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Love it.  This extension of DST is ridiculous - it should have changed a month ago.  Sun not rising until 7:30???


It's just after 7 now and I've been out to collect the paper, fill the bird feeders, let the pooch out in day light.


Plus, it's an extra hour today.  We lived through 2AM twice.  I would advocate for never changing from EST.

Cogito ergo sum
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My beagle awakened at her usual 6am, only today it was 5am. I was awake then too. My husband tried to fall back asleep but Maddie wouldn’t let him. She jumped up on our bed, snuggled under the covers with my husband, and basically dared him to try to sleep. We were all out of bed before 5:30.

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Back when DH was doing a grave yard shift as a DJ on FM radio, he had to do a couple DST to Standard time shifts. Had an extra hour of work.

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I'm awake earlier too and should be doing some chores but decided to get caught up on the boards.

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I slept great and stayed asleep through the change; so did dog.  I'll take sleep wherever I can get it.

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My two had me up at 4:30, took them out ,fed them,went back to bed, since koop died these two have had me up early.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I love when we change back to standard time.  It's a big relief to me - a big "ahhhh."  Just feels more natural somehow (to me.)  I like that it's lighter in the morning.  Especially for the kids getting on school buses at 7AM (my grandson.)  I despise daylight savings time.  It was worse when I was working.  Getting up at 5:30 AM was really 4:30 AM.  Nuts.  And do we really need it to be light 'til 9PM?  I don't think so.  Wish they'd just leave it at standard time all year 'round.  

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@Vivian wrote:

My beagle awakened at her usual 6am, only today it was 5am. I was awake then too. My husband tried to fall back asleep but Maddie wouldn’t let him. She jumped up on our bed, snuggled under the covers with my husband, and basically dared him to try to sleep. We were all out of bed before 5:30.



@Vivian  Too funny! That’s a beagle, for sure. I have 2, but only the younger one can still jump up on the bed. The older one stands close enough to my pillow that I feel her breathe and whines until I fill her dish. Yes, very early this morning....too early.


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Arizona and Hawaii have it right. We don’t change time. 5 am yesterday is still 5 am today. 

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Time change doesn't bother me, except that I prefer daylight savings time.