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@Luvsmyfam Do you need the money?  If not, you are creating problems for all.


My intent here is simply advice that if little things like that bother you, don't get involved in group projects unless you have to, and if you do be clear on obligations and payment methods before. And never expect it to iron out to an exact amount.


My experience?  Guys that go together throw in some money, usually a little more than expected, they don't expect a to-the-nickle acounting and life goes on.  


If it's women they will nickle and dime down to the penny and somebody, or everybody, leaves mad. 


That is MY experience only, so it's worth taken with a grain of salt.  And also, if you can't afford it don't let people pressure you into it.  It's not worth the grief.  

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thank you kitcat51.i appreciate it

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I don’t do group things where I’m in charge, it’s always a hassle collecting the money.


At the office we collected $180 to purchase a gift for Bosses day, two coworkers took the lead, asked me to collect and ask everyone to meet at the conference room at 1:30p on Bosses day, we’ll they showed up early at 8a to her office and presented the gift to her and at 1:30p we just had cake. They didn’t get a card or anything.


Another instance I collected money and asked everyone to sign the card when they dropped off their share of money. One person comes to my area, asks to sign card and doesn’t contribute. I was dumbfounded. 

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@Luvsmyfam wrote:

well,I just got a txt back.shes angy I can tell.her txt read,I'll send a ck in the,im sorry I forgot,just ill send. In mail.omg ,this is turning into I am the bad person here.



Great! I am so happy that you are getting your money back. If it was $50 or $100 doesn't matter. Still your money. You live alone and support yourself. ALL your money is needed. You are not a charity for your sister-in-law.


You are not the bad guy. Actually, no one is in the case. She is sending a check. Even if she did require a nudge by text.


Please, stay calm. Take a nice warm shower and listen to some music. This too shall pass. Don't over think it. "You'll" end up with the splitting headache and she is not even concerned or thinking about you. LOLWoman WinkWoman LOL Best to you.

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do I need the money?actually,yes I I have said m I am the breadwinner in my household.i work 2 jobs to live the way I do.i know,if I owe money to someone,I'm very prompt think that's bad,I didn't even get to the part where bride to be,didn't even thank hosts or guests.ppl started leaving,and nothing was never said.iv already deciced for this,I will not attend her wedding.and of course,no thank you notes will be mailed.her generation doesn't do it the right way.she may thank ppl on faccebook,Facebook, myself and others are not on fb.tomorrow is a new day.sure hope it's better

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I'm just curious; did your SIL volunteer to host the shower at her house, and how much help did she have in preparing for that?  

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@RedTop wrote:

I'm just curious; did your SIL volunteer to host the shower at her house, and how much help did she have in preparing for that?  

@RedTop- In previous posts it was mentioned, the SIL mailed out handmade invitations and the group including the SIL contributed to the food.  The OP is seeking reimbursment for the gift card.  The amount of the is unknown.

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Yes, I read that too.

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Re: Want an opinion

[ Edited ]

She texted back. She apologized.  She said she forgot. She is mailing it. I don't see the anger. Why are you still fretting over this and about seeing them in August? 


Now the bride to be didn't act in a way you expected. It's OK to be disappointed in her manners. But now you are not going to the wedding?


I had a friend teach me once: 

Do things without so much expectation from others but rather do things because you want to and thanks are icing on the cake.You will be less disappointed in life and less assumptive of others intentions.


The bride to be  could be writing a lovely thank you card to you. May I add that she probably has never had a shower thrown for her before and didn't know to announce thanks to you and hosts in front of everyone. She could've been overwhelmed. Ignorant or yes raised without your manners.


Go to the wedding. Being passive-aggressive is not very attractive either.

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@Luvsmyfam-  Just how much was on the gift card.  I think you said the the affair was held at your SIL's home, is that correct?  If so, then your SIL was the host because it was at her home.