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Re: OCTOBER 2015 - Back Fence

Very cool here this morning and we are headed for a very cool weekend. Down to the 30s in the evening. I'm trying to clear out some space in the bedroom. They are supposed to come check our ceiling cable tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure they will cut a hole in the ceiling and I can't imagine what they do next. I'm hoping I won't need to take down the bed. Plus I'll have to put it some place not to mention the treasures underneath there. Poor old house is aging right along with us. I've had a praying manthis hanging out on the screen in the sunroom. I have shades part way down and when he is behind one he is magnified. Perfect for Halloween. Haven't seen him do anything but just hang on the screen. He does change locations. Freddie there is a tree in our neighbors yard that could use your assistance If and when it falls I'm not sure what it might take out. She said they can't afford to have it removed. I don't know why they couldn't remove some of the dead limbs themselves. The husband is a police officer at a Va hospital about 60 miles from here. He works odd shifts. He does manage to mow but that's about it. He is a retired military person. I don't know why they don't live closer to his job since she is a stay at home mom. I think her parents live in town so perhaps that is the reason. She loves to decorate and has had the house all ready for Halloween for several weeks.
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Re: OCTOBER 2015 - Back Fence


Freddie, when I left work yesterday, it was 75 degrees.  I'm glad days that start at 75 degrees are behind me.  I'm sorry you lost your elm tree.  I remember, many many years ago when we lost trees to Dutch Elm disease.  Many many years later, we lost trees to the Emerald Ash borer.  What a PITA to have to take the oxygen test again.  You are on the run constantly with the kids so I understand why your are 'driving fatigued'.  I'm not doing anything special for Halloween.  I gave candy the first couple of years in my house.  I used to decorate too.  After DH passed, I kind of lost the desire to do it.







There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: OCTOBER 2015 - Back Fence

Betty,  What's going on with your ceiling?   You have the praying mantis and the front of my house is spider central.  I must have some big spiders too because when I come home from work and check the mailbox, I often run into an elaborate web that I removed the day before.  I don't want to spray since they aren't getting in the house and they eat other bugs I don't want lol.





There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: OCTOBER 2015 - Back Fence

Afternoon, home from O'Hare watching the Cubs/Cardinals game, wow we just took the lead, started out bad but now I feel much better.

@Winifred sorry about the oxygen, please just slow down, the others will have to adjust, you can't do it all.

@Bird mama, our weather here pretty much mirrors yours, I think I'd better start on the deck, I'm always in denial, it doesn't work lol

Going to order Chinese, I'm too invested in this ball game to cook


Take Care


OOPS sorry everyone, hope all are well

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Re: OCTOBER 2015 - Back Fence

[ Edited ]

Yay for the Cubs!   It's been a long dry spell.  The Cubs fans have hung in there    

Bernie we have electric heat in the ceiling and apparently we have some broken wires. We tested the thermostat and it seemed to check out Ok.  I'd be very happy if they discover that is the problem.  They used to go up in the attic and find the break but not many places work on it any more.  It's been really nice heat.  I'm dreading the fix cause the ceiling has that spray on stuff and I don't know what will happen.   Time is passing us by

freddie I guess I missed that you were actually using the oxygen. I hope you get some good rest.  

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Re: OCTOBER 2015 - Back Fence

Hey, I ain't on oxygen yet. My pulmonary MD insists I go on it at nighttime and I do not like the idea BUT will give it a try if HE can get HIS act together. I did the night test at home where your oxygen is recorded but after doing everything I was suppose to do LAST WEDNESDAY AT MY PULMONARY MD'S OFFICE, i GET A CALL ON mONDAY, SORRY, YOU HAVE TO DO THE TEST AGAIN AS 30 DAYS HAVE PASSED. I was so irritated with him as he should have known that last Wednesday - so back to Banning I go today and pick up my test apparatus. Could ONLY pick it up at 4. Tomorrow I have to take it back at 11 a.m. no other time. This is so very dumb. At this rate I may never go on it. LOL. I just love driving up and down the Freeway.


Betty, you have heat in your attic? Wouldn't that burn the house down. Huh? Have never heard of such a thing. Have heard of water pipes being in the ceiling but not electrical wires which put out heat. Have heard of heaters in the attic but not wires running around. LOL.


Very humid today - maybe tomorrow there will be rain and cooler weather. Say a prayer.


Speaking of tomorrow, take Davey to school and I stop by and exercise at the gym. Then  back to Banning to return the testing thing. Then pick up Davey at school - don't forget I have to go about an hour early to find a parking place and then sit and sweat - maybe not tomorrow as perhaps it will rain.. THEN take Tessa to Banning for her appointment with her counselor. Like I said, love driving up and down the Freeway.Sometime tomorrow Davey and I, primarily Davey need to chop some of the dead stuff on the limb that fell off a week ago and put it in containers.


I need to head to the kitchen - so what is new?



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Re: OCTOBER 2015 - Back Fence

[ Edited ]

Hi everyone........  hope that everyone is doing well.  Fall has arrived here and the temps have been up and down but going to cool down a lot starting tomorrow.


We have been leaf peeping throughout the State, just day trips but am enjoying them and trying to take pics.

I love this time of the year! 


The other day DH and I cleaned the windows and am so glad that it is over with.  Naturally the next day it rained on and off......can't win.  Years back I did them by myself at our old house but with this house the windows are huge and it takes the two of us to do them. 


We did get rid of all the Summer flowers and I put out 2 large yellow mums and 2 large pumpkins and a Fall wreath on the front door.  DH cut back all the shrubs that need to be done so other then a few iron chairs and benches on the patio that need to be stored we are pretty much set for Winter. 


I am leaving pumpkin muffins and coffee and tea at the back fence.  Enjoy everyone! so sorry to hear that you need to have the test done again.  Can't understand why they waited so long to tell you.  Also sorry that you are making so many trips.  You must be exhausted.  Take care Winifred.


Hi to all and enjoy your evening!


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Re: OCTOBER 2015 - Back Fence

Morning, sure is a good one after the game last nite, Go Cubs!


Will be cooking tonite, was going thru the freezer in the basement the other day, & somehow left out a big roast beef, so that has to be cooked, might have the neighbors over as it's too much for DD & me, also will make mashed & a veggie, ice cream for dessert.


Nothing else much planned for the day, just pick-up around the house & play ball with Sadie, weather is a little cool but supposed to warm up a bit by the week-end


Bagels & muffins at the fence, sounds good, I'll have coffee 


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Re: OCTOBER 2015 - Back Fence

[ Edited ]

Congratulations to the Cubs and their loyal fans!


Betty, I hope the electrician gets to the root of the heating problem soon.  I don't have an attic, more like a crawlspace that can be accessed in the bird's main room (in the ceiling in a closet - lol).  I've often thought about having new insulation put in there.  I'd like the old stuff out and new stuff in, but birds have sensitive respiratory systems and I have no idea what the old insulation looks like.  I don't think I've ever stuck my head up in the crawlspace (lol).


Freddie, I work full time and can safely say you are on the road more than I am on any given day.


Luvsbulldogs, I'm saving up for total window replacement for my house.  I have double pane sliders now and storm windows.  Because I didn't want to be on an extension ladder  (I live in a two story house) to clean my windows last summer, I decided to pull the storms in from the inside of the house.  I ended up with frozen shoulder on my right side from doing that.  I clean the inside, try to spray the outside.  Anything in between the storm and windows up stairs is staying as it is.  Next time those storms are coming off, a window company will be installing tilt in windows.  I'm trying to decide if I want sliders again or normal window (slide sash up) like I grew up with.  My point is, you can really hurt yourself cleaning windows, lol.


Spix, your dinner sounds good.  I'm not much of a meat eater but I like mashed potatoes and ice cream (lol).

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: OCTOBER 2015 - Back Fence

Hey, when i worked I did even better. Minimum miles per day was 100. What can I say?