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Re: Tired of Making Dinner!!

Fifty years and 4 kids later, a full-time job and as much volunteer work as my body allowed.  Making breakfast, (kids, husbands, my lunch to go) and dinner left Jane a boring bride.

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Re: Tired of Making Dinner!!

@BunSnoop , if I could give you a hundred harts I would !!!!

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Re: Tired of Making Dinner!!

[ Edited ]

@Carmie wrote:

I have always done the cooking since we have been married.  I worked full time with three children and had to make dinner every night.  My DH more often than not, will do the dishes.


I still do all of the cooking.  I usually have things in my freezer for nights when I am not in the mood.  I will pull out a steak and pop it under the broiler, or grab a premade meal that I froze ahead, thaw sauce for pasta, etc.


Last night I had to make dinner in a hurry. I threw French fries in the air fryer and dropped some coconut shrimp into some oil to brown and used a premade salad mix.


Dinner was done quickly.  My DH always goes away for two weeks after a thanksgiving. I am home alone and in my glory.  I don't cook much.  I can live on salads.  

That is my two weeks off from cooking vacation.  We do not go out to eat often.





You my lady are a saint.  


I will be honest - I was married in 1978 and then shortly afterward, I had to go out of town for two weeks for insurance training.  My BFF told me at the time "I would have to cook 14 meals for my DH so he could reheat them while I'm gone."  I could hardly believe this.


My DH grew up with 5 brothers (no sisters) and his mom taught them all how to cook.  He was the 'bad boy' out of all of the boys.  And he has always been great about cooking and doing his own wash (I do it sometimes).  


I do cook breakfasts (elaborate) and of course dinners but if I had to do it every single day?  No, just no.  


To be honest, my mom worked FT (2nd shift) and she made dinner before she left for work and my dad heated it up.  So, no he didn't cook either.



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Re: Tired of Making Dinner!!

I always disliked, no, hated, routine and repetitive tasks. 


For some reason, it seemed I was the only one who knew how to use the stove, run the dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, and washer.


I could look inside factories making those appliances and see men making them, but for some reason don't know how to use them.  One would think they'd be curious.  "How does this thing work?  Let me give it a try."


Interestingly, though, they know how to use outside grills to make hot dogs and hamburgers, and microwaves to make bagged popcorn.


Retirement isn't too much different.  Not going to work anymore, more free time, but women are still stuck with the homemaking,  "I know how to do it now, why must I do it over and over again...forever?"  


Often thought about a job with differing hours...similar to QVC hosts, but then that would mess up my circadian rhythm and I'd walk around like a zombie not getting enough sleep. 


What can I say, many humans just seem to fall into a routine that involves repetitive tasks, then get tired of it.  

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Re: Tired of Making Dinner!!

I no longer cook everyday. Usually only three days a week. DH doesn't complain. I always tell him he's more than capable of reading a recipe and preparing a meal. 

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Re: Tired of Making Dinner!!





"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Tired of Making Dinner!!

@tarsmom   My parents owned a restaurant/bar when I was growing up.  My mother was the cook and my father worked there too. It was open from 7 am to 2 am, so, parents were not home much.  My mother would stop home for an hour or two, then go back to work as did my father.


I remember coming home from school when I was around 10-11 years old and reading a note from my mother.  Example: it would say..."pork chops in the fridge, make mashed potatoes, salad and get a bag of frozen veggies from the freezer."


I was cooking and baking when I was a preteen for a family of seven. I liked to cook and didn't mind...I hated the clean up though.

I even made jams and canned fruit and vegetables. My mother was open to letting me cook anything I wanted to.


My DH was thrilled that I could cook.  Once were were married he would ask who was coming for dinner.  I could cook for seven, but made too much food for just two people.


I usually don't mind cooking, but still hate the clean-up.  I do wish my DH would cook somethimes to give me a break,  he can,  but won't.   He will BBQ though.


My mother used to say she was tired of cooking, I didn't understand why back then.  I do now.

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Re: Tired of Making Dinner!!

I've been married 51 years and I've pretty much cooked every night.  When we were first married, we both worked FT but, for some strange reason, I thought it was "my job" to do all the cooking and cleaning!  LOL  Things have changed since then.


I was home for several years raising kids, but when I went back to work, I still did all the cooking and cleaning.  Of course, my husband took care of all the repairs around the house and took care of everything outside.


Now we're both retired.  He helps a lot with the cleaning, but I mostly still do all the cooking.  But I often cook enough for 2 or 3 meals.  Sometimes the leftovers stay in the fridge and sometimes I freeze them.  So at least I'm not cooking EVERY night.


His mom was the best cook in the state!!!  So I felt I had a lot to live up to.  During my learning years, though, he never complained.  I still don't feel I'm as good a cook as she was, but I've learned a lot.  And he thinks I'm a pretty good cook.


Woman Very Happy



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Re: Tired of Making Dinner!!

I don't know if you like barbeque or not, but sometimes when I am sick of cooking, I get a pork butt, put it in the crock pot with a little water, cook it all day, drain the liquid, shred and add barbeque sauce, and have bbq sandwiches. Lasts for days with just me and dh, I freeze some lots of times. 


Or make a big pot of chilli or soup and have leftovers for a few meals. 


Also, there is nothing wrong with a good old sandwich in my book. And if anyone gripes, tell them its better than a sharp stick in the eye.

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Re: Tired of Making Dinner!!



Love your crock pot and soup ideas.  I often do pot roasts on the weekend for that reason.  We have chili in the freezer right now.Smiley Happy