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Posts: 4,346
Registered: ‎05-19-2010

Re: Question for those retired

After working for 36 years, I retired almost 5 years ago. I took early retirement, I wanted to enjoy my retirement while I was still relatively young and healthy. The day I retired was one of the best days of my life.


The best thing about being retired - no schedule!! I do what I want, when I want. Come and go as I please. As a matter of fact, most days I don't know where the times goes!!


My passion is reading, I average at least one book a week, usually two. When the weather is warmer, I go bike riding, take walks in the park, go driving in the country or enjoy lunch with friends.


My husband retired almost 3 years ago. Since then we travel, mostly day trips - shopping, visiting wineries, going to different craft shows or festivals. He doesn't like to walk, but he usually will come with me for a bike ride.