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We live in a relatively quiet neighborhood....except for two different neighbors across the street are very noisy.....directly across they have a constant flow of kids, grandkids, coming and going...all the time....they hang out in the front yard and watch everything we do in our yard. They have a very nice back yard.


Next to them is a family with 3 kids and a are not the problem it is their dog, everytime they come and go the dog barks up a storm and these neighbors are running all day long and into the night.  They have no concept of how annoying their dog is, it just amazes me that they can block it out or not realize how disruptive it is.


The dog runs out of the house as soon as they open the door, the mom yells the dog's name until it comes back in the house, I am surprised it has not been hit by a car.  If we are walking our dog and their dog is out (not on a leash-ever) she apologizes for the dog running to us.....and frightening  our smaller dog....same thing happens when anyone is walking by with a dog or not.


This morning, Saturday, at 6:30 am the neighbor across the street...his adult son came over, backed his car into the drive, put up the garage door and it sounded like he was  putting air in a tire (s)...for a very long time, with his door open so that the tone of an open door was going off the entire time!  I was so mad I could have spit nails!  It was Saturday, we are up every day of the week and 6 am it would be nice if we could sleep in a bit later on Saturday. 


I really hate to say anything, keep the peace, you know but I just cannot believe he would do that so early in the morning...and his parents were not up....the house was all closed up, dark, drapes pulled, etc......


thanks, just needed to vent.

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Posts: 3,356
Registered: ‎01-03-2012

Re: Neighbors adult children

I feel your pain.  That's why we moved across the US to a neighborhood where our neighbors are really far apart.  Yes, I no longer get to enjoy CA weather, but I will take humidity and bugs for a quiet house.  

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Registered: ‎09-29-2015

Re: Neighbors adult children

@Mom2Dogs, believe me, I understand.  DH and I used to live in the middle of 4 acres in the country, but a few years ago, his employer traded him in (he had 34 years of service) for a 20 year old.  Plus the fact that the property was alot of work to take care of, we had to move.  


Ended up in a neighborhood with about 1/2 acre and liked it until the next door neighbors decided to put an inground pool in, along with a heater very close to our bedroom window.  When the heater was on at night, it sounded like a 747 taking off all night.  When we tried to talk to them nicely about the noise, they shrugged it off.  The husband would also start up his motorcyle very early in the morning and let it "warm up" which woke us up. Then on top of the whole neighborhood of kids being over there during the summer with the yelling/screaming, we decided to move to another community.  It's not in a 55 plus, but there are mostly older residents here and no pools are allowed.  


I wish you luck in trying to get your point across without p*ssing them off.  You also have to be careful because they could make things worse.  I hear your pain though and wish you luck.

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Registered: ‎05-27-2015

Re: Neighbors adult children

Sounds a little like our neighborhood, except we all moved in 15-30 years ago and we are all "Family." We all kind of tolerate eachother. Sometimes we find out that our neighbors think we are just as annoying as we think our neighbors are! If things get too bad, someone mentions it to the offending party, and it usually works itself out. I, for one, love seeing children run in and out of our neighbors houses, and I think they feel the same about our grandchildren. Also, I like that there is activity at all hours, because it discourages break-ins.

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Re: Neighbors adult children

Don't ask me why, but the theme song from Green Acres just popped in my head after reading this.

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Registered: ‎07-11-2010

Re: Neighbors adult children

I have lovely neighbors as well. Cat Tongue

I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,460
Registered: ‎05-12-2012

Re: Neighbors adult children

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

We live in a relatively quiet neighborhood....except for two different neighbors across the street are very noisy.....directly across they have a constant flow of kids, grandkids, coming and going...all the time....they hang out in the front yard and watch everything we do in our yard. They have a very nice back yard.


Next to them is a family with 3 kids and a are not the problem it is their dog, everytime they come and go the dog barks up a storm and these neighbors are running all day long and into the night.  They have no concept of how annoying their dog is, it just amazes me that they can block it out or not realize how disruptive it is.


The dog runs out of the house as soon as they open the door, the mom yells the dog's name until it comes back in the house, I am surprised it has not been hit by a car.  If we are walking our dog and their dog is out (not on a leash-ever) she apologizes for the dog running to us.....and frightening  our smaller dog....same thing happens when anyone is walking by with a dog or not.


This morning, Saturday, at 6:30 am the neighbor across the street...his adult son came over, backed his car into the drive, put up the garage door and it sounded like he was  putting air in a tire (s)...for a very long time, with his door open so that the tone of an open door was going off the entire time!  I was so mad I could have spit nails!  It was Saturday, we are up every day of the week and 6 am it would be nice if we could sleep in a bit later on Saturday. 


I really hate to say anything, keep the peace, you know but I just cannot believe he would do that so early in the morning...and his parents were not up....the house was all closed up, dark, drapes pulled, etc......


thanks, just needed to vent.

Say something....don't worry about keeping the peace....they sound like they don't care about being you need to put yourself age 67, I'm just now putting myself first.....I regret waiting so long.....

Honored Contributor
Posts: 11,092
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Neighbors adult children

You can't be the only neighbors the two households accross the street are annoying. Have you spoken to any of them? Perhaps a polite letter listing the things that are so annoying with a bit of humor would help. I'm thinking it never occured to the son his car door alarm was annoying to the neighbors.


As to the pool heater, I would send a register letter to the offenders and if the issue wasn't resolved, I'd record it the noise and take them to small claims court. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,917
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Neighbors adult children

wow that is too bad.We live in a subdivision and love all neighbors.We have street parties all of the time in the summer and everyone comes...too much fun to miss.We all look out for each other and share what the other doesn't have.we are very assorted age groups and race and still it all works.I guess we all are give and take and don't get bothered easily.LOVE my neighbors and wouldn't want to be without them.

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Posts: 31,227
Registered: ‎05-10-2010

Re: Neighbors adult children

I understand that you are annoyed but they aren't doing anything out of the ordinary.  They are just living their lives.  Try to keep things in perspective and don't overreact.