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I was about 2 years old and I do have vague nemories of it,especially  the color of the linoleum floor in the kitchen and my grandmother giving me cookies.   I told my mother about it as an adult and she was shocked I remembered that being so young. It was a big white Iowa farmhouse.  My grandparents raised 12 children there.

@ECBG  Your grandmother's cottage is so lovely,it belongs in a children's book.

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@ECBG:  When my grandfather bought this house, all 6 of my grandparents kids lived there too, including my mother and I. My mother was never around, so I became my grandmother's 7th child. As the youngest child, my aunts and uncles 'adopted' me as their little sister. I was very close with my grandmother. She fed me, made sure I got to school, stayed up with me when I couldn't sleep...did all the things a mother would do. She appeared to me after she passed approximately 20 years ago and told me she would still be with me, and I believe she is. In addition to loving this house, this was the only time I had a real family. 

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What a beautiful story.  You and I had an angel on earth.😇 

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@Xivambala      I have lived in Park Ridge, Il, three times in my life......during the 50's, 60's........and a brief time in the 90's.   l have a close friend who still lives there.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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I was raised in a military family and we moved "all the time".  (I went to 7 high schools).  I only met my maternal Grandmother and can only remember a couple of times at her home.  I have fond memories through the memories my Mom shared about growing up in the Ozarks.  My sister is an artist and when she was in college a professor gave them an assignment to paint a memory of a grandparent.  She painted an empty chair in front of the house next to hydrangea's. 

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Such a lovely memory of a Grandmother that loved you.  Thank you for sharing.

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Both of my grandmothers lived in the city.  My mother's mother lived in a tiny one bedroom apartment.  She had separated from my grandfather before I was born and then he died when I was three.  My grandmother and my aunt who is 20 years younger than my mother shared the one bedroom.  My father's mother lived in the row home my father grew up in until the early 1990s when she moved in with my aunt.  The neighborhood she lived in had changed demographically quite a bit.  My SIL's friends bought her house and did some major renovations.

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@Desertdi wrote:

@Xivambala      I have lived in Park Ridge, Il, three times in my life......during the 50's, 60's........and a brief time in the 90's.   l have a close friend who still lives there.


The house is at the corner of Northwest Hwy and Tomawadee Dr (was Lane when I lived there) in Park Ridge, IL. I've run in to people in my adult life who interestingly knew of this house.

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My grandparents lived in a large house (7 children) in a small town in upstate NY. It's still there, but in really shabby shape. I saw it a few years ago and it was sad. I remember playing in the yard and picking flowers as soon as they came up and getting he*l for doing it. There were 2 sets of stairs. One that was the main staircase and a set of "secret" stairs that led from the 3rd and 2nd floor to the kitchen. All the grandchildren played on the 2 landings. Nice memories.

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@Xivambala wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

@Xivambala      I have lived in Park Ridge, Il, three times in my life......during the 50's, 60's........and a brief time in the 90's.   l have a close friend who still lives there.


The house is at the corner of Northwest Hwy and Tomawadee Dr (was Lane when I lived there) in Park Ridge, IL. I've run in to people in my adult life who interestingly knew of this house.

@Xivambala   I was walking distance to the "uptown shopping area"......East of Prospect and North of Touhy.   I didn't go to Maine TWP HS, but I know quite a few who did.    (Not Hillary you-know-who).  I went to school in Chicago.   di

♥Surface of the Sun♥