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Re: Summertime is not fun when we have dangerous weather occurences

we had close to 100 degree weather today, it was HOT and humid......then the dark clouds rolled in for about an hour or so. we had torrential downpours (probably 2 inches of rain in a short period of time, maybe more?), we had tornado warnings, flash flood warnings, the electricity going and off numerous times, and lots of lightening! it was a crazy weather day today.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Summertime is not fun when we have dangerous weather occurences

Thankfully, we have not had any flooding or anything of that nature, but the spring has not been pleasant at all.  It has rained and stormed constantly.  It started off really badly by being very cold and nasty and now that it is officially summer, it is still raining and storming.  I hate to complain, as it is still much better than cold, frigid temps, and snow, but we waited so long for spring and summer to get here and it is just very disappointing.  We have so far hardly gotten to enjoy much nice weather at all, or gotten to do much outside.  I am hoping that it will start improving --- soon! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Summertime is not fun when we have dangerous weather occurences

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It has rained here 17 days out of the last 22.... 

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Re: Summertime is not fun when we have dangerous weather occurences

Our local stations kept talking about a derecho, which also made me a bit nervous with yesterday's impending storm. The 2012 derecho left my area of southern WV without power for 3 of the hottest, most humid days we have seen in years. We borrowed a portable generator, which saved our fridge and freezer contents, but that experience is what prompted us to buy a generator large enough to power the heat and air system.
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Re: Summertime is not fun when we have dangerous weather occurences

Huh???   Was there ever a time when Summer did NOT have storms, hurricanes, tornados and all manner of inclement weather ? 

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Re: Summertime is not fun when we have dangerous weather occurences

The original poster said these occurrences are now too frequent. 


She did not say they never happened before

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Summertime is not fun when we have dangerous weather occurences

You forgot extreme temperatures and heat, they can be life threatening as well!


Thunderstorms are quite common in the summer in the south, with high temps, as well as hurricanes from the Gulf!


I really don't enjoy summer anymore, too hot here to even go outside!

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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

Re: Summertime is not fun when we have dangerous weather occurences

[ Edited ]

It is so humid here from all our T-storms that it's harder on me than hot weather.


Just going outside makes me light headed.

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."