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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

Hi everyone,


It rained all night and into the day today but then the sun actually came out for a while.  It sure was nice to see the sun.  We are expecting rainy and cloudy days until the 20th of May.  We could still use some more rain so that we have enough for the hot summer weather so I will not complain. 


@Bird mama


How adorable Presto must have been bathing herself.  It sounds like you got a bath 

We have a stream of water then runs through our property and feeds into the small pond.  The other day I saw 2 crows in the stream.  One was taking a bath while the other one watched and then the one that took the bath flew away and the one that was watching took a bath also.  It was so cute to see them each taking a bath.


Have a good rest of the night everyone!

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest



I am beginning to realize that depending on where we live we all plant at different times of the year.  You certainly have been keeping busy!

I totally understand what you have been going through with the deer.  Even with us feeding them they eat just about everything on the property.  Before we built our house we were told that this was a hay field and that a lot of deer bedded down in the hay or grass.  We could see all the indentations in the grass when we first looked at the property.  We thought by feeding them that they would leave our plants alone........NOT!   The first year that we lived here we planted tomato plants in large planters and had them very close to the house on our patio.  They ate them all so that was the end of that.  We do still plant summer flowers in large pots that are on our patio and up until last summer after living here for 12 years they were starting to eat the  flowers in the pots.  They were mostly the young deer so we shall see what happens this summer. 


Your timing was perfect for getting those nursery pots....good for you!

Where we place our flower pots faces west and so the wind is very bad here most of the time.  The only flowers we can grow are geraniums without getting destroyed by the wind.  I am looking forward to going to the nursery in a few weeks to buy the plants for the pots.  I love reading about your gardening.  I miss all the gardening that I did in our former house.  I can no longer do all that I did because of a severed vertebrae in my back so I do what I can do with the help of my DH. 

The plants that you bought sound so pretty.  I love sweetpeas!  Enjoy yours!  I love the scent of them.


Happy planting!!!

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

Did not get the feeders replenished. Drizzled and cold. Had the heater running.


Hope all had a great day!

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest



I do remember Jody posting about the beautiful deer on her property.  So glad that you got to enjoy them.  I remember her posting pics of the minature ponies that they raised. 


I hope that you are feeling better.

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest



 Sorry to hear that your back went out and then got a bad chest cold that you are still fighting.  Take care of yourself. 

You certainly are getting a lot done.  The banana plants sound so nice.  My cousin lives in Louisville, Kentucky and years back he sent me a banana plant and it made it through one summer and the following summer it died.  I must have done something wrong.

Sorry to hear about the flooding and hope that it doesn't get worse. 

10+ inches of rain sure is a lot of rain.  Let's hope that Florida gets some rain also.

Sorry to hear that your daughter has had bad flare ups with her Crohns.  I have just recently realized that  some of my flare-ups were stress related also.  I had no idea that stress could cause them.  Thank you for your prayers and I will say them for your daughter as well. 

Please take care of yourself.



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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

@luvsbulldogs wrote:



I am beginning to realize that depending on where we live we all plant at different times of the year.  You certainly have been keeping busy!

I totally understand what you have been going through with the deer.  Even with us feeding them they eat just about everything on the property.  Before we built our house we were told that this was a hay field and that a lot of deer bedded down in the hay or grass.  We could see all the indentations in the grass when we first looked at the property.  We thought by feeding them that they would leave our plants alone........NOT!   The first year that we lived here we planted tomato plants in large planters and had them very close to the house on our patio.  They ate them all so that was the end of that.  We do still plant summer flowers in large pots that are on our patio and up until last summer after living here for 12 years they were starting to eat the  flowers in the pots.  They were mostly the young deer so we shall see what happens this summer. 


Your timing was perfect for getting those nursery pots....good for you!

Where we place our flower pots faces west and so the wind is very bad here most of the time.  The only flowers we can grow are geraniums without getting destroyed by the wind.  I am looking forward to going to the nursery in a few weeks to buy the plants for the pots.  I love reading about your gardening.  I miss all the gardening that I did in our former house.  I can no longer do all that I did because of a severed vertebrae in my back so I do what I can do with the help of my DH. 

The plants that you bought sound so pretty.  I love sweetpeas!  Enjoy yours!  I love the scent of them.


Happy planting!!!


@luvsbulldogs  I didn't know of your back issue, it sounds so painful. Smiley Sad


I had decided that your deer had so much land to graze that they wouldn't come near your house.  Even plants that are supposed to be deer proof aren't always because if they are hungry and desperate, they will eat most anything.  I recently learned they won't eat rosemary which explains why mine are thriving and multiplying like rabbits, I didn't know this about rosemary, but do now.


Last year, I planted mammoth sunflowers to have the seeds for the birds at the end of the season.  They grew to a point, then died.  I planted more seeds in pots and put them inside one of the large vege boxes as we had only put a small amount of dirt in them at that point.  They grew and had large flower heads and I was so excited.  One morning I went out, as I do every morning to visit my babies, Smiley Happy, and no flower heads!  


I couldn't imagine what in the world had eaten them.  As I looked around, all of the roses throughout had been chewed down about 6-12", then it dawned on me that the deer had gotten in, and at that point, DH fenced off the entrance to the back yard, but they could still get into the driveway, where they munched away.  Those shrubs are coming back now, so when I see deer, I run after them like a banshee, lol.  They came two days in a row this week, but now havn't seen them for a few days.  I am sure they will return at some point, or it will be different deer.


If we ever have to move, I would want property without gophers so we wouldn't have to put everything in a sire basket, but doubt there are any places where they aren't, though they weren't at our previous home three miles away.

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

[ Edited ]



We thought the same as you about the deer but even feeding them they eat everything else so I would be doing the same thing as you do with them to protect my plants. 

At our former house we had about 1 1/2 acres and we had a nice fenced in veggie garden.  We had planted our veggies and went out to check them several hours later and some were already eaten or gone.  Back we went to buy more.  This went on for several days and finally one day DH was out there replanting some plants and he turned around and there was this little vole gobbling them up as fast as he was planting them.  We had voles, moles you name it. We had a critter that resembled a groundhog .....can't think of the name right off....but it was huge and so we bought a have a heart trap and placed some lettuce in it.  Every day the lettuce was gone but the trap was empty.  One day DH went out to check the garden and there it was.  He watched and it was so large that it's rear end held the trap door open while it ate and then it just backed on out.  This critter was tunneling under the fence.  If it wasn't critters it was  We currently have a large farm stand on a farm a few miles down the road from us so now we let them worry about the critters and the bugs and we buy everything we want from them but we still miss gardening. 


This year DH transplanted a small lilac bush from DD daycare building and surprised me with it.  It had a few buds on it and a lot of leaves.  The following morning after transplanting it we went out to look at it and the deer had gotten it.....nice tender leaves and buds.  It is still alive so we are hoping that it will grow and after a few years when it will be too tall ..... like the others we have.....the deer will leave it alone.


Sorry to hear about your sunflowers and also your roses.  It is  so disappointing to see somethings grow and then all of a sudden they are destroyed or gone. 

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

@luvsbulldogs wrote:



We thought the same as you about the deer but even feeding them they eat everything else so I would be doing the same thing as you do with them to protect my plants. 

At our former house we had about 1 1/2 acres and we had a nice fenced in veggie garden.  We had planted our veggies and went out to check them several hours later and some were already eaten or gone.  Back we went to buy more.  This went on for several days and finally one day DH was out there replanting some plants and he turned around and there was this little vole gobbling them up as fast as he was planting them.  We had voles, moles you name it. We had a critter that resembled a groundhog .....can't think of the name right off....but it was huge and so we bought a have a heart trap and placed some lettuce in it.  Every day the lettuce was gone but the trap was empty.  One day DH went out to check the garden and there it was.  He watched and it was so large that it's rear end held the trap door open while it ate and then it just backed on out.  This critter was tunneling under the fence.  If it wasn't critters it was  We currently have a large farm stand on a farm a few miles down the road from us so now we let them worry about the critters and the bugs and we buy everything we want from them but we still miss gardening. 


This year DH transplanted a small lilac bush from DD daycare building and surprised me with it.  It had a few buds on it and a lot of leaves.  The following morning after transplanting it we went out to look at it and the deer had gotten it.....nice tender leaves and buds.  It is still alive so we are hoping that it will grow and after a few years when it will be too tall ..... like the others we have.....the deer will leave it alone.


Sorry to hear about your sunflowers and also your roses.  It is  so disappointing to see somethings grow and then all of a sudden they are destroyed or gone. 


@luvsbulldogs  LOL, LOL re the rear end holding the door open, so funny!  Thanks to the wonderful rain we had, roses and everything else are thriving now, so will try to keep them that way. Smiley Happy  I am already worrying if we will have a rainy season this coming winter, need a good three years or so to get everything strong enough to survive the next drought.

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

[ Edited ]

Thanks Luvs - do feel better but seem to stay very tired. Was supposed to have a procedure done a week ago and the medics messed it up - had to wait a month for it and will probably have to wait  yet another month. They could not do it as they did NOT tell me everything I had to do prior to the procedure. Seems dumb that it takes that long to find out what the small mass is in my  lungs. I think the medical profession has recently begun to have little or no time for we old coots - has gotten so very bad.


Pulled out some of the horrible carpet from the bathroom - the little kiddies are at Sherry's so it had to be done. Lots of nails, however, still sticking up. Davey WILL help tomorrow and I could not do any more. what a job but am also very upset as I will have to put in some new linoleum or something. Only had that down about a year when i carpeted the bathroom and hall when Dad fell and injured his hip - did not want him slipping on slippery floors. they really messed up that linoleum, chunks cut out of it and cuts across several places. Cannot imagine why that occurred. Sigh.


Am tired - have a good night everyone!!

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

Humming bird at rest.:


It amazes me that the little humming bird is so light in weight, that it can rest on a petunia blossom without bending or damaging the flower.