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Positive Thoughts For Sunday

Hello friends, 

I didn't see a thread started for today and I know @Bellabutterfly  wanted her thread to continue. 


Bella, We are praying for you today and thinking of you. 


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Re: Positive Thoughts For Sunday


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Re: Positive Thoughts For Sunday

Please forgive me for intruding.  I used to post often, but do not do so now.  However, I do check in on occasion to see what old friends are up to and am trying to find gloriajean who posted these wonderful daily threads.  


If anyone does know what happened, please let me know.  I would appreciate any info. I do hope all is well with gloriajean as I wish the same for all old friends here and new friends.


By the tone of this thread, I understand that bellabutterfly may have some serious problems in her life.  As with all who post here, I always send a silent prayer to them.


Thank you again and have a wonderful day.



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Re: Positive Thoughts For Sunday

@shorelady, sadly gloriajean no longer posts here. She was treated in a terrible way and had to move on. I know she is enjoying her beautiful twin grandaughters.

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Re: Positive Thoughts For Sunday

Thinking of Bella and Gloria this season.  Two wonderful human beings who have had a lot to shoulder.

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Re: Positive Thoughts For Sunday

@RetRN wrote:

@shorelady, sadly gloriajean no longer posts here. She was treated in a terrible way and had to move on. I know she is enjoying her beautiful twin grandaughters.

@shorelady, Welcome!  You are not "intruding."  Please join us, as we are trying to keep a thread going for those who want to share their thoughts, prayers, and prayer requests and share their belief in God.


@gloriajean is no longer here.  Due to some complaints, we are not allowed to quote from the Bible.  We must carefully consider whether or not any copyright laws are being violated.  So after trying to alter her message and still facing challenges, she gave up her thread.  I cannot blame her, and I remain so thankful for the huge amount of time and effort she gave to help inspire so many.  Of course, QVC continues to sell Bibles, religious medals, etc., etc., on airtime.  I will let you reach your own conclusions.


Pretty sad, don't you think?  

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Re: Positive Thoughts For Sunday

Bella, You are in my thoughts and prayers.  May our Lord give you wisdom, courage, and comfort during this time.  


Sending love over and hugs across the miles,


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Re: Positive Thoughts For Sunday


Image result for in my thoughts and prayers images


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Re: Positive Thoughts For Sunday

Good afternoon ladies -- I am quickly stopping by this weekend, as I have a very busy week ahead.  I'm sure many of you do as well.


Beautiful, uplifting thoughts today, thank you.


I have learned that my very sick dear friend, became unresponsive last night.  Her DH says the time is short.  The family is on their way from all over the country.  I pray they make it in time.  She won't know they are there, but of course, they want to get there before their dear wife, Mom, Grandmom leaves for heaven.


My prayers continue for her, her family, Bella and her dear Mom, and all the folks that are suffering in anyway.  A big hug goes out to all.


Peace, hope and strength for everyone; this is my prayer today.


God bless you all.


@shorelady - as for Gloria - she is alive and well.  Watching the twins often.  She has posted pictures periodically of the little angels.  She does post  her inspirational quotes on other websites, which we are not allowed to speak of here.  I will let her know you asked about her.  If you have email, facebook...... addresses of other longtime posters from here, you may check with them about getting in contact with Gloria.   I would love to tell you, but I've been banned before for trying to do just that.


Please don't ever feel you are intruding, that is certainly not the case.  We love hearing from you.


@AuntG  The same information for you as well.  I would love to get you in contact with Gloria, but it is what it is here.


Merry Christmas to all and a very happy, healthy, blessed 2017.Heart