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Re: Special memories with a spoon.

I could have written your post, @sarahpanda !  I have a special spoon and many other kitchen utensils of hers.  I also have her silverware that I use in my southern home.  I have scoops for my sugar and flour cannisters that were hers.  


She had vintage silver in a grape pattern.  I have a couple bracelets made from them.  I treasure them.


I also enjoy using the recipe cards that she hand wrote.  Priceless, for sure.


Thanks for the happy thread.  

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Re: Special memories with a spoon.

@sarahpanda wrote:

In my case with the spoon, when mom had it at her house, along with her other silverware, it was just an 'ordinary everyday run- of- the- mill' spoon.  Who would have ever thought that this spoon would be so very special.  Take heed friends - what isn't all that important to you now just might become a real treasure later on.

That is so true, @sarahpanda .  When we were dividing  up my MIL's things over twenty years ago, my SIL didn't want her mom's cookbooks and recipe card box.  I took it thinking that I would love having it and maybe she would change her mind later.  Fast forward 20 years and she asked my DH about them.  I had used them over the years and enjoyed looking at her handwritten cards.  Of course, I shared them with her.  I'm glad I hung on to them.

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Re: Special memories with a spoon.

@tends2dogs   Thank you for the kind words - My post was brought on this morning by 'the spoon' that stirred my coffee, as it always brings back so many memories.  I also have one or two hand written recipe cards by my for 'Broccoli Casserole'...oh my goodness, 'what's in a spoon & what's in a note card'....I just hope that others perhaps get their moms to 'handwrite'  out something/recipes for them.

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Re: Special memories with a spoon.

How funny, @sarahpanda , I, too, have a brocccoli casserole handwritten card from my mom.  I use it a couple times a month.  I really don't need the directions anymore, but I love having it on the counter while preparing it.  

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Re: Special memories with a spoon.

@tends2dogs    Wow !  Now I am going to have to find the recipe and try it !  I don't think I ever have before...just marveled at the card's penmanship.

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Re: Special memories with a spoon.

I think these items that get used daily are more important than the special pieces of jewelry.  I have a soup ladle from a dear aunt.  I have my mother's Fiesta that originally was my grandmother's.  So I'm the third generation on this set of dishes.  I've added to it over the years, but the original pieces still look pretty good.

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Re: Special memories with a spoon.

I have my mom's wedding silverware from International Silver. I also have the hand carved silverware chest that it came in. The pattern is called First Love, given to her and my dad as a wedding gift from dad's parents.  Most pieces are missing, but yes so many memories.  

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Re: Special memories with a spoon.

What a beautiful post @sarahpanda  My keep sake is my mothers paring knife and her recipes in a round cracker tin. I love seeing her handwriting. My mom passed at 36. I was 6. These items are priceless to me. ❤️

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Re: Special memories with a spoon.

@sarahpanda wrote:

@tends2dogs    Wow !  Now I am going to have to find the recipe and try it !  I don't think I ever have before...just marveled at the card's penmanship.

I know!  The penmanship of the people from that era was great, men and women alike.  I doubt they teach cursive anymore.

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Re: Special memories with a spoon.

Talk about sentiments!  I teared up sitting on the back deck this morning thinking about a great aunt of mine that I miss so badly till this day.  I had painted an old desk of her's this week and the whole time memories just kept flooding back.


My mother got rid of most of my aunt's things when she passed, but there are so many things I wished I had now. 


One of them was a mis-shaped spoon that would have been her mother's (my great grandmother's).  It was almost completely worn down on one side of it from scraping it against the side of the big ceramic batter mixing bowls.  What I would do for that spoon.  Or better yet, another day with my great aunt!