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Shabbat Shalom & Happy Weekend to All 2/23/18

Shabbat Shalom to all who observe the Sabbath, and a very happy February weekend to all who post here.


It's so rewarding to be able to come together here at QVC's message board every Friday and share our holidays together, regardless of our beliefs. I'd like to thank all you beautiful people who join us on Fridays, regardless of how and where you pray. I'd also like to thank QVC for allowing us to be here.


First of all, I'm still feeling very angry about the loss of so many children's and teacher's lives. This carnage has to stop. More innocent children have lost their lives, as well as innocent adults who were just living their day, doing their jobs. I pray for the souls of those who were murdered, as well as those brave people who helped save lives. My heart breaks for them all. And that's all I can say.


To those of you in the midst of stormy weather, may it soon get back to normal! 


A BIG WELCOME TO THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE JOINING US TODAY, and welcome back to all our regular posters. 


May all your loved ones be healthy, but if they are ill, may they soon be well.


To those who have lost loved ones, know that they will always be with you in your heart.


To those of you and your family with health issues, may everything turn out well. May your medical tests and those of your loved ones come back with happy results. May your medical treatments be successful and may you live a long and happy life.


Sending prayers of healing and strength to you and your loved ones.


Now, even more than ever, may our leaders dig deep to find the wisdom, maturity, courage, strength and sanity to make the right decisions for our security and well-being. G-d bless America!


Good thoughts and thanks to our military. May they come home safely and SOON. Bless all the servicemen that didn't make it home; and to those who are serving, thank you for being there to protect our safety.


Special prayers for all the children...may they be happy, have good health, enough to eat and drink, a warm bed, and the abiding love of parents and family who will protect them. May the children survive and thrive. No child should ever go to bed hungry, nor should anyone else in our beautiful, bountiful country. Help the food banks if you can. Even a little helps. May our own children and grandchildren be healthy and happy, and shed no tears of pain or sadness.


May your parents be healthy and happy as well. I hope everyone's mom and dad, spouse, and children are healthy, and/or recovering.


Condolences to those of you that have lost a parent or a loved one recently. May you find the strength to carry on, and hold good memories of your blessed loved ones to keep you strong.


Try to do a good deed for a friend or a stranger. They'll feel good, and you'll feel better.


Good health and happiness to everyone who shares their thoughts and prayers and good wishes with us every week. Hug your loved ones every day and make sure they know you love them.


Wishing you all the very best that life has to offer. A happy and healthy weekend to all!



"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎07-06-2013

Re: Shabbat Shalom & Happy Weekend to All 2/23/18

What a lovely post.  Shabbat Shalom to you too Sunny!


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Posts: 3,712
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Shabbat Shalom & Happy Weekend to All 2/23/18

Good Shabbos Sunny and friends,

It has been a very tough couple of weeks for the country.

So many things have changed since we were children. So many more things to worry about.

I keep hoping that the powers that be will step up and do what is right.


On a lighter note, I hope all of you are doing well.

The weather is upside down, we had no winter until a few days ago. Now we are chilly and windy.

Have a good peaceful weekend all!






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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Shabbat Shalom & Happy Weekend to All 2/23/18

Good Shabbos to everyone, enjoy a peaceful, happy weekend.

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Posts: 1,363
Registered: ‎08-05-2011

Re: Shabbat Shalom & Happy Weekend to All 2/23/18

And happy weekend to you all

@sunala@Shelbelle@hennypenny and anyone else of the Jewish faith. We have been invited to my BIL's granchildren's B'Nai Mitzvah. I've had Jewish friends but this had never come up.

We will not be able to attend but will send the twins something but no idea what. The fall back is usually money but don’t know if it's appropriate for this occasion although I can't imagine it wouldn’t be.

They were preemies and under 2lbs so he is autistic and she has some issues. No clue if this information is helpful or will make a difference.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. They live across the country and we have never met them.

Thank you

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Registered: ‎11-10-2016

Re: Shabbat Shalom & Happy Weekend to All 2/23/18

Happy healthy wishes to all, and hugs and love to all our animal friends.  

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Posts: 17,739
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Shabbat Shalom & Happy Weekend to All 2/23/18

TGIF..Sabbath blessings to all. It's the second Fri of Lent, and I am seeing Passover foods at my grocery store


I always love looking at them and wondering if any of my friends  use these brands. Some of the stuff looks very good to me


It is still warmish here for Feb, and I am hoping it doesn't become dangerous for our fruit crop. A few years ago, we lost our entire apple crop, one March with,  10 days of  70 degree weather. It was a big blow to our farmers, financially


There is a movie about Samson at the theater, and I haven't heard anything about it. Has anyone seen it yet?


Tomato soup and grilled cheese tonight...I don't much like meatless Fridays



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Posts: 34,232
Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: Shabbat Shalom & Happy Weekend to All 2/23/18


And happy weekend to you all

@sunala@Shelbelle@hennypenny and anyone else of the Jewish faith. We have been invited to my BIL's granchildren's B'Nai Mitzvah. I've had Jewish friends but this had never come up.

We will not be able to attend but will send the twins something but no idea what. The fall back is usually money but don’t know if it's appropriate for this occasion although I can't imagine it wouldn’t be.

They were preemies and under 2lbs so he is autistic and she has some issues. No clue if this information is helpful or will make a difference.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. They live across the country and we have never met them.

Thank you

@Sadiesadie  I would say gift cards to Amazon are always welcome. That’s my fall back gift always. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 34,232
Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: Shabbat Shalom & Happy Weekend to All 2/23/18


TGIF..Sabbath blessings to all. It's the second Fri of Lent, and I am seeing Passover foods at my grocery store


I always love looking at them and wondering if any of my friends  use these brands. Some of the stuff looks very good to me


It is still warmish here for Feb, and I am hoping it doesn't become dangerous for our fruit crop. A few years ago, we lost our entire apple crop, one March with,  10 days of  70 degree weather. It was a big blow to our farmers, financially


There is a movie about Samson at the theater, and I haven't heard anything about it. Has anyone seen it yet?


Tomato soup and grilled cheese tonight...I don't much like meatless Fridays



Sabbath blessings to you and Mr. Cherry. When the stores put Passover foods out early, have to ck. dates carefully. They often put out last year’s things to sell first. I don’t usually purchase anything except matza and matza meal (to sub for bread crumbs/flour). I prefer to prepare my other dishes from fresh ingredients.


Have a restful weekend.



Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,409
Registered: ‎09-09-2014

Re: Shabbat Shalom & Happy Weekend to All 2/23/18


Happy healthy wishes to all, and hugs and love to all our animal friends.  

Thank you so much from one animal lover to another for mentioning the animals! How kind & caring of you!!!Cat Very Happy