardens. If you going to stable horses ~ run those water pipes, electricity, propane heat lines, etc. during this construction. You don’t want to pay them to return and have to dig up the yard.


Barn, sheds, garage ~ likewise. Design them around what you'll fill them with. 


Everything else is superficial and can always be easily altered. Get the bones and guts right first. As they build upon your vision; you'll begin to fully see it manifest to completion. You'll be designing away by then! 


I fear you're right about Mosi. That lovable kitty is someone's lost pet who got out, wandered away and is lost. That's no stray or feral cat. The owner maybe couldn’t afford the required vaccines and kept her in. If no one claims her (from Selah's posted signs) you will definitely want to tske her to the vet to be tested for all those things you've mentioned here, plus have her spayed, if she hasn’t been. If she was vaccinated as a kitten, she is due for more by now. Yes, 3 years for most ~ yearly for others. The problem with neglecting the rabies shot for indoor kitties, is that they sometines  get out like this. Or, I’ve even heard of one case where a bat got into a friend's house, bit their house cat. Turned out to not have rabies, but it might have! 


Ideally when taking in a strange cat, it's advised to keep it in one room, isolated from people and other pets until it's been checked out well by a vet. Too late for that now, but considering your dear mother's weakened immune system, I would not delay. So you may pay the vet, and someone will later come and claim the cat... still better safe than sorry. The vaccines won’t hurt the cat. They work by exposing the immune system to the virus or toxin that the virus produces, so that the cat's immune system can recognize it. If you vaccinate her and she's previously been vaccinated, her immune system will just produce antibodies against it more quickly than after the initial vaccine.


I see Winona has posted a beautiful pic of herself holding Mosi on Delphi. I'll ask Jodi to pop over with gentle advice. I know Winona is aware of her vet practice, having met and talked with her at length. 


I'll call soon about our visit ~ so excited! I know that Elk, Will and Reuben have plans regarding the heirloom seeds... beyond that, further plots are a mystery to me, too. 😜 My first guess would be... it involves fishing! 🎣 


Much love to you and all our friends here! 💐