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Shabbat Shalom and a Happy March Weekend to ALL 3/24/17

Shabbat Shalom to all who observe the Sabbath, and a very happy and healthy March weekend to all!




May all your loved ones be healthy, but if they are ill, may they soon be well.


To those of you and your family with health issues, may everything turn out well. May your medical tests and those of your loved ones come back with happy results. May your medical treatments be successful and may you live a long and happy life.


Sending prayers of healing and strength to you and your loved ones.


Now, even more than ever, may our leaders find the wisdom, courage and strength to make the right decisions for our security and well-being.


Good thoughts and thanks to our military. May they come home safely and SOON. Bless all the servicemen that didn't make it home; and to those who are serving, thank you for being there to protect our safety.


Special prayers for all the children...may they have good health, enough to eat and drink, a warm bed, and the abiding love of parents and family who will protect them. May the children survive and thrive. No child should ever go to bed hungry, nor should anyone else in our beautiful, bountiful country. Help the food banks if you can. Even a little helps. May our own children be healthy and happy, and shed no tears of pain or sadness.


May your parents be healthy and happy as well. I hope everyone's mom and dad and children are healthy, and/or getting better.


Condolences to those of you that have lost a parent or a loved one recently. May you find the strength to carry on, and hold good memories of your blessed loved ones to keep you strong.


Try to do a good deed for a friend or a stranger. They'll feel good, and you'll feel better.


Dear Donna, I'm thinking of you and everyone else who has lost a dear loved one. Whether recent or not, it still hurts.


Good health and happiness to everyone who shares their thoughts and prayers and good wishes with us every week. Hug your loved ones every day and make sure they know you love them.


May the best of everything come your way, today and every day.


Wishing you all the very best xox



"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: Shabbat Shalom and a Happy March Weekend to ALL 3/24/17

A blessed Sabbath to all. Gosh ,I think Spring might be  just around the corner, it's 63 right now. That is something we can look forward to.

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and a Happy March Weekend to ALL 3/24/17

@cherry wrote:

A blessed Sabbath to all. Gosh ,I think Spring might be  just around the corner, it's 63 right now. That is something we can look forward to.


hi @cherry thank you and the same to you! I think spring is around the corner as well. I haven't been out yet nor have I stuck my head out the window, but the house feels warm so I'm guessing spring won't be too long in coming. I can't wait!  Thank you for being the first to post this week. You win the prize, which is a New York braided challah!


Have a wonderful weekend xox


"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Shabbat Shalom and a Happy March Weekend to ALL 3/24/17

[ Edited ]
@I am still oxox wrote:

Hi all and I know this thread is 2 weeks old.

Well things here went from Great to Yuck in the blink of an eye.

One week after his hip surgery my hubby turned his foot out and somehow fractured his Greater Trochanter (part of the hip), the fracture was so loud we both heard it and he was in immense pain, so we spent the day before the "storm" at a local ER with no real resolution and then a Full day at the Hospital in the city.HSS does not have an ER otherwise we would of taken the hour trip there.

No surgery needed but an additional 4 weeks or rest and PT.

Overall he is doing well but he pushes himself to much.

Sleep which is never great for me ha  become a nightmare, he tosses and turns and wakes each time he moves.

So Shabbot Shalom and please send healing prayers


@I am still oxox- I took the liberty of copying your post from last week's Shabbat Shalom thread so the others can see it and respond.


Healing prayers are being sent your husband's way. I'm so sorry he had this setback. Here's hoping he will feel better sooner rather than later.


Good Shabbos to you and your dear hubby xox

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: Shabbat Shalom and a Happy March Weekend to ALL 3/24/17

Whishing alll who observe a Shabbat Shalom. Hope everyone has a funfilled and happy weekend.

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and a Happy March Weekend to ALL 3/24/17

Good Shabbos Sunny and friends,

Thank you sunny for putting oxox's post in your thread. I had missed it.

Oxox, I am sending lots of good thoughts to you and mr oxox. I am really sorry to hear that he has had this setback.

Donna, I  too, keep you in my thoughts. I know your mother will live forever in your heart and by her good deeds.

The weather here is gorgeous, and I am going to plant a few veggies in the garden today. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and a peaceful week.











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Re: Shabbat Shalom and a Happy March Weekend to ALL 3/24/17

Good Shabbos and Happy Spring!!!

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and a Happy March Weekend to ALL 3/24/17

Shabbat Shalom to all you lovely ladies.  Sending good thoughts and prayers to oxox's husband.  


Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend filled with sunshine and happiness.

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Posts: 19,936
Registered: ‎10-04-2011

Re: Shabbat Shalom and a Happy March Weekend to ALL 3/24/17

Hi everyone,


Better late than never.   Just wanted to wish you all a good week.  I hope the weather is not too rainy where you live. Rain, on and off, all week around here.


I hope you were able to have some  relaxing time this weekend.   I was able to catch up on some dvred shows and relax.


Busy week ahead..........aren't they always!   


Sending out prayers and good thoughts for those in need.  


@hennypenny  and @sunala, thank you for the kind words. Heart


Friday was National Tortilla Chip Day.  Enjoy the chips, dips and and/or sugar free included.





You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.