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Registered: ‎03-04-2015

I find these responses surprising and funny. I had no idea most women are afraid of snakes,bats, rats

the only thing I fear are people..

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Most people I know are afraid or don't like some type of animal, rodent,etc.

I can't handle snakes. Can't even look at a picture. Thank goodness I have never seen one in real life. Nothing else bothers me.

My husband can't stand spiders. I am the one who gathers them up and put outside.

People don't bother me. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Gadzooks!  That'll wake ya up - for about a week!   You were tough, though, and took care of business.  Kudos there!  I'd have probably run out of the house and called my husband to fix it.  Heck, there was a bee in the house one time and that's exactly what I did.  Granted, I'm terrified of bees (much more than snakes for sure!), so there was no way I was being in that house with a bee.


Hope the day calms down!  Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎08-19-2014

OMG!! I would have had a heart attack for sure!!

 A few years back I walked in to my house to find 2 mice on my kitchen floor.I ran out & called an exterminator from my car. He set traps & caught them with in hours.He found that they came from under my kitchen sink & plugged up the space.

  I threw out all my pots & pans & bought new ones.I insisted on sleeping with the light on for several months!!

  @Still keeper of the koi  so glad you’re ok!!!

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Registered: ‎10-04-2010

I don't like anything that moves FAST.  Eek.  A car, ok. If it has legs, no way.  

Valued Contributor
Posts: 574
Registered: ‎05-04-2017

Thank you friends for your kind caring words.It caught me off guard for sure,maybe a little warning for us all about dangerous things that we often overlook.I realize looking back that I went into mama bear mode,I have 3 little vision impaired dogs and also a vision impaired cat.If that snake was poisonous, it could be deadly in the house hiding.We have many copperheads and rattlesnakes around us.I cannot tell you what that snake was, I kind of blacked out in my haste to react. I put my foot on its head and picked it up by my foot .It was a big snake it wrapped around my forearm with its tail.I am awaiting my new cleaner today from amazon.This one will stay indoors.Please dear sweet friends use caution in this hot, very wet summer .It only takes a minute to be in harm's way.Feeling grateful and strong today.Mama bear is alive and well..Hugs,MaryAnne