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Please help lift my spirits

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I am just wondering if anyone else feels this way sometimes. Do you ever get mad at yourself for getting excited about something and then it doesn't happen.

I am feeling pretty down lately about our house building. I feel like our current house is never going to get done. They keep saying oh another week and it will be up for sale. That was three weeks ago. My dad retires Friday. So now he has all his time to finishing the house. I feel like we are very close but yet I am feeling like it's never going to finish. I am a bundle of nerves thinking we won't sell our house for awhile since we waited to long. I am just feeling so crappy and discouraged. I hate that I have allowed myself to get excited. There have been so many roadblocks and delays I just waiting for this all to fall through. I have no shower because mine was taken out since we had converted to a dining room. Had to take it out to sell. Have been going to my sisters. Please help me feel not so discouraged. I hate because my disability I can't help them finish. All I can do is sit there and watch the slow time this is taking. I am about ready to go get all my stuff I got and return it. This entire process now has me litteraly sick to my stomach and I can't sleep. I just want to crawl into a hole and forget we ever started this process. I was perfectly content with what I have. But once the process starts it gets exciting to think what is in the future. I feel we are just spinning our wheels with getting the house done and on the market. It's feels like a long nightmare.

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Re: Please help lift my spirits

@ccassaday  Don't be so hard on yourself. It's only natural to feel disappointed when something isn't going as planned. Take a deep breath and try to relax. I know it's easier said than done. I would take one day at a time and know that everything will eventually work out. Lean on your faith and know all the delays are part of a bigger plan. Try to stay positive. I am thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way. 

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Re: Please help lift my spirits

@ccassaday - I know it's hard, but think what it will be like when you're relaxing in your beautiful new home. We have built a house before, and it did not go smoothly. They told us 6 months; it turned into over a year. I can't begin to tell you how discouraged I was. Our things were in storage on the other side of the country. Some did not make it here, and quite a bit was damaged, including my grandmother's corner cupboard. 


It will happen. Try to focus on how blessed you are to be moving into your new home. Smiley Happy

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Re: Please help lift my spirits

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I Chin up @ccassaday.  Roadblocks and delays are par for the course with a project like this.  You should have seen me when I sold one house in Texas, was buying one in a distant city, was trying to pack and keep the house decent and I got a horrid allergy to some new meds that kept me down for over a week.  Nothing went right, one problem after another, etc., etc. 


In the end the houses got bought and sold, everything got packed and except for the transmission going out in my car right before moving day, thanks to the intervention of angels, everything went smoothly. 


There are a million details in a project like this, thus a million things to go wrong.  You haven't seen anything yet; the worst is yet to come! 


Have faith, everything will get taken care of in good time and the house will get finished.  Everything's going to be okay.  You'll soon be an old pro in this type of adventure advising other people. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Please help lift my spirits

I am trying. But it's getting hard to stay positive. I mean our construction could be ready to close next week. We can't close until the house is sold. He tol the loan officer he would have it finished in a week in a half. It will be three weeks Thursday next week. What happens if we can't sell our house quickly. We missed the busy season. Kids go back to school next month.  I mean how soon will we have to close on cconstruction loan before we would have to start it all over again. I feel my dad has ADD sometimes. He doesn't have any concept of time. He keeps telling people a date and it never happens. I am so embarrassed.  I feel like time is just moving at a snails pace. 

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Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: Please help lift my spirits

@beach-mom wrote:

@ccassaday - I know it's hard, but think what it will be like when you're relaxing in your beautiful new home. We have built a house before, and it did not go smoothly. They told us 6 months; it turned into over a year. I can't begin to tell you how discouraged I was. Our things were in storage on the other side of the country. Some did not make it here, and quite a bit was damaged, including my grandmother's corner cupboard. 


It will happen. Try to focus on how blessed you are to be moving into your new home. Smiley Happy

That's the point I don't think it's going to happen. With all the delays I think God has something different planned. He is playing a cruel joke.

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Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: Please help lift my spirits

I also don't know when my joints are going to be done. She could call any day. Then that takes us out of town for three days. I wouldn't feel to discouraged I just feel like my dad gets distracted way to easy and nothing gets done. It took him 2 days to paint the garage ceiling last weekend. Yes he is wasting time on a garage ceiling instead of doing what really matters in the house. Then I make myself all sick today because of something else. My dad had a colonoscopy done. They coded it wrong so he got a bill. Hexis trying to get them to fix it but can't get anywhere. Going to go do it in person tomorrow I think. Then I make myself sick by thinking what if they turn that over to a collection agency for not paying it. There goes our house. And it's a silly thought because we have only got one bill and he is trying to get it fixed. But what if they don't send us a second bill before this is fixed and their credit goes down the tubes. I know this is stupid but all these bad things are running through my mind.


what is the time frame you have to close on a construction loan once it is ready. 

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Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: Please help lift my spirits

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I will let you know if I feel any more encouraged tomorrow. He has the day off. They have a appointment with their financial advisor at 9 am. Then he will probably go take care of that doctor coding mistake. I think he has to run some bank statements to the credit union for the loan. But he will have all afternoon tomorrow to work. He also should be home by noon Friday after his exit interview. So if nothing gets done I will feel even more discouraged. But if he actually gets some work done maybe that will be some encouragement I need.  What is so discouraging is we don't have a lot to do. Maybe 4 days worth. But if he can't stay focused and stay home and do it, it won't get done. I keep trying to encourage my mom to do the things she can help with and she has been great at that.

What is really maddening is we bought this property 1.5 years ago. He said he was going to finish the inside last winter. Not one thing got done.  Why didn't he have this house done. 

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,784
Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: Please help lift my spirits

My birthday is tomorrow and I feel like I can't even enjoy my day. My sister will be in town next Friday to Sunday. So nothing will get done Saturday as my dad's retirement party is Saturday. I just wish we never would of started this. What makes me really upset is this is all self inflicted by my dad not having the house done and deciding not to do the bridge loan at the last minute.

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Posts: 6,784
Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: Please help lift my spirits

I forgot to mention I can handle delays. I understand their are going to be things happen in the building process that could delay things. Those things are out of your control. The reason this has me so upset is this is all self inflicted. I love my dad but him not doing the house this past winter then changing his mind on the bridge loan are what have caused all of this. We haven't even been able to enjoy the simmer. We usually go out to my aunts pool a few times by now.  Kids are going to be going back to school in a month so it's going to be harder to sell the house. I just wish he would of stopped telling everyone dates. Everyone has gone but. Some even two months ago.  I laughed at my mom today when she said she wants the house done this weekend. The loan officer is going to be so ticked we don't have it up for sale yet. I mean he told my dad to list it even though he is still working on it.