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Re: What challenges did you face recently?

My MIL passed away after being in hospice care. My husband is an only child and she lived 900 miles away. We traveled back and forth until she passed away, and continue the back and forth as we try to empty her overloaded house.  Accounts are a mystery and a mess.  We'll get through it but it is very stressful. 

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Re: What challenges did you face recently?

I live in the Houston metro area.   That is all.  Woman Sad

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Re: What challenges did you face recently?

@SarahW.....(((Hugs))). I'm sorry.

I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
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Re: What challenges did you face recently?

I had cataract surgery about 10 dqys ago. I was scared even if many said it was wonderful  for t hem. My other eye can't see good. An operation never helped me when I was little so I was scared. still waiting to see if I can see good.

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Re: What challenges did you face recently?


So sorry for ur accident!!! We're also glad that ur here and on this site. 

Smiley Very HappyWoman Surprised
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Re: What challenges did you face recently?

I'm 76 yrs young - totally alone. My best friend Brenda passed away 1-1/2 yrs ago - and she was 14 yrs younger than me. She was never sick until she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. We were best friends for 33 yrs. She drove out to southern California from a small town in Iowa in December, 1982 and I rented a room in my house to her for a couple of years. We went out socially, travelled together, had lots to talk about. A few years after, she got married a had a daughter, Haley, now 24. 

My mother died in January, 1982 so I was happy to have found a good friend. 

I never had a lot of friends - but always 2 or 3 close friends thru the years. As I got older, it was harder and harder to make friends - as most people are married or busy with their families. I'm also more of a quiet-type - not pushy - so I tend to sit back.

In 2006 I was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer - which I knew I had since 2003 - but couldn't go to the doctor because I didn't have insurance. I was working temp and part-time jobs at that time because I was in my 50's and never learned the computer. I knew what I had because my mother had the exact same cancer - but she didn't survive. I actually beat it - and have been back to normal for many years.

Losing my "fantastic" mother - even though it was a long time ago - still affects me. 

Then losing Brenda - makes me mad!!!!

I never got married and don't have any chldren or family - something I regret. I had a fear of marriage because I had a mentally-abusive father who my mother divorced. 

For my age, I'm in great shape, look nice, somewhat smart --- but I always feel like the "odd man out."

Some days I just ask God "what happened to my life?"

I get the most joy from my little lhasa apso, who just turned 9 yrs old.

Some days are just difficult, but I just take it in stride and think positive thoughts.

I enjoy reading and writing to all u folks on this site -- I've learned a lot and enjoy exchanging information and the social part of it - even though we don't know each other. 

I truly can't believe I'm writing this --- as it's not something anyone knows - but the topic fits how I feel.



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Re: What challenges did you face recently?


I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
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Registered: ‎07-03-2013

Re: What challenges did you face recently?

My sister had early onset of dementia in January.  I had to take over as her conservator and put her in a nursing home.  She was living with my mother up until then.  Not sure how much longer my mother can live alone.  Sister's teenage kids are lost, I also keep an eye on them.  I live 1000 miles away.  I just returned from my 7th trip.  Luckily my employer has been great about the time off.  At the moment things are relatively calm at my second full time job, the family.


On a lighter note, my plane was late yesterday and I missed my connection.  I got to spend three hours getting to know the airport.  The airline goofed up my luggage and it didn't fly with me.  It showed up sometime last night and was left in the driveway in the rain.  The suitcase is nice and clean and nothing got wet inside.

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Re: What challenges did you face recently?

@Desertdi  A belt broke on my cooler on a Thursday night and no one was available to fix it until Monday afternoon. Fortunately the temperatures were only 85-87° those days so we survived, although I was worried about my sheltie. He has a very heavy coat and pants on the coldest winter nights.   It has cooled off here a lot as it usually does when the monsoon starts. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: What challenges did you face recently?

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Desertdi  A belt broke on my cooler on a Thursday night and no one was available to fix it until Monday afternoon. Fortunately the temperatures were only 85-87° those days so we survived, although I was worried about my sheltie. He has a very heavy coat and pants on the coldest winter nights.   It has cooled off here a lot as it usually does when the monsoon starts. 

@Kachina624    Oh my poor Kitty........she actually looked like a wreck......and that was beside the fact that I allowed MEN in "her" house!     But she really looked after me.......instead of going into hiding........she sat by my side and "protected" me.    What a Kitty!


Ugh.......temps still high here.   103° here today, humidity still way up, too.     I'm not really complaining, tho.   OMG Houston.......I've been thru a couple over-6-point earthquakes......and a couple tornadoes when I lived in the Midwest............but nothing like that flood.    I'm sure you have friends who live heart goes out to all.    di

♥Surface of the Sun♥