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Re: Tis the Season Let Us Mingle

@AnikaBrodie wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Sweet Caroline 1 wrote:

Deck Halls Christmas Royalty-Free Images, Stock Photos & Pictures |  Shutterstock


Good afternoon friends!  I still call it afternoon even though it's dark outside.  I don't like it getting dark this early.  I've been cleaning and decorating, started this afternoon.  I have to clean it before I can decorate it, and need to add or replace lights.  It's ok, I'm not early but not late either.  Finally getting some Merry Christmas here on the hill.  I have some beautiful red ribbon to put on my mailbox, nervous that it could stain my shiney new white mailbox.  Lots of stuff happening.  Smiley Happy


Ooohhhh, I'm sore, just took three ibuprofen.  Three helps a lot better than two.  I'm not through doodle d doin, I have more stuff in mind.  We are expecting some heavy storms to roll through here tonight and end sometime on sunday.  So in my heart, if my plans can come to fruition, the cemetery flowers will go out on monday.  They are delicate and want them to be pretty the week of Christmas.  Very important to us girls.  


I ordered some things from the Q recently.  I ordered the set of three Mezzaluna knives, I received a used set.  They were to be... one for me and one for each sister.  I think someone used them for Thanksgiving and sent them back.  And just today, I ordered some jeans from the clearance section.  They won't arive until Dec 18th.  Thats cutting it close but it takes a lot to bother me these days.  I only like slim leg or cigarette style pants.  No way I'm wearing long loose leg pants anymore.  And the bell bottom and boot cut styles have come into style.  I still need to shop for my sisters.  I wish younger sister would pick us up and drive us around and they pick out things they want.  Oh well, I'm rambling on now.  Time to get back to my Elf job. Big hugs to all!  Smiley Happy


@Sweet Caroline 1   Curious as to why won't you wear loose legged pants?  I like Susan Graver's pants as they feel as it nothing is on me, very comfortable.

@mousiegirl      @Sweet Caroline 1 


Susan Graver Poly Cotton Blend Women's MEDIUM Pink Brocade Lined Jacket Blazer - Picture 1 of 9    eBay photo


Speaking of Susan Graver, I got this jacket from her collection many years ago.  It still fits, I still wear it often, and I always get compliments on the color and design.  Susan, please come back with this style and fabric.  I'd love to see a current redesign of this beautiful jacket.  Heart


Sorry eBay, mine is not for sale.


@AnikaBrodie   I agree, her clothing lasts and lasts, have many pants, and tops also, two on the way.  No matter how many times they are washed, they always look brand new.

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Posts: 22,062
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Tis the Season Let Us Mingle

@Sweet Caroline 1 wrote:

Target | Target Store Handicapped Shopping Cart, Electric Sc… | Flickr


Dear @possummink,   Many grocery stores have these motorized shopping carts.  And stores for Christmas shopping too.  Target, Walmart, Publix to name a few.  I sure wish that you would try these carts when they are available.  I do.  I can walk for about five minutes and then my legs want to buckle.  The earlier you get to the store, the more likely you are able to get a cart.  They don't hold a great deal of merchandise or groceries, but you can have the luxury of going to the store a little more often.  


They are the easiest things to use.  Pull lever and it goes, let go of lever and it stops by itself.  Please give these wonderful carts a try.  Sisterly love!  Heart


@Sweet Caroline 1     @possummink 

Ed uses the motorized cart every time we enter several stores.  Two stores have an adequate number of charged carts for customers (Weis and Walmart), another super store does not.  In fact when the Weis employee sees us park he brings the cart to the car.  Now that's service. 


Several months ago Ed entered the super store and they gave him a cart they said was fully charged.  When we got to the 4th aisle of the store (about 15 minutes into our shopping) the cart died and whatever he did, it would not budge.  People around us were a bit agitated that they could not get past us.  I took my grocery cart up to the customer service desk and told them what happened.  I told them we were told it was fully charged; obviously it was not!  So, there it sat in a busy aisle until one of the male employees could retrieve it.


These carts are great when they're charged fully and are easy to operate once you get used to them.  I recommend them.  If one is not available Ed will use his Drive Rollator; however, the carts are more convenient. 





"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Registered: ‎12-12-2017

Re: Tis the Season Let Us Mingle


Hey @AnikaBrodie @mousiegirl and All,  I like the cut of these Susan Graver pants.  In my post, I was talking about jeans.  Maybe I left that part out.  I use to wear the elastic waist jeans made by Denim and Co but that maker went out of business.  





I've ordered these for me and my sister for years, also in the capris.  Both of us are shaped like a "V", widest at the waist and narrow skinny legs.  It's very hard to find bottoms that look right on us.  I'm sorry that I mentioned jeans with too much fabric around the legs.  Goodnight

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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: Tis the Season Let Us Mingle

@AnikaBrodie wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Sweet Caroline 1 wrote:

Deck Halls Christmas Royalty-Free Images, Stock Photos & Pictures |  Shutterstock


Good afternoon friends!  I still call it afternoon even though it's dark outside.  I don't like it getting dark this early.  I've been cleaning and decorating, started this afternoon.  I have to clean it before I can decorate it, and need to add or replace lights.  It's ok, I'm not early but not late either.  Finally getting some Merry Christmas here on the hill.  I have some beautiful red ribbon to put on my mailbox, nervous that it could stain my shiney new white mailbox.  Lots of stuff happening.  Smiley Happy


Ooohhhh, I'm sore, just took three ibuprofen.  Three helps a lot better than two.  I'm not through doodle d doin, I have more stuff in mind.  We are expecting some heavy storms to roll through here tonight and end sometime on sunday.  So in my heart, if my plans can come to fruition, the cemetery flowers will go out on monday.  They are delicate and want them to be pretty the week of Christmas.  Very important to us girls.  


I ordered some things from the Q recently.  I ordered the set of three Mezzaluna knives, I received a used set.  They were to be... one for me and one for each sister.  I think someone used them for Thanksgiving and sent them back.  And just today, I ordered some jeans from the clearance section.  They won't arive until Dec 18th.  Thats cutting it close but it takes a lot to bother me these days.  I only like slim leg or cigarette style pants.  No way I'm wearing long loose leg pants anymore.  And the bell bottom and boot cut styles have come into style.  I still need to shop for my sisters.  I wish younger sister would pick us up and drive us around and they pick out things they want.  Oh well, I'm rambling on now.  Time to get back to my Elf job. Big hugs to all!  Smiley Happy


@Sweet Caroline 1   Curious as to why won't you wear loose legged pants?  I like Susan Graver's pants as they feel as it nothing is on me, very comfortable.

@mousiegirl      @Sweet Caroline 1 


Susan Graver Poly Cotton Blend Women's MEDIUM Pink Brocade Lined Jacket Blazer - Picture 1 of 9    eBay photo


Speaking of Susan Graver, I got this jacket from her collection many years ago.  It still fits, I still wear it often, and I always get compliments on the color and design.  Susan, please come back with this style and fabric.  I'd love to see a current redesign of this beautiful jacket.  Heart


Sorry eBay, mine is not for sale.


@AnikaBrodie , I have this same jacket in pink, and also in blue. They have served me well, and I just love wearing them. 


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Posts: 16,863
Registered: ‎12-12-2017

Re: Tis the Season Let Us Mingle

Severe thunderstorms: How they form, safety precautions


Hey friends!  It's about 11:30 tonight and we recently had a severe lightening storm come through, the thunder and lightening were intense.  It knocked out the tv station I was watching the weather on.  We didn't lose power, amazing.  There is now a severe line of storms coming this way that just passed through Mississippi.  When that storm comes close to us, me and Junior are going to get in the bathroom.  We are under a tornado watch and I'm feeling nervous.  I'm keeping in touch with my sister on the next street.  I'm going to stay up until this line of storms has passed us.  Maybe by 1:30 or 2am.  I did bring in my snowman wreaths from outside.  Talk later, Goodnight.





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Posts: 22,785
Registered: ‎01-10-2013

Re: Tis the Season Let Us Mingle


I join you in that Neil Diamond is one of my all time favorite singers also, since I was about 13!

It is so difficult to see him now, struggling...

Thanks for your posts,

'A Neil Diamond Christmas' artwork - Courtesy: Capitol/UMe 

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Registered: ‎01-10-2013

Re: Tis the Season Let Us Mingle

a christmas card with an image of a snowman in front of a lit tree
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Registered: ‎01-10-2013

Re: Tis the Season Let Us Mingle

a christmas card with a snowman holding a teddy bear and a lantern in the background
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Registered: ‎01-10-2013

Re: Tis the Season Let Us Mingle

Merry Christmas GIF - Merry Christmas Merrychristmasmyfriend GIFs

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Posts: 22,785
Registered: ‎01-10-2013

Re: Tis the Season Let Us Mingle

two reindeers wearing red and white sweaters with their noses close to each other