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Re: When a friend hurts your feelings?

I understand !  have a "friend" like this also. She doesn't have much of a filter, just shake my head at some of the things she has said and done over the years. I don't think she has very many friends because of it. She can be very abrasive and harsh. But, she has a side that is fun to hang out with in small doses. Any more than that, has a toxic effect.

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Re: When a friend hurts your feelings?

If she's been this way since you've known her, she's probably not going to change.  I would cut back my time with her.  If she asks why, I'd tell her.  Your comments hurt my feelings.  She sounds like her own worst enemy.  If she ends up alone, that's on her. 

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Re: When a friend hurts your feelings?

@GCR18 wrote:

If she's been this way since you've known her, she's probably not going to change.  I would cut back my time with her.  If she asks why, I'd tell her.  Your comments hurt my feelings.  She sounds like her own worst enemy.  If she ends up alone, that's on her. 

@GCR18  Amen.

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Re: When a friend hurts your feelings?

@TX-starlight wrote:

Tks all... She has been like this all her life. We have been friends since 1st grade. I have tried to be the "buffer" between our other friends, she in her older age, she has only gotten worse. She is very negative, and for this reason, I have tried to distance myself some. I think I feel sorry for her, she doesn't have much family & few friends, but it's becoming irritating to me. I never say hurtful/confrontational things, & not sure where this comes from in her. 

Been there, done that, finally decided to get a new hobby.  I simply got tired of being the buffer and it dawned on me that the "buffer" is the one who gets buffeted.  See less of her and be happier! 

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Re: When a friend hurts your feelings?

@NycVixen  "She even insults my lovebird whom she has never met because I can't tell if it's a boy or girl (it's how the species is). She laughs and says it's a he/she and probably gay. How is this acceptable?"


What???? OMG............!

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Re: When a friend hurts your feelings?

If you already know that telling her how rude she is would only make things "worse," you need to ask yourself why you consider her a "close" friend in the first place.

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Re: When a friend hurts your feelings?

@NycVixen wrote:

@occasionalrain wrote:

@NycVixen wrote:

@TX-starlight  This is exactly my mother. Exactly. Her 'close' friend of about 30-35 years had a stroke recently and she called me to say it was her fault for not taking her medication. That is all she focused on and she went on to say that as soon as she came out of her coma she would tell her it was all her fault. I put my mom in her place.


I've realized too late it's a lost cause with people like this. Cut her off and run for the hills. It's not worth it. Trust me. I've recently set boundaries and told her straight up that unless she treats me with respect and stops all the criticism I'm done with her. She always sabotages my happiness and self-esteem and I'm done. 


Don't waste your energy telling her how she is. Just make a clean break and walk away.


She will never change nor accept fault for her ways. My mother never does. Just a couple of days ago, she told me that the reason we don't get along is because I'm her daughter; sons love their mothers more. I said, "So it's not because of how you talk to me? You think my husband and his mother get along only because he's a man? It's not because she doesn't talk to him and treat him how you treat me?  She insisted that was not the reason. 


They are lost causes. They blame everyone else. Now it's my fault because I'm a woman. Unbelievable and egregious. 


Run, RUN AWAY!! Don't waste more time out of your life with this toxic person.

What your mother said about her friend is true and what others, including her doctor, are thinking, just not saying. If you said to her, "true and I'm sure she knows and would rather not be reminded", your conversations with her would be less confrontational. Your mother is someone who hasn't a filter, she says what she thinks. 

I believe she is an example of someone who is said to be honest to a fault.

@occasionalrain  I strongly disagree. My mother has no idea why she had a stroke. She never spoke to any doctor or her family to come to this conclusion. She never showed any empathy or concern for the fact that her friend had a stoke, was in a coma and almost died had her son not found her in time.


To date, she has never said anything positive about it. She stopped going to see her because 'it's too hard for her to see her in that state'. It's always about how she feels. She doesn't stop to think how her friend must feel that people stop going to visit or that she needs support from family and friends more than ever.


Everything in life is about balance. There is no balance. People like my mom and the OP's friend only focus and spew negativity. That is the problem.


I've tried everything with my mother. I used to just take it, let her say whatever she wanted, tried ignoring her, tried telling her in a gentle way - I'm NOT the problem; she's the problem. She has a contentious relationship with EVERYONE. She even insults my lovebird whom she has never met because I can't tell if it's a boy or girl (it's how the species is). She laughs and says it's a he/she and probably gay. How is this acceptable?


It's confrontational now because I defend myself; because I stand up for myself. Because I said enough is enough. 


My mother doesn't just not have a filter; she seems to lack a heart. She seems to lack humanity. You don't tell your daughter who just had a miscarriage over and over that it was her fault for getting on a plane (I was cleared to fly by a doctor) and tell her when Mother's Day comes around a few months later that she should be over it by now. 


She has not once offered a hug, to cry with me, given support or understanding whenever I've had adversity in my life. She's either caused it or made it worse.


@TX-starlight . Like I said, RUN. If it was just a friend I would've parted ways a long time ago. Some relationships are too one sided and painful to maintain them just because we should somehow have different kinds of friends. These are not friends but wolves in sheep's clothing. They need people to put down in other to thrive.


They need someone to suck the life out of. I hope it's no longer you. It's no longer me.


I am so sorry that you've had to live like this, and I know exactly what you mean.  I have a very close friend who has a mother very much like yours, and I am well aware of the toll it has taken on her. 


People who haven't experienced it can't really understand.  There's a big difference between being honest and being the way they are.  Huge difference!  It took me a long time to understand, but now I get it.  My friend calls me crying out of frustration all the time, and I've heard every story, every cruelty, every bit of selfishness, and I'm outraged at the way my dear, sweet, kind friend is made to feel by her own mother.


My friend is not as astute or as strong as you are, and I wish she was because it rules her life.  I hung on every word you wrote.  It really touched me, and I wish you the best.

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Re: When a friend hurts your feelings?

@occasionalrain wrote:

@NycVixen wrote:

@TX-starlight  This is exactly my mother. Exactly. Her 'close' friend of about 30-35 years had a stroke recently and she called me to say it was her fault for not taking her medication. That is all she focused on and she went on to say that as soon as she came out of her coma she would tell her it was all her fault. I put my mom in her place.


I've realized too late it's a lost cause with people like this. Cut her off and run for the hills. It's not worth it. Trust me. I've recently set boundaries and told her straight up that unless she treats me with respect and stops all the criticism I'm done with her. She always sabotages my happiness and self-esteem and I'm done. 


Don't waste your energy telling her how she is. Just make a clean break and walk away.


She will never change nor accept fault for her ways. My mother never does. Just a couple of days ago, she told me that the reason we don't get along is because I'm her daughter; sons love their mothers more. I said, "So it's not because of how you talk to me? You think my husband and his mother get along only because he's a man? It's not because she doesn't talk to him and treat him how you treat me?  She insisted that was not the reason. 


They are lost causes. They blame everyone else. Now it's my fault because I'm a woman. Unbelievable and egregious. 


Run, RUN AWAY!! Don't waste more time out of your life with this toxic person.

What your mother said about her friend is true and what others, including her doctor, are thinking, just not saying. If you said to her, "true and I'm sure she knows and would rather not be reminded", your conversations with her would be less confrontational. Your mother is someone who hasn't a filter, she says what she thinks. 

I believe she is an example of someone who is said to be honest to a fault.


How do you know that it's true, and how do you know what her doctor was thinking? There are many reasons for a stroke that have nothing to do with not taking medication.  

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Re: When a friend hurts your feelings?

I think it is very unfair to stop,contact with this person without a explanation of why or giving her a opportunity to correct her hurtful behavior.  YOu have accepted her as she is for many, many years without expressing your feelings and to simply drop her cold without a reason is not right.  YOu have allowed her to run roughshod over your feelings and never spoken up.  IS that her fault or does a good portion of the blame lie with you?  IF she didn't know she was offending you then why should she attempt to change.  Put on your big girl,panties and the next time she says something mean, offensive, rude or insulting use it as a opening to tell her how you feel.  You probably will have to do this more than once each time she repeats her behavior.  GIve her a chance to change.   IF after several attempts and you do not see any change then you need to tell her up front that you cannot continue to have a relationship.

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Re: When a friend hurts your feelings?

I had what I thought was a dear friend, but she would at times say very rude, hard and caustic things to me.  She would give her opinions about personal things which she had no business doing, and act like she had the right to inform me when she thought I or my husband was really stupid or wrong.  This went on for a very long time with me letting her get away with it.  But I would be so upset and hurt and just try and swallow my feelings.  Finally, she popped off with some things that I could not overlook and I told her she was stepping over the line and still she would not relent.  I even asked for an apology and she did not offer one.  So, I told her I was done with her and the frienship, and that was that.  Yes, it hurt me and still hurts that she did not think more of me than that, but I have to realize that if the friendship meant anything to her, she would have acknowledged, owned up to what she said and then offered a sincere apology.  


I think you have to ask yourself, is this "frienship" worth this constant flow of insulting and painful comments and lack of care for how she treats you.  If, you want to say somethng to her and feel she will be responsive, then you can try to do so.  If, after this, she continues, well, I think you can see that she is toxic and really, who needs more of this in life?  I sure don't.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin