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Re: Perfect time to go to Great Britain.

[ Edited ]

I congratulate them on their Independence from Europe!  Smiley Happy

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Re: Perfect time to go to Great Britain.

@GSPgirl wrote:

I lived there when the pound was equal to a dollar.  The dollar is $1.37 to a pound.  Americans were coming in droves to buy Laura Ashley wall paper, clothes and China.  My ex never ever considered England as part of Europe.  He told me never to tell people that we lived in Europe.  Many older people felt the same way. 

Then that tide turned at some point.  Englanders came to the US to save money on clothing and wares.  They particularly came in droves to New York.  It was way cheaper for them to come to the States than it was for US citizens to visit England.

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Perfect time to go to Great Britain.

@Vivian Florimond wrote:

We live in a global economy, whether we like it or not. What the Brits did is going to cost them dearly and we will feel the effects too. Take a look at your 401K in a couple of weeks. The EU is going to come down quite hard on Britain in the very complicated negotiations that will ensue. Cameron should never have taken this gamble. I understand that politicians on both sides of the pond have been ineffective in dealing with today's problems but this change is going to have horrendous repercussions.

They had to do something in a democratic fashion.  They did and the people spoke.  This is exactly how Democracy works.

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Perfect time to go to Great Britain.

@Hooty wrote:

I congratulate them on their Independence from Europe!  Smiley Happy

Next up: Scottland (or so that's what I'm reading).

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Perfect time to go to Great Britain.

@GSPgirl wrote:

I lived there when the pound was equal to a dollar.  The dollar is $1.37 to a pound.  Americans were coming in droves to buy Laura Ashley wall paper, clothes and China.  My ex never ever considered England as part of Europe.  He told me never to tell people that we lived in Europe.  Many older people felt the same way. 


      Okayyyyyyy   It sounds like that might have been many years ago.  I don't think it has much to do with the current situation.  Actually, any time is great time to visit Great Britain.  Perhaps not if your only reason for going is to shop and the rate of exchange is a factor.  But most people go to experience the sights and culture and history.  And maybe they buy  something.  I think you are confusing the economics of the EU with how people define themselves. 

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Re: Perfect time to go to Great Britain.

I'll be in London in 2 weeks.  It should be an interesting time.


As we live in Europe part of the year, it is interesting to hear locals comments about the EU. While it certainly has done a lot for the infrastructure, many feel they lived better when countries were unique. The immigration problem is worse than it is here.


I have a feeling this is just the beginning.

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Re: Perfect time to go to Great Britain.

I just came back from Ireland.  Spent a week in Dublin. I absolutely love Ireland and if I had no family ties here, I would consider moving there.  This big vote was on the local news quite a bit, as you can imagine.  It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Perfect time to go to Great Britain.

@chrystaltree wrote:

@GSPgirl wrote:

I lived there when the pound was equal to a dollar.  The dollar is $1.37 to a pound.  Americans were coming in droves to buy Laura Ashley wall paper, clothes and China.  My ex never ever considered England as part of Europe.  He told me never to tell people that we lived in Europe.  Many older people felt the same way. 


      Okayyyyyyy   It sounds like that might have been many years ago.  I don't think it has much to do with the current situation.  Actually, any time is great time to visit Great Britain.  Perhaps not if your only reason for going is to shop and the rate of exchange is a factor.  But most people go to experience the sights and culture and history.  And maybe they buy  something.  I think you are confusing the economics of the EU with how people define themselves. 


It was the 80's......



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Re: Perfect time to go to Great Britain.

I was happy to see the results.  I have friends over there - some are upset but most are happy.  The market will calm down soon.  The things I'm reading on facebook are amusing.  The Remain people are really trying to get things started again -- calling for another vote, etc. 

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Re: Perfect time to go to Great Britain.

Lot's of people are now having second thoughts about their vote to leave the EU.

Seems Nigel Faragen, the guy who pushed so hard for leaving misrepresented some major facts.

Our economy will also take a major hit. Look at the Dow.