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Study says men want women to make the first move...

I think this has been a fact for a long time - I know very few men in my life that were confident enough to approach a woman to ask them out.  What do you think?

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

Not my experience - I've never asked a man out , except when I was in a steady relationship and wanted to go to some event.

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

I agree that men need a little sign that you are interested to give them confidence.

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

@dex I agree. If a man gets a "signal" that you are approachable, I think it really helps him gain the confidence to ask you out. If a woman carry's herself with the "'I'm too good for you" attitude, no man would dare ask her out unless he is a jerk or totally desperate.


Sending You Roses On Valentine's Day

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

Many women were raised in the 50's and 60's to scheme to trick the man into thinking he was making the first move and even though it was well orchestrated by the women so in that respect many women have been doing it.  Men seem to want to be the one in charge so I don't know.  Most men I know or have known would rather make the first move as it makes them uncomfortable not setting the pace due to the many stalker like experiences with women who they couldn't discourage and were too polite to just tell then outright that they just were not interested.  It's like anything a personal preference and there is no one answer.  I was never like many of my friends who just wanted a man so I would never have but when the "one" actually appeared it was just a mutual thing where neither really made the first move.  

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

Yeah probably agree.  But they would never admit it.  We (women) have to do everything for them.

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

I agree that most men do need to at least know you're interested a little.  When I met my DH I let him know I was interested and he "took the ball and ran with it" after that and took over.  He asked me to marry him after 6 dates and then wanted to get married right away.  I made him wait a year.  We'll celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary this May.

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

I'm just a friendly person......I'll talk to anyone anytime, and I will include anyone male or female, big or small, old or get the picture.  Unfortunately my friendly attitude has occasionally sent out signals that were misinterpreted, if you know what I mean.  That has resulted in some uncomfortable situations, when I've tried to gently turn a guy down.  They are usually offended, no matter how I try to be kind.  Of course, now that I'm older, these situations don't arise as frequently as they once did!  Cat Wink

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

My husband was so shy the night we met his friend asked me out on my husband's behalf, he was so adorable how could I not fall head over heels in love with him!

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

If some guy had been too shy to ask me out, we would never have had a date and it would have been a good thing too! 


I think there are all different types of people and for the most part, we gravitate toward the type of person we want.  NOTHING wrong with that!  Anyone who finds the one made for them is truly blessed in this world!  


More power to L O V E!