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t haRe: When Was The Last Time

My grandmothers didn't have a house!  One lived with us.  One had her own apartment that I visited exactly twice in my life.  No fuzzy feelings for me either!!



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@MoJoV wrote:

I was about 2 years old and I do have vague nemories of it,especially  the color of the linoleum floor in the kitchen and my grandmother giving me cookies.   I told my mother about it as an adult and she was shocked I remembered that being so young. It was a big white Iowa farmhouse.  My grandparents raised 12 children there.

@ECBG  Your grandmother's cottage is so lovely,it belongs in a children's book.



Thank you.


Those big white beautiful farm houses are so wonderful!  I've never been in one, but they all look like they came out of a Christmas card.


I grew up at the bottom of the mountain looking up at the Blue Ridge Parkway.  I used to ride my horse up there.

This was my view from my bedroom window looking up from the bottom left corner.


See the source image



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I grew up in a big two-family house - my grand parents lived upstairs. I lived there until 1963 when I got married.  Last time I was there was about 1970.  


The house was demolished shortly thereafter - when the local hospital bought up quite a bit of the surrounding property when they expanded.

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@ECBG   Your grandmother's house was beautiful.  What a special treasure that painting must be for you.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack wrote:

@ECBG   Your grandmother's house was beautiful.  What a special treasure that painting must be for you.



I was in the garage with my Dad.  I asked him what kind of picture it was.  I remembered the house with the first walk in closet I had ever seen!  The house was built at the end of the 1940's.  He told me it was the architect's drawing.  I just loved it and asked if I could have it.  If I hadn't it would be lost to the family.


We lost my beautiful father to brain cancer.  My acidic step mother is living off of my grandmother's antiques.

I won't put anyone through anything further.  I did take steps to have peace.

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I only met my Father's Mother a couple of times as a child before she passed away. The last time I saw her was on a visit when we drove from Seattle to SanDiego to see her. No one flew on planes back was1968. I was about 13. 

Her house was Spanish style...tile roof...typical for San Diego. Dark inside....lots of old things...smelled old. Lots of plastic covering up the furniture. I remember  having to eat Soggy corn flakes and fresh squeezed Orange juice from oranges off her trees in the back yard. The orange juice was warm and mad me gag.  I still remember having to eat soggy corn flakes and warm OJ🤮

she was this tiny little Hungarian woman...I remember I towered over her at 13.  My memories are few...I wish I had had the chance to get to really know her. 🙁

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Re: When Was The Last Time

[ Edited ]

What wonderful memories for a lot of us. I was last in my grandmother and grandfather's house in the late 1950s before they sold it and moved to Florida (from Iowa). I remember and miss the bay window in grandmother's sewing room where she made so many of my clothes. Also the wonderful small kitchen in their farm home where she would open the oven door in the morning and light the oven to heat up the kitchen. And then there was the wonderful little pond that grandfather built for her -- with goldfish and surrounding flowers in the summer. She and I would sit on the porch swing in the afternoons and listen to the does coo in the pine trees surrounding their farm. They even had a bathroom on the 2nd floor with a tub, sink and commode....! The last time I made a trip up there, it broke my heart at how horrible their beautiful home looked. Some things are better kept in our memories.

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My grandmother and her sister lived in Miami Beach during their later years. They were both widowed and wanted warm weather. They bought their two bedroom condo for $15,000 in the late 1960s. That real estate exploded years later and is now known as SoBe, South Beach. I visited my grandmother, and my favorite aunt, often. They loved the Florida weather and all-year-round flowers.

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@ECBG I missed out on all the spoils of grandparents on both sides.  They passed away before I was born.  Your picture is lovely and I am glad you have treasured memories of days gone by.

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I remember my paternal grandparents home outside of Hagerstown,flag stone one story, high on a hill, above the interstate.  Last time I was in that house was probably 1966.  They owned a farm and built this house in the early 1950s.  Loved riding, playing with their brahim bull, picking up eggs and playing in the hay.