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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed



it's so nice to hear from you at last!  i hope all is well with you and dh.  you have 2 grands now don't you?  i remember the little boy and i'll bet he's getting big, but i don't remember the "new" baby.


thanks for your kind words about our beloved little girl.  we have 2 new puppies, they're going on 8 months and they're getting spayed tomorrow.  i don't know what i was thinking with 2!


keep in touch!



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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

yes lady rox, my 2 wee grandsons are big boys in their minds now, youngest is 2- i have to laugh a bit when i see my son trying to corral them- what a handful he was, and he has double!
hope your pups made it through their surgeries well. they usually do fine.

we 'fixed' so many critters over the years, but 1 cat surprised us- the vet called to tell us to pick her up, but no, instead he said she passed away in the or- some odd defect in her diaphragm affected her as soon as he began ...nothing he could do. said it had been a miracle she had been alive with that and he ought to put her in the journal- ok, well, thanks, bye...
she used to sit on dh's neck while in his recliner. just another rescued stray we ended up with somehow. they do become part of the family, even our fish did! we don't have them anymore, i got too upset when the last angel fish died, the 2 youngsters grew up into males fighting over the 1 female and that was it...awful. on the bright side, it's snowing here now! do you miss it?
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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

hi @shosh  the girls did very well with their surgeries, but he didn't want them running or jumpin for a few days.  dream on!  he gave me a sedative that kept them quiet for a couple days.  he called me to check on them and i said i'm in heaven!  they were being so good!  they're back to normal now.


2 grandsons, that's great!  so close in age, i'll just bet they're something and probably are going to be that way for years.  that's the good part about being a grandparent, which i'm sure you know.


how awful about your cat.  that is shocking and it would scare me about any other of my pets getting surgeries.  i'm really sorry to hear that and i know what you're talking about re getting so attached.  it breaks your heart, but then get another one!  you really are a softie.  i mean fish?  i haven't had that happen, yet anyhow.


keep in touch and wishing you and dh the best.  Heart

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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed



Woman Very Happyhey there, i have been seeing you posting around the boards a bit ! i read, but haven't signed on to post in months, maybe you will see me here.


yes, the big marble angelfish are so beautiful, each one is differently marked, all silvery, black and white-  and to me, some fish are more 'people like', in personality etc. 

it is so awful to see critters fighting/killing/bullying each other, or grieving!  we didn't mean to get 2 males/1 female, they were young, couldn't tell yet.

and the odds were there'd be 1 male at most, prob all 3 females. it is the males that usually make the trouble in the tank, they can't stand the competition, and one has to be careful who goes in there or the whole community goes awry.


my sweet blue betta fish was called 'billy dee' as he reminded me of billy dee williams, idk why- but after he passed, i wanted a shiny green and red one, to be different- but a blue one kept eyeing me in the store, really!

so i had to take him home- and he was billy dee too. and he hid in the same cave and ate off my finger just like the first one.


waving to vinnie the bird, hope she is doing well.


 and -  @Cakers3@go2girl@gloriajean


i have seen a few posts over the past months from you ladies too, mostly cakers. i do hope all is well, or as well as can be.

i always enjoyed talking to all of you on here.Heart


wonder where our skypie is..........Heart

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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

@shosh  Dear shosh!  So good to see you.  I have had skypie in mind for a long, long time.  I hope she is doing well.


I do see ladyroxanne from time to time on Chat, too.


I haven't seen go2grl in a long time, either.


Sending {{{hugs}}} to everyone and lots of HeartHeartHeart

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

[ Edited ]

hallo @shosh @Cakers3


i've not been around for a couple weeks, why i don't know, but it's nice seeing you both posting.


i can't believe you remembered vinnie is a girl, shosh!  he's doing well and still loves his toys.  my husband has taken over the feeding and cleaning of his cage which is surprising because he didn't want to adopt him.  he's trying to get vinnie to say "go giants".  he already says go niners, but he will not say giants.  he'll say "goooo" and that's about it. 


the puppies just turned one and are a lot of fun.  dora loves playing with vinnie.  she jumps up and down repeatedly to get his attention.  he wasn't interested at first, but now enjoys it.


shosh, i've never seen nor ever heard of handfeeding a fish.  i would love that!


i too think about skypie.  her birthday is this month.  i occasionally see go2girl on fb.


stay's hot out there! Woman HappyHeart

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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed



love your siggy!!!

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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

Hello! So nice to see so many nics I haven't seen in awhile.


I too loved Merle, maybe one day if you guys feel comfortable you will tell me what happened to her. Saddens me to hear she has passed. I know she and I talked quite often...way back and she made me was rough for her. God Bless Merle!


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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

@shosh wrote:

@Cakers3 @ladyroxanne @go2girl 


finally back on here for the moment  [or hour it takes me to type this- probably shouldn't type while i am asleep.]

wanted to say 'hello' again- i do read the board all the time, maybe some of the others do too.

hope you are all doing as well as can be.

maybe you are in the 90+ heat as we are, we don't even want to go out on the porch to get the ups pkges, the heat hits you in the face instantly- it's not the heat, or even humidity- it's the lack of air, stifling, makes it hard to catch a breath.

instead of the frequent rain breaking the heat, it just gets steamier! 

years ago we were outside everyday in the summer, working the gardens, a/c...idk how.

i love my a/c now,  heat never agreed with me.


let's see what else i can complain much to choose from....Woman Frustrated


watching any of the olympics? i catch bits, never know when it will be showing what i like- i have my fill of volleyball forever, it does seem like they are showing every possible game. caught a few moments of synchronized swimming today- ok make fun, it is a bit odd- but so difficult, gotta appreciate the effort. i didn't know that golf was an olympic sport, also trampoline i think too ?


ok ladies, hope you are out there, be well. Heart







LOL...I have always loved your sense of humore SHOSH.


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Re: Skypie and Friends Renewed

@ladyroxanne wrote:

@shosh  it's been so long, but very happy to hear from you.  i myself have been off the boards myself for over 2 months.  i lost my beloved dog, Roxanne.  she was 13 and it just broke my heart. 


i remember well the humidity from back east and don't miss it one bit.  but,  sept. is here which means it is almost over. 


@Cakers3  I'm hoping you had a good summer.


i do have some good news ,though. last weekend i bought 2 new puppies.  they are long haired chihuahuas. sable colored i think they call it.  2 sisters named dora and dayna.  i get them oct.1.  they have to be 2 lbs. we like smaller dogs now.


@go2girl  hoping all is well with your family.  hugs


i will be back soon.  it won't be so long this time!  take care everyone!   



Sorry to hear of the loss of your dog and I understand...been there a few times myself. So heartbreaking.


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