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Re: You're Kidding Me--Unwanted Company Continued!

@wagirl   -  I haven't the heart to tell him where there is one wolf spider there are more...many more.  

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Re: You're Kidding Me--Unwanted Company Continued!

[ Edited ]

@Desert Lily   When I found a snake in my house and it slithered down a hole in the foyer by the baseboard I called my exterminator. He said he was afraid of snakes. and only sprayed for insects. 
   Fortunately I found a can of clear silicon sealer and sealed all cracks in the foyer and slate floor. The snake knew that hole was there and slithered to it with me hitting at him.   Exterminator had no solution. 
              🧹 🪱 🏃‍♀️

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Re: You're Kidding Me--Unwanted Company Continued!

@ECBG wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

@ECBG wrote:

On the other side of the coin, no mice!

I thought you had a couple of pet mice? A few years ago?



When everything was hibernating, we had Stumpy and Sadie Lou.  They went into the wooded area one warm spring day.



Yes @ECBG . I remember and one came back. One of them had babies.😳🥺

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Re: You're Kidding Me--Unwanted Company Continued!

Eeekkkkk!!! While a snake has never fallen on me, a starled gecko once lost it's footing and landed on my head and oh, my!! I'm not sure which of us was more horrified, lol. That little gecko felt like the size of Godzilla on my head and I let out a trumpeting sound not unlike a charging elephant!
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Re: You're Kidding Me--Unwanted Company Continued!

@ECBG wrote:

DH was in the basement (Man Cave) and 2 black snakes were in the "throws of rapture" and fell out of the ceiling next to him!


He got one out, but it will be back!

@ECBG Oh, heck, no. There is no way I would be staying in that house until that critter and who knows how many others have been caught and I was given the "all clear".



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Re: You're Kidding Me--Unwanted Company Continued!

[ Edited ]

@LuvSoCal wrote:

@ECBG wrote:

DH was in the basement (Man Cave) and 2 black snakes were in the "throws of rapture" and fell out of the ceiling next to him!


He got one out, but it will be back!

@ECBG Oh, heck, no. There is no way I would be staying in that house until that critter and who knows how many others have been caught and I was given the "all clear".





A black snake doesn't want us either.  No way they (he) can make it up the basement steps.

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Re: You're Kidding Me--Unwanted Company Continued!

Well, that was a once in your life experience.  What a story.  it made me laugh.


I remember when I was young...maybe five or so, a garter snake hitched a ride inside my mother's clothes basket.  We saw is slither out and try to slide across her waxed kitchen floor.


My mother was deathly afraid of snakes and she became hysterical.  I offered to take it outside, but she stopped me.


She made my father come home from work to remove it.  I used to go snake hunting with my father and put them in a shoe box and study them for the day.  My mother was horrified.


My two sisters inherited my mother's fear of snakes.  I am still intrigued by them.


I'd rather encounter a snake than a spider or centipede.



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Re: You're Kidding Me--Unwanted Company Continued!

@DrakesMomma ---eeeeeek---by all means--burn it to the ground!!!!Woman Embarassed a horror film for sure!!!

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Re: You're Kidding Me--Unwanted Company Continued!

@wagirl   Smiley LOL

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Re: You're Kidding Me--Unwanted Company Continued!

I haven't gotten past the first page of this thread but in case no one has mentioned it, you can buy a product to put around your property's perimeter to keep snakes away.