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01-13-2023 08:18 PM
Date a guy without a job
Let me also add, skinny dipping. Yikes. In my twenties.
01-13-2023 08:20 PM
Glad I'm good company... ride any roller coaster!!
01-13-2023 08:22 PM
@GenXmuse wrote:Date a guy without a job
During my divorced years, I met a few of those. One said he was between jobs. One said he wasn't currently employed but was an entrepreneur with lots of ideas. 😂
01-13-2023 08:27 PM
01-13-2023 09:04 PM
Ride on a motorcycle
Go camping
Lay out in the sun to get a tan
Go on a roller coaster
Go mountain climbing in black fly season in NH
01-13-2023 09:10 PM - edited 01-13-2023 09:11 PM
Hitch hike
01-13-2023 09:14 PM
Drink the water in Mexico
01-13-2023 09:17 PM
Fairy godmother. Thought of some more but not printable. Made me laugh though as well as cringe.
01-13-2023 09:19 PM
Zip line over a very high course. I did it once, in Costa Rica. It took everything I had to make myself do it,and I'm glad I did.
checked that off my bucket list, but never again!