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Re: OH That's Just SO, So Good!

@Mary Bailey wrote:
Image result for not my monkeys not my circus

an old Polish saying

I'm an old Polish girl


This one is big with the young adults now. My son uses it all the time, and has me doing so.

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Re: OH That's Just SO, So Good!

[ Edited ]

My dad was the kindest, most compassionate man I'd ever known.... until meeting my husband, who is just like him. 


Dad grew up during the Great Depression and there were times when he literally had no shoes, or socks and had to borrow them from his sisters.  He'd tell me stories about this when I was a kid and I'd wind up in tears.  I don't think his intention was to sadden me, but rather to give me perspective.


This is one he would often say:


"I cried because I had no shoes and then I met a a man who had no feet."

~ house cat ~
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Re: OH That's Just SO, So Good!

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Re: OH That's Just SO, So Good!

If we all threw our problems into a pile and saw everyone else’s we’d grab our own problems back.