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Have a beautiful day, ladies.
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Re: Ok. I need validation.

[ Edited ]

I'm glad that you're over it, because, I feel like, maybe, I'm missing something. 

If your BF's friend, hurt his leg,why would you still expect him to come to dinner?

Maybe he wasn't very mobile, maybe he was in pain, maybe he knew he couldn't make the kind of first impression, he wanted to. 

Are you saying you think the hurt  leg, was just a ruse, to get out of dinner?  That would definitely be not cool, but unless you have real reason, to think that, I wouldn't automatically assume the worst, stuff does happen. 


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He got cold feet.

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@Ditzydori ... Ummm... No one at all mentioned the pandemic going on??? Wow!! Your boy friend's friend has never been to your home and it was your idea having a "dinner party"??? He didn't come because of whatever... Wasn't your girlfriend the least bit concerned of possibly catching the virus from this man she's never met??? ...especially an indoor dinner party??Strange all around ... And you know I'm right about this. So many threads about COVID-19 here on this forum and not one person mentioned it here...on your post!! Just... Wow!
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@Ditzydori ...I read all the posts, however, my reason for posting is "Your name--Ditzydori."  I love it.

As for the blind date thing, what a fiasco.  Sorry your plans didn't work out, maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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Re: Ok. I need validation.

[ Edited ]

@EastCoastGal wrote:
@Ditzydori... Ummm... No one at all mentioned the pandemic going on??? Wow!! Your boy friend's friend has never been to your home and it was your idea having a "dinner party"??? He didn't come because of whatever... Wasn't your girlfriend the least bit concerned of possibly catching the virus from this man she's never met??? ...especially an indoor dinner party??Strange all around ... And you know I'm right about this. So many threads about COVID-19 here on this forum and not one person mentioned it here...on your post!! Just... Wow!


I'm just reading this thread now, and wasn't going to comment because it was started weeks ago.  But that was my first thought also.  

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Re: aRe: Ok. I need validation.

[ Edited ]

@Ditzydori @I think a dinner might be too long to visit  first tme out of the gate.T is very sweet and considerate of you to go to that great length for friends.They would probably be more comfortable with a cup of coffee and a cookie first time meeting.That way f it is awkward it won't be a long evening.

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Not sure what the big deal is. Things happen.