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Re: Please help lift my spirits

@missy1 wrote:

@ccassaday wrote:

@ccassaday wrote:

@missy1 wrote:

I am trying to figure out the back-story. I know you/family are building a house from other posts. You all have lived together, even when you were not disabled? (on another thread you said you lived there 40 years) You said you worked 20+years, so I assume this is a recent disability or it just progressed.(psoriatic arthritis)


The new house isn't being built fast enough as your would like, and your other house isn't sold. (so you have to rent).


I feel bad for your disability, but at the same time you are very fortunate you have supporting parents (financial & emotional), On top of it, you are all getting a brand new house built. You said all your money just goes into savings. The people I know who get ssi/ssa for a disability get a small check, and it's hard to live on. Was there a need to build this house?

I missed this part.


It seems so stressful on your parents, let alone the financial aspect. (I am sure your family home is probably paid for) I would have sold it, before building. That's just me. Building a new home can cost more than what you thought, and take longer than you thought. Many things can happen. Be patient.






Yes it has progressed.  There was a time I lived on my own. Probably about 15 years. We are selling it before building. We need to pay off the lot for the down payment. Aren't going to take that much out of retirement account and pay taxes on it. Builder will start digging the basement as soon as we have sold our house. Yes the expenses have been quite a bit. From getting our home ready to sell. Plus all the expenses when we start. Have to have closing costs, buy appliances, a water softener. Not to mention we will probably be buying  all our lighting. I have contributed also a lot of money to this process which I am happy to do.  My parents are very fortunate to be able to do this after retirement. 


I am going to say this again. I am very proud of my dad this past week. He has gone non stop to get our current place finished. Plus after all the days work has managed to take the dog on a two mile walk with my mom every night.  We are almost done. 





We live in a two story. My parents do not want to be in a predicament that they need to leave their home if something happens. This new home is ADA compliment not only for me but also so thryvcan stay in there home as they get older. Not to mention my dad has worked his butt of since he was nineteen investing. They deserve this. Hard work and investing correctly has paid off. Not to mention not always having to have two fancy cars or wanting to go on expensive vacations. Because they were frugal and smart they are able to do this.


i have no bills or debts. So yes all my money goes into savings. My parents will transfer money as they need to for my living expenses. I give my myself a small amount every month for my needs and random things. I order all my stuff online. Sometimes I use it sometimes I don't. I worked 20 years so I had work credits for SSDI. I get more then what a person who is disabled and hasn't worked.  It's true if I was living on my own it would be hard to get by. So I am very fortunate to beable to live with my parents.



I can say that we are both fortunate to have parents like ours. Be patient, it will all work out.

I am trying really hard. We only have two things left to do on our current house. It will be done by Friday. But I am concerned about Home Depot. They are supposed to replace the floor they screwed up. Don't know when that will be. House might be up for sale already. But I am worried they will come next week and screw up our freshly painted walls and new baseboards creating more issues. My dad is going to set expectations and tell them if they can't take basebards without scratching the wall up and not screw the floor up he isn't going to have them reinstall it. We have been so jinxed I just have a feeling they are going to screw everything up. He should of just asked for a refund and left it at that. So I will believe it when I see the for sale sign in the front yard. 

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Registered: ‎05-02-2017

Re: Please help lift my spirits