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Hello everyone - seems our other thread is buried or missing.  I just saw Shosh's post on Gloriajean's thread so here is a new thread for those still around.


I know many of us have not been around much but it is nice once in a while to see everyone checking in.


My heart is sad about Merle; we get to know people here and when they leave us it hurts..


I am sending all of you blessings and keeping all of you in thought.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

hi cakers, i looked high and low for this thread. yes i was heartbroken about our merle. i'm on the run now (the gym) but i will return. thank you for starting this thread back up.

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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

I'm so glad you started this up again, Cakers! No one should have their threads lost in the shuffle!  Good morning everyone!  

Posts: 64
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

Skypie and Friends Heart


Cakers...thank you for starting this forum.  It is like an old friend to me.  How sad that we have lost our dear Merle Byrd.  I think her funeral is this weekend.  I can find out for sure if anyone wants to know.  I know she was loved and cared for by her family and she will be missed by many.  This month has been so sad for me with the anniversary of my dh's death four years ago. 


Ladyroxanne..I know loosing Merle was difficult for you personally.  She was a good friend for you.  I am wondering if you have any news of our precious skypie and her family.  I miss her and hope she is well.


Shosh...thank you for sharing the sad news of Merle on Gloria's wonderful pages.   I know there are so many who would want to know of this.  She touched so many here.


Hello to all the dear friends I have known here.  I pray you are all healthy and happy and blessed. 


I look forward to  hearing from all the skypie peeps and know that you are ok.


Love and Hugs to all...go2girl

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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

seems like if i use 'quick reply feature' it is a bit quicker for me, tho can't customize the type. maybe if i do it this way i can post more often.

so good to see you all here, thanks cakers for starting up- it sure seems the old thread is gone, considering how many posts i lost, most threads i was ever on are gone.

i was mad cause some had just posted things about merle there and it coincided with being erased.

go2girl, i recall those difficult months leading up to your dh passing, i don't know what anyone can say to ease that kind of situation.

how is your grandbaby doing? my new little dgs is quite a 'chunky monkey' already, hoping to see him soon, they change so fast.

is anyone able to get in touch with skypie? hoping she will be able to come back and find us someday.
be emoticons on the quick reply it seems... <3
Posts: 64
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed precious grandson is doing so well.  He is happy and healthy and a runs a mile a minute everywhere he goes.  He seems to have normal or near normal eye sight so for that we feel so blessed.  He was here for the weekend and I had a blast.  we swam in the pool and danced and hopped and ate lots of fun foods and even tasted a few crayons...seems he likes the red crayon best!  He has lots of words and knows sign language so he is able to let us know what he wants.  He is just a bundle of joy in motion.  They teach the children sign language at his day care...isn't that such a good idea?


Thank you for remembering the long difficult road my dear husband traveled before he passed away.  He was not feeling well one evening - so we went to the emergency room- and from that day on he never came home again.  His body just collapsed and he suffered for nearly three years with many surgeries and amputations and pain before he passed away.  He was such a dear man and I miss him.


My love to you.

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Registered: ‎06-17-2015

Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

Oy  I don't know what I'm doing wrong but somehow my initial post has moved. 


go2grl:  So happy to see you and to read about your grandson!  I know this has been a milestone month for you, shorelady, and also for myself.  I am sure all of us will be keeping Merle's family in thought this weekend.


ladyr:  Good to see you and again thank you for doing all you did for us.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Registered: ‎06-17-2015

Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

@jasicafram wrote:

this is really nice that u started this again ..

jasicafram:  Welcome!

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
Honored Contributor
Posts: 17,756
Registered: ‎06-17-2015

Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

shosh:  I haven't been able to find the old thread at all.  I'm glad you spotted this one and I also hope skypie sees it.


Gloriajean:  Thank you for stopping by.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,812
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

good morning,

again cakers a big thank you for starting this thread and bringing us all back together again. before the old one disappeared, i went and read through starting from day one all the posts. it was a great thread in it's day and i especially wanted to read what merle wrote. it was sort of my working through losing her. what a great group of ladies we have here!

go2girl, unfortunately i have no info on skypie but i do hope all is well. i think she may be without a computer. she was always having trouble with hers.  i'm happy to read how well your grandson is doing. it puts a smile on my face.  shosh, i'm happy you found this thread and with two grandsons you must be thrilled. i hope your dh is doing well. 

we are experiencing three digit heat right now, even though we have low humidity and it looks like it's going to hang around awhile.  dh is working at the us senior open here and is out there in the heat. 


i just noticed i'm not typing my paragraphs.  sorry about that.  i'm off to the gym again this morning. i have a personal trainer twice a week and i really don't want to go today and then it's lunch and mahjongg.


many blessings and love to you all and i'm thrilled that we've come together again.  also welcome to our new poster.  join in anytime!