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What ACHIEVEMENT are you most proud of?

I was at the very bottom most of my high school graduating class and wondered where I was going with my life. I also realized that no one could help me.


So, I decided that I would go to college and do something with my life. That was accomplished, under hard circumstances that I had created so I couldn't blame anyone else.


The day I became a matriculated student was one of the brightest days of my life.

Did you accomplish some thing you thought would be difficult but persevered to the end?


Let's celebrate a positive element in our lives.

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Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: What ACHIEVEMENT are you most proud of?

Giving birth multiple times & raising them.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: What ACHIEVEMENT are you most proud of?

@Flatbush My son, who is an intelligent, loving, kind and strong (in mind and body) man. I don't know what I did to deserve him.

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Re: What ACHIEVEMENT are you most proud of?

[ Edited ]

My BS degree. I was unprepared for the heavy math and science coursework when I left high school (no confidence and lots of troubles). And everyone tried to talk me out of it, but I was determined.   But I loved biochem and went back to took the pre-req courses necessary and muscled through physics and calculus and graduated with honors, but it took an extra year! 
It was the absolutely best decision I ever made-  

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Re: What ACHIEVEMENT are you most proud of?

I'm most proud of having been a single mom who raised a child that became a National Merit Scholar, was accepted into ivy league universities, and is now a physicist. My child is also a good person and has integrity. I like to think that my work ethic and completing 2 masters degrees while parenting was some sort of role model and had some impact, but I cannot take away from my child's own strong efforts.

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Re: What ACHIEVEMENT are you most proud of?

Marrying my husband!  Good man of faith, hard working, smart, and a delight to share my life with.  He is my biggest blessing, literally too 'cause he's a tall guy!  

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Re: What ACHIEVEMENT are you most proud of?

[ Edited ]

Saving the lives of both of my parents and then caring for both of them for years after they were both paralyzed and completely incapable of any self help skills.

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Re: What ACHIEVEMENT are you most proud of?

For me, it's surviving through a horrendous time in my life when I was bedridden with a baby and a five year old to care for.

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Re: What ACHIEVEMENT are you most proud of?

[ Edited ]

Being married for 42+ years, most of it happily--LOL!!.  In this day and age I consider that quite an accomplishment!  I sometimes feel like a dinosaur.




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Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: What ACHIEVEMENT are you most proud of?

I am not book smart so I have always regretted not having made something of myself, but I did follow my heart's desire. Even as a little girl, I knew I wanted to be a wife and mom, and I am.  Add Nana to that too.  God provided a smart, kind, man of faith for me to grow old with.  He was my high school sweetheart and we've been married over 43 yrs.  Together we raised children who are kind, decent people with good work ethics.  Besides that, I've lost 152 lbs. without pills or surgery after being overweight most of my adult life.  I just wish I'd done it sooner.