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Re: Organizing the freezer

[ Edited ]

Woman Happy

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

@JoyFilled Warrior   You don't wanna see my basement.  I need professional help down there and a couple of big dumpsters.



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@Carmie wrote:

@JoyFilled Warrior   You don't wanna see my basement.  I need professional help down there and a couple of big dumpsters.



@Carmie...your basemement would be fun to clean out and organize...I'll take care of your basemet, you organize my freezer!!

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Posts: 20,430
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

@Mom2Dogs   That's a good deal....I'm in.

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May I just say that if your freezer still runs well, keep it.  I don't trust all these off brands that I am seeing.  DH grew up with dad in freezer meat business.  He totally thinks the chest freezer that is NOT frost free is the best.  Because of the defrosting cycle, items in freezer are subjected to refreshing which is not as good for food.