Good Morning and Shabbat Shalom to those who observe.
Welcome to this inclusive thread. Please join us on Fridays for friendship, share your stories, disgustingly hot weather, reports, sorrows....we're here to listen.
This week we packed up and donated boxes of kitchen things and extra linens for to be sent to Ukraine. A box of towels went to the animal shelter, too. It was a fruitful few days off for July 4th.
DH is going to begin going to the office 4 days a week...Fridays off. He'll see how it goes and then maybe after taxes, cut back to 3 days there. Lovely for him to have a few days home, but uh, how will I like him hanging around? Lol Anyone with semi-retired DHs please advise.
WOW! Awful heat, humidity and dangerous air quality the next 5-7 days. Please stay in if possible and extra hydrated if you have to be out. I went out at 6 with Molly and my flashlight and it was like gettting slapped in the face with a wet washcloth when I opened the door. Awful!!! I got in my 45 minutes of walking and that was enough.
The youngest grandaughter is spending the night tomorrow, but the last thing on my mind is standing over a big pot of boiling water to watch her requested matza balls float to the top. We'll most likely bring in pizza.
Those in the know, my two front teeth are on the way from the lab in CA and will be here next week. Oh Goodie...another dentist appt. with nitrous and Xanax!!!
Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend. Pray for peace and safety so we can go everywhere without fear.