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Re: Post-Christmas blues....

I feel the opposite of the blues...I feel a great inner joy that life will soon be normal - where I will not be surrounded by all of the holiday BS. 

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Re: Post-Christmas blues....

I always get after Christmas let-down.  Why -- who knows?  It's just to me a very special day of the year and I want the feeling to last forever.  I guess it's the part of me that just never grew up!  That kind of magical feeling you have when you're a kid!  And after the day is over, then there is just the long, cold, long winter months --- and a long time before spring comes!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Post-Christmas blues....

I'd like to skip the month of December. Christmas triggers my PTSD since the 2 crimes were on Christmas but decades apart.


I woke up on the 26th feeling like myself again.

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Re: Post-Christmas blues....

[ Edited ]

Buck up people!!!!



Here are some happy thoughts!!!


THE DAYS ARE GETTING LONGER THANK GOODNESS!!!! ( only a few minutes so far, but suddenly you'll begin to notice that it IS lighter at the end of the day, for longer!!!


Seed catalogs will soon be out!!!


I have no plan or purpose, but I will go to the grocery store in the next few days and see if there's anything "holidayish" left on sale, food wise. Maybe I find something, maybe I don't...never know....!!!!


Queston: Did ANYBODY out there see Pepperidge Farm Cranberry Swirl bread this year? I never saw it at our Walmart or Tops here in W. PA. I really like that bread and they only used to make it around the Holidays. Maybe I just missed it....



Happy New Year to all....!!!  Onward to Spring!!!!


And thank goodness it's going to warm up this weekend here in the NE!!!!



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Re: Post-Christmas blues....

I usually think January can be bleak after all the lights and decorations in December.  My youngest is graduating from high school this year.  I have a feeling after New Year's we'll just be hurtling toward that milestone.

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Re: Post-Christmas blues....

@house_cat - keep in mind there are only 363 days until Christmas 2023!

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Re: Post-Christmas blues....

@riley1 wrote:

@house_cat - keep in mind there are only 363 days until Christmas 2023!



Yikes!  Let me turn on QVC and start shopping NOW!  My gift closet is empty!

~ house cat ~
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Re: Post-Christmas blues....

I am still in the holiday spirit as I have another family get together coming up.

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Re: Post-Christmas blues....

@Lucky Dog wrote:

I am still in the holiday spirit as I have another family get together coming up.


I found out yesterday that my brother and SIL will be stopping here for one overnight on their way to Florida, so I've been back fussing and preparing.  I guess I'll have to put off feeling blue until Thursday.




~ house cat ~
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Re: Post-Christmas blues....

@house_cat you are not alone.i have felt this way since Christmas has been over.end of the world?no,but still a very low feeling in my lif.will I get over this?yes,I do every year.i leave my tiny tree up,turn on the christmas lights,and relax after a long working day