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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

Why would water be O.K. but not coffee?


Is there something sinful about coffee?

It is offensive to a religious group that bans it. 

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

See the source image

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

See the source image

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

@Reever wrote:
I guess so prefer a more formal newscast. The television anchor should have the demeanor of Walter Cronkite. Grown men on air dancing while taking a bite of food ? I pine for the Golden era which sadly will never return. Social media is to blame in my opinion. Lax dress codes are the norm. A woman at my local bank was wearing jeans. A teenage boy wearing a baseball cap at Applebees last week. I see these instances too often to count. I believe that professionalism will lead to sales not gimmicks or faux atmospheres that try to make these people be our friends. Don't like the direction our once great country is heading. I know younger people will disagree but things are not better today. Health care is in a crisis, wages are stagnant, home ownership is on the decline, young people can't afford to stay home and raise children. I really think we are at a crisis point in America.

Now you're all over the place. And this seems like you're trying to turn this into something political which is against the standards.  Why are comparing David to Walter Cronkite? For good or bad the world changes.  You may not like it but it does.  The 60s were different from the 30s and 40s and 2000s are different from 80s and 70s.

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

@pitdakota wrote:

See the source image


Thank you for finding this!  I was searching for a photo with a coffee cup because I was sure I remembered him drinking on-air.  As I said upthread, many long-ago, esteemed, and legendary news anchors did.  You proved my point.  Perfect!  :-)

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

@tansy wrote:

Slightly OT but what I find tacky is a politician swigging from a bottle of water while giving a speech or debating, rather than from a glass of water.  

@tansy.  I'd say that's kind of picky.  Bottle or glass, who cares?  A plastic bottle is highly portable, unbreakable and doesn't need washing.  It's the practical solution.

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

@pitdakota Great catch!  Woman LOL

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

This thread has had it.

Where are you taking us next, @Reever?

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

The hosts have always had a glass of something to drink nearby. Their throats get very dry while they are presenting the items. Jill used to say she had Mountain Dew that she would drink from at times. they only take a sip of two. It's not like they chug a full glass. After all they are usually on air for 3 hours, more at times. They have to have something.

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Re: Trend of drinking coffee on the air

This one looks even older.  Cup at lower left.


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