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Re: The Bee Hive -- July 2022 Edition

hello all

not much today


very steamy hot today. humidity is slight down but heat hot from full sunshine/slight wind.


did grocery shop today. doc appoint on thurs (foot) and friday is my hair cut day.


did normal chores,did morn walk later guys

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Re: The Bee Hive -- July 2022 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all doing well.  I thought I would jump in and say hello and wish everyone a wonderful 4th of July!!   Have a relaxing and safe holiday. 


I feel like I went to sleep last night and woke up in July. How in the world is it July.  My plans for the summer are air conditioning.  Exciting I know.  Don’t be jealous. 🙃


Fireworks have been going off for the last two nights and I am sure we are not done yet.  At least someone is having fun. I guess.  So glad I don’t have a dog right now.  We still have two days to go. 


And I must say, I never thought I would come to the day where I feel like a grumpy old woman. The day has finally arrived. ☺️  I think I will change my name to Maxine. 


Have a great day!!!!





Howdy, stranger!  You've been missed here.


Fireworks galore last night.  Happily WGD wasn't too upset by them -- he's getting to be quite deaf.


The good news, I guess, is that we're already halfway through this year.  Hasn't been all that great, has it?


Join the rest of the grumps!  We've earned it.


@just bee, I have missed being here too. It has been a whirlwind lately but I think you ladies lucked out as I would of probably gotten us banned or myself maybe. 


I am not sure, is it good news?  This year has been bad and it is not over yet but I am weary about next year when the full effects take place. 

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Re: The Bee Hive -- July 2022 Edition

@just bee wrote:

️ braveheart movie quotes braveheart quotes braveheart | Braveheart quotes, Movie quotes, Image ...


Guess what I'm watching this morning...


@just bee Couldnt be more relevant. 

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Re: The Bee Hive -- July 2022 Edition

Thanks @geezerette. I will try and been here a bit more often. I have missed it too. It just has been so hectic. And work is going to get more hectic. I am not looking forward to a busy summer and then being stuck inside - somewhere.  


I am going to attempt getting some color this year. My legs can literally glow in the dark. I dont think I have ever been so pale in my life. LOL.  But, sitting out in the sun isnt appealing. 


I hope you and your four-leggeds are doing good.





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Re: The Bee Hive -- July 2022 Edition

@geezerette wrote:


But watching those times when people didn't have the possessions we deem necessary now made me stop and think about my own lifestyle.  I just may watch those early episodes again.  Maybe something will sink in this time.😕




@geezerette let me know how that goes for you?  LOL.  And if you are successful, share your strategy.  At this point, I feel like a lost cause. 

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Re: The Bee Hive -- July 2022 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:



Here's an Oscar Wilde quote for you:


God grant me the serenity to accept that people are ignorant, the courage to uphold the law when I'm hostile, and the wisdom to realize that murder is illegal.


@just bee @geezerette  LMBO!!!  For sure!

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Re: The Bee Hive -- July 2022 Edition

@Lucky Charm wrote:

Our oldest and his family left after lunch yesterday and literally moved into their new home.  It was their first night sleeping there last night.


They settled on it about a month ago, but had the outside painted, new siding, new doors and front windows installed, the interior painted and the hardwoods redone.  They wanted the house to *air out* for a few days before they moved in.


But they all came in rotten moods.  Not kidding.  Fought Saturday traffic off of Long Island.  DIL's great aunt died and the viewing was Friday nite and the funeral Sat.  So the kids were up early and at Mass (that'll do it!) then in a car for over 4 hours.  Usually takes a little over two.....Fun times....



@Lucky Charm Best to your son and his family with new house.  

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Re: The Bee Hive -- July 2022 Edition

Aww thanks @aprilskies .  


All in all they probably should've stayed in NY for the weekend.  It was too much driving down here and then back for just 2 nights. 


And then moving into the house upon their return.  Furniture had been delivered, but boxes galore to look thru for essentials.


I sound grumpy, too, but it wasn't the best holiday weekend.  


Hope all settles down for you at work.  A little bit of sun in the morning is good, you get some color, some vit D3 and it's not too hot, yet.

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Re: The Bee Hive -- July 2022 Edition

hey all

foot doc check today 


dh dental appoint for his new 2 front teeth bridge work that was taken impressions late may early june only to be told today dentist has to begin all over again 11 july for impressions on his 2 front teeth bridge work again. i told the dentist i am not happy about this, if the lab can't get this impression done we will have to find a new dentist. he has been with out front teeth for a month now we have to wait another month for new bridge work.


not much else, heavy rain this morn. very cloudy overcast,cool today but very humid. later guys

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Re: The Bee Hive -- July 2022 Edition

@aprilskies wrote:

@geezerette wrote:


But watching those times when people didn't have the possessions we deem necessary now made me stop and think about my own lifestyle.  I just may watch those early episodes again.  Maybe something will sink in this time.😕




@geezerette let me know how that goes for you?  LOL.  And if you are successful, share your strategy.  At this point, I feel like a lost cause. 



It's not my strategy.  It's being forced on me.  

Everything is simply getting so expensive I won't have enough money to keep spending on acquiring things anymore.


Not necessarily a bad thing, I suppose.  But still, I'd prefer it to be my idea...😭