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Re: October 2018 Bird's Nest

~ Mystical Forest ~

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Re: October 2018 Bird's Nest

Pretty in red.. Cardinal

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Re: October 2018 Bird's Nest

Cardinal in the Holly

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Re: October 2018 Bird's Nest

Black cat                                                                                                                                                                                 More

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Re: October 2018 Bird's Nest

Good morning my beautiful girls. Happy Thursday :)

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Re: October 2018 Bird's Nest

Well Bernie, are you going to get a job for the holidays? So true that EVERY where you go now there are signs advertising they are hiring. interesting. I was handed a promotion by the cashier at Target - the man said, there was always a job for everyone. Wonder what he meant by that?  Fascinating to me as the stores are NOT jammed. Freeways are with too many trucks and other hauling vehicles - gotten terrible. All those zillion of acres which had marvelous orange trees on them have become centers for trucks and other delivery vehicles. That means to me people are ordering online, etc and the distribution centers have become really busy. Do NOT like it one bit.


Loved all the great pictures, always good to see an ornery old black cat and handsome Scottie.


Very cold this morning = but suppose to get up to 80 and in a couple days near 100. This has been one of the hottest years we have had and they say the drought is over. Nope, Trees, etc still dying - ground water is too low or non existent. Sigh.


Have a great day everyone.

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Re: October 2018 Bird's Nest

Freddie @Winifred  I am not looking for a job if I can help it Woman LOL

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: October 2018 Bird's Nest

Image may contain: coffee cup

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Re: October 2018 Bird's Nest

Essex Steam Train | Essex, CTcountryliving

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Re: October 2018 Bird's Nest