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Next time you want to clean your carpet, buy new carpet instead. 😁

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Registered: ‎05-04-2017

I just ordered a new cleaner from Amazon. I am a putz that machine gives the Willies handling it now!oh well, its out on the curb right  now ,free sign on it ! Better luck for someone else!

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Oh dear! I would have wet my pants!!!!!  Hope it was just a garden snake.

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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

I am so glad you were able to get it out and not run from it.  It would have ran and hid and you would have not known where!  

Whenever I see even a small spider I have to try and kill it no matter where it is!  If I don't I keep thinking about it and can't sleep at night! Bless you!Woman Wink

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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Yikes! Scary, glad you got him out of the house.

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@Still keeper of the koi - Well, that will wake you up.

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Oh my, you are brave! I would of been hysterical and on top of the table calling 911.

Im happy you were able to get it out of the house and remain calm, and get rid of your carpet machine. 

Hope your day gets better.

Sleep sweet Bo 3/19/08 8/4/18
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I will have to keep that in mind because my carpet cleaner is in the garage, and there could be snakes out there.  One of the wonders of living in FL.  I have been here 11 years and actually have had very small snakes in my home 3 times. 


The first one I was able to sweep out on my own (I was home alone).  The next time one of my dogs alerted me to its presence in the house and we swept that one out too.  The third one, I actually vacuumed it up with my vacuum.  I put the vacuum cleaner in the garage that night and in the morning I dumped the contents in the retention basin (I think it was dead).


We have a nice home, and frankly I rarely see snakes outside, but I know they are there.  I don't know why they come it, but they must slither in under the door I guess.  The more encounters I have with them, the less terrified I am.  Still, I wish there were no snakes in the world.  But then I guess there would be an over population of rodents, lol !

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Once I moved a picture off the wall and there was the mother of all centipedes behind it.  I ran screaming from the house and when I came back she had already moved several feet - I sucked her up in the vacuum pronto.  DH had to empty the canister.  I mean, she was at least 6" long.


Good thing you got her out, @Still keeper of the koi.


Once, too I got my lawn mower out of storage under the deck steps, not knowing there was a nest of mice living under it - I started to mow and out came flying at least one headless mouse.



Cogito ergo sum
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Registered: ‎12-24-2010

In areas that get cold weather (snow type) machines that use water should NOT be kept in below freezing temps.  It can mess up plastic tubing - etc.  since weather hot/cold causes expansion and contraction. 

If that's not a problem - you could put cleaners/power washer in a big plastic trash bag and tie it up real good - so nothing can 'crawl' inside.