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It's the most glorious day here in Chicago.  Breezy,70's,sunny.  After the polar vortex last winter -30 real temp,this is heavenly.  Finished my yard work,bathed a stinky little dog....realaxing now.Ahhhh.  Hope it's nice where you are.

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lucky you! hitting the hundreds here this weekend. ugh. gimme 60s! 

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Here in NY it is in the high 70’s, sunny and breezy. It’s just a beautiful June day, perfect for iced tea and reading on the porch. 📚🌞😻

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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We are also having a nice day today. It's about time it has done nothing but rain the past couple of months. It's suppose to rain again Sun.

It's only 81° with light winds & sun.

Not complaining since there are so many still dealing with all this flooding. We had some in our area but nothing like what's going on out Eastern Ok, Iowa, Ks, Mo, Ms, Tx, Ar etc.

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Nice here in Wisconsin too. Hardly a cloud in the sky.
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@MoJoV  Yes, it is a perfect day here in downtown Chicago.  Summer should stay like this.  It would be wonderful.

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@QVCkitty1  I was in NYC this past weekend and the weather was perfect.  Very enjoyable 4 days.


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@MoJoV , same here in Nova Scotia.  Lovely day to be out working in the garden.  Finally!!!  LM

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It's so nice here.  I'm in Eastern MA.  It's 75 and sunny.  Perfect weather.  I opened all the windows for the cross draft through out the house.  I would like to have gone out for a nice walk today but , too busy with work.  It's going to be lovely weekend too.

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It's been pretty wonderful here in N.E. PA., all week and it's supposed to be nice all weekend. Won't rain till Sun. night.