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We're in the  middle of a bathroom remodel and contractor had tile man lay tile and grouted on Fri. and left for the holiday.  We couldn't walk on it until Sun.  When we were able to enter the bathroom and walk on the floor we noticed severeral tiles significantly uneven and grout appeared to need more grout in some of the joints to look consistent. The ones that had less grout appeared darker because the grout was more sunken in.  I mentioned it this am and asked the tile installer if he could add grout so that it would appear the same.  I don't thiink he was very happy with me and now I think he is angry.  What would you do?  Was I wrong to mention this?  We're paying a lot of money for the remodel.  

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You need to talk to the contractor.  HE needs to deal with the tile person and make it right.  Even if it has to be ripped up and redone.


I hope you have not paid up front for the work. . . 


I am so so sorry this happened to you, and I know it is very upsetting and stressful!  I hope you get things worked out!  

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sounds like poor workmanship...i would have definitely mentioned it....and expect it to be son is going through a remodel....and i can't believe how many issues he's had with shoddy work....and his contractor was recommended to him.....disappointing that craftsmen think their mistakes are acceptable......they should have more pride in their work......

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He's angry???  You should be the one to be angry.  This doesn't sound like professional workmanship or attitude if tiles and grout are uneven.


Don't pay him until the problems are fixed to your liking.  



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Withold payment until the adjustments are made and tell him civilly but firmly that that's the case. No fix no payment until its done.


In my experience all builders get angry......must be a tough any case you're paying him -- not the other way around.


Don't use him again and don't refer him to anyone else. That's what I've done. I didn't give the builder a bad review just no referrals. Many exist on word of mouth.


Good luck with the project's completion. A remodel is tough.

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I agree with @Sooner .  The tile installer needs to be recalled.  I had to do that once with a tile backsplash in the kitchen.  The tiles were different shades of earth tones and should have been randomly placed, but the installer put many same shades right next to each other.  It seems he knew how to install tile but didn't know how to do it artfully.

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@patticakes wrote:

We're in the  middle of a bathroom remodel and contractor had tile man lay tile and grouted on Fri. and left for the holiday.  We couldn't walk on it until Sun.  When we were able to enter the bathroom and walk on the floor we noticed severeral tiles significantly uneven and grout appeared to need more grout in some of the joints to look consistent. The ones that had less grout appeared darker because the grout was more sunken in.  I mentioned it this am and asked the tile installer if he could add grout so that it would appear the same.  I don't thiink he was very happy with me and now I think he is angry.  What would you do?  Was I wrong to mention this?  We're paying a lot of money for the remodel.  

You paid good money and you're entitled to a perfect job.  I had the same thing with backsplash in kitchen.  It was obvious on one wall only.  I called them and made them come back and fix it.  

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Tile should be even, if not, in time they can easily chip.  Also grout that's "added"  is not as strong as the original grout work.  The tile guy isn't good.  It's time to have a sit down talk with the contactor, ask them to do the floor over, maybe using a different tile guy.   

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As long as you approached it in a pleasant way, no one should be angry with you. They should want to do a job you can be proud of.

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Re: What would you do?

[ Edited ]

You were not wrong to mention it.  You are the customer and the customer is always right.  Plus you're paying to have a job done to your satisfaction.  Definitely talk to the contractor.  He's the one who should assure you are satisfied with the work.