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Xmas Decorations AFTER Halloween? Really???

I know retail stores do this, but private homes?

What happened to Thanksgiving?

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Re: Xmas Decorations AFTER Halloween? Really???

@RinaRina wrote:

I know retail stores do this, but private homes?

What happened to Thanksgiving?

Private means just that.  No approval needed by outsiders.

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Re: Xmas Decorations AFTER Halloween? Really???

Well, here's my excuse.  I have a hard time bending and lifting and getting on my knees for a long period of time.  So I have to start early so I can get done in time to enjoy my Christmas.  I decorate to the hilt in my home, not just in the tree room.  We put a large tree in the living room and a 5 foot tree in 2 bedrooms and a 5foot in the corner or my dining room. Plus I take everything off the tables and shelves and decorate them.  It takes me a long time to do all this.  And I won't quit as long as I can move.  But I love Christmas and all we do at Thanksgiving is eat. After dinner we all go out and put the outside decorations in the yard.  It's not much but I love it.  And we have fun doing it.  Now on the inside husband does the lugging of boxes and I do all the decorating.  No one else is allowed to help because it's my own and I love it.  Sorry this got so long.  But I'm not a fan of the Q putting it on so early.

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Re: Xmas Decorations AFTER Halloween? Really???

One more reason is that this year Thanksgiving is only 3 weeks before Christmas leaving that much shorter a span to decorate before Christmas. 


I'm decorating next weekend, a week before Thanksgiving.

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Re: Xmas Decorations AFTER Halloween? Really???

I believe it started with retailers who quite naturally have to decorate for Christmas in Sept or Oct because they are selling the things that people need for the holidays.  And craft stores who decorate in the summer because that is when crafters start making the holiday items.  That's where it started and then individuals started doing it too.  It's bizarre.  Retailers weren't telling people to skip from Halloween right to Christmas but an increasing number of people do it now.  They just go where they retailers lead them.  I was thinking about that with the QF cookie party, huhhh???  Who the heck eats Christmas cookies in mid November????  What was the big rush?    Thanksgiving definitely is losing it's meaning and it's importance.  But, we respect our history and traditions in my family so Thanksgiving is still a big, dress up, family holiday for us.  My grandchildren and my great niece are still young but next year, I'm going to revive the tradition of Pilgrim hats and Native American headress for the kids.  The kids make them and wear them at dinner and that leads to a discussion about the Pilgrims and the Mayflower and friendship and sharing and why we celebrate Thanksgiving.  

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Re: Xmas Decorations AFTER Halloween? Really???

I think people take their cues, subconsciously perhaps, from retail stores, especially supermarkets and drug stores.  If you went into one of those on November 1, the Halloween candy and merchandise had been put away already, replaced by everything Christmas.  It's a remarkable overnight transformation.

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Re: Xmas Decorations AFTER Halloween? Really???

I don't mind. So much happening in the world today, I like the bright lights, sparkle and gift giving Smiley Happy Puts a little pep-in-my-step, a little more cheer in the air.

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Re: Xmas Decorations AFTER Halloween? Really???

[ Edited ]

Yes, it all started because the stores started early, all sellers of everything started earlier and earlier with advertising, and people just fell into the trap.


If people want to do that, sure, it's totally an individual thing.  And I do understand that if you like to do a lot of decorating, etc., it makes some sense to start early.


It just isn't what I enjoy though, so I can't imagine decorating for Christmas until Thanksgivng has passed.  I just personally like to keep my holidays separate and special in  that way. I have a lot of fall and harvest-y things around, and that to me, is Thanksgiving.


I do start right after Thanksgiving these years though.  And that is quite different from when I was growing up, and decorating didn't start until maybe a week or two before Christmas.

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Re: Xmas Decorations AFTER Halloween? Really???

@RinaRina wrote:

I know retail stores do this, but private homes?

What happened to Thanksgiving?

@RinaRina  Thanksgiving is not a big decor holiday like Halloween or Christmas. If you decorate for Harvest, you basically have decorated for Thanksgoving. You don't see homes full of pilgrim statues and turkeys like you see Jack 'o lanterns and Christmas Trees. I don't know anyone who is hardcore serious about decorating for Christmas who waits until after Thanksgiving. There's too much lifting, decorating, and cleaning to getting it done that is not worth only having everything displayed for only a few weeks. If you're not hosting Thanksgiving, it's especially easy to start early, as you don have to worry about a relative complaining that you've skipped the holiday that truly only consists of a turkey dinner your male relatives falling asleep in the living room. Thanksgiving is just a day. Christmas is a season,

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Re: Xmas Decorations AFTER Halloween? Really???

[ Edited ]

For me it has nothing to do with what any retailers are doing.  We decorated early this year because last year we missed out - we were both sick all of December and didn't have it in us to decorate.  And we really missed it.  I wasn't going to have that happen this year.


I don't decorate for Thanksgiving.  Unless a nice tablecloth counts.


ETA - one year we also put up the tree in April - he was being deployed and we knew he wouldn't be home for Christmas, and I wanted him to enjoy it for a bit.  Each person should do what makes themselves happy.