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Today is my birthday 🎂 Reflections

    I woke feeling sorry for myself this morning.It’s pouring here in New York & quite chilly.Then I got a text from my son’s girlfriend wishing me a happy birthday.I realized that the day may be dreary but my life has been full of sunshine!!

   My son’s girlfriend told me how grateful she was to have me in her life.She’s on her way over to spend the day with me.Tonight she,my son & DH are taking me to dinner at a great seafood restaurant near the water.It may not be the perfect day to dine near the water but who cares.The people I love most in the world want to celebrate with me!!

   I’m very lucky to have been blessed with a wonderful husband & son. My DH just asked me if I had any regrets.I thought about it for a moment & said no.Sure I’ve made my share of mistakes.But they have brought me to where I am today.

   I feel loved & needed!!  I’m grateful to everyone who has helped me on my journey to where I am now!!



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Registered: ‎06-03-2010

Re: Today is my birthday 🎂 Reflections

@NicksmomESQ  Happy Birthday!  Have a wonderful day and enjoy your special night out.

......You look like I need a drink.....
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Re: Today is my birthday 🎂 Reflections



Image result for birthday flowers

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Today is my birthday 🎂 Reflections

Happy Birthday! You have just been given the greatest gift you could ever have. Realizing how fortunate you are to have people that love you and want to celebrate you!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Today is my birthday 🎂 Reflections

@NicksmomESQ@I was getting prepared to bolster your spirits about something and then I realized that your post has a happy ending and you were just counting your blessings.

HAPPY BIRthday tooooo uuuuuuu!

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Re: Today is my birthday 🎂 Reflections


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Registered: ‎05-23-2015

Re: Today is my birthday 🎂 Reflections

Enjoy your day !🌹🌷🌹

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Today is my birthday 🎂 Reflections

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

    I woke feeling sorry for myself this morning.It’s pouring here in New York & quite chilly.Then I got a text from my son’s girlfriend wishing me a happy birthday.I realized that the day may be dreary but my life has been full of sunshine!!

   My son’s girlfriend told me how grateful she was to have me in her life.She’s on her way over to spend the day with me.Tonight she,my son & DH are taking me to dinner at a great seafood restaurant near the water.It may not be the perfect day to dine near the water but who cares.The people I love most in the world want to celebrate with me!!

   I’m very lucky to have been blessed with a wonderful husband & son. My DH just asked me if I had any regrets.I thought about it for a moment & said no.Sure I’ve made my share of mistakes.But they have brought me to where I am today.

   I feel loved & needed!!  I’m grateful to everyone who has helped me on my journey to where I am now!!



@NicksmomESQ  Have a wonderful birthday and enjoy your special dinner...Wishing you many more happy, healthy years ahead. 🌹




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Re: Today is my birthday 🎂 Reflections





Happy Birthday! Enjoy.



Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,472
Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Re: Today is my birthday 🎂 Reflections

Atta girl!!! You are Queen for a day.  Happy Birthday....I can sing if you want me to.


You young enough to not have the firestations number handy?  (Candles, fire? LOL).


Have a wonderful day.