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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

Allow me to introduce myself...:


Kind of a 'dumb' squirrel as that owl could easily make a meal of it. Cat Surprised


My younger brother and I, plus a lot of my family love hot peppers in our foods and we use hot sauces too. 


This brother has always kind of 'prided' himself for being able to eat the hottest of peppers and sauces, until recently.  He got a sauce from ??, I don't remember who got it for him but he put some on 3 tacos that he was having for a meal.  He had to throw 2 of them away, the sauce was that hot and he couldn't handle it..   I'm not sure of the pepper used but suspect Ghost Peppers for one ingredient. 


He's had trouble with deer coming into the yard, jumping the fence to his vegetable garden and also eating his newly planted hostas.   He got the idea to put some of that hot sauce into a spray bottle with mostly water and spraying it on his brand new hostas to keep the deer from eating them.  So far it's working.   I thought it was cruel to do that but he says the deer don't seem to be hurting.  He has about 5  to 8 of them almost every night.  He chases them but they come back.   


I don't think I'd use hot sauce for deer, but sure would use diluted sauce for the raccoons around here. One started chewing on the house.  My brother trapped one and took it to a wild area across the Mississippi.  Hope that critter stays there.  

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest


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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest



I asked DH what the critter was that would get out of the trap and it was a groundhog also know around here as a woodchuck. 

I too worry about the drought.  We too need more to keep up with the hot summer months.  We have a well for our water source so we are always hoping for rain.  Glad to hear that everything is thriving and hoping that they stay that way!

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest



sorry to hear that there was a mix up with the procedure that you were to have done and that you still have to wait a length of time.  I will say prayers for you that all goes well. If you are still feeling tired then then you still need to rest.  

Sorry to hear about your bathroom carpet.  I hope that Davey helps you tomorrow.  Try to get some rest.....I know it is difficult for you but please try.


Waving hi to all the birders!!!

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest



Thank you for posting the beautiful pic. of the hummingbird in a petunia flower. 


I have heard of putting hot pepper sauce or powder in bird sewed to keep the critters away and that the birds do not even taste it.  Makes perfect sense that it would work on other critters.  They say that the ghost peppers are terribly hot......I have never tried any because I cannot have anything spicey.  Glad to hear that it is working on the deer for your brother.  Hopefully the raccoon will like its new home and try not to come back. 


That is one brave or dumb squirrel being so close to that owl...


Have a great rest of the day!!!

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

@Bird mama


I have a feeling that you are out mowing the grass.  DH did ours this morning trying to beat the rain that we are expecting. 

Have a great rest of the day!

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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

I did mow the lawn today after going to the movies with my sister.  We went to see The Circle.


Glad I only paid $5 to see that one, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

Good Morning - it was 34 degrees when I stepped out of the house to feed the wildlife in the backyard this morning.


It's funny, my sister came over to my house before the movie yesterday morning and she said, some kid tossed a ball into your yard.


It's a ball like one of these that kids play with


Image result for kids rubber ball


I told her, oh no, that's the squirrel's ball.  She just looked at me.  I said, I bought them a ball last year for enrichment.  They roll around the yard with it.  When the baby squirrels are born and hit the juvenille stage, you should see how they play with that ball :-)


I know, I have a loose s crew in my head, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

Seems to me the weather is a bit insane all over. Yesterday was a cold and wet one out here - nearly froze to death!! Snow up at my brother's up in the higher hills. Brrrrr. They say today will get to about 75 - we shall see.


Have to make several phone calls today - just do not like doing even that. LOL. May have to go to Redlands but then I much prefer talking in person to someone rather than on the phone. Not sure what will happen to Davey as he really messed himself up - he cannot now attend ANY school in our district and the school in Redlands - I will NOT drive there 2x each day - is called a Community School and I guess kids are sent there from various cities.  Davey really messed himself up and his attitude is still hanging in there - his Dad tried talking with him yesterday and Davey just walked away from  him and would NOT talk to him - he has been horrible. He is very close to being put in the "system" which could mean Foster Care or Juvenile Hall. He simply will do NOTHING.


Gotta run - have a good day everyone.



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Re: May Flowers (2017) at the Bird's Nest

Wow, what a great idea for the squirrels!  They must be so cute playing with the ball. 

We have a garden gazing ball (plastic) on a pedestal in our yard and the bears love it.  They can see their reflection in it and think it is another bear and they remove it from the pedestal and roll it all around.  I have a video on my cell of a turkey that would come here daily and stare into that gazing ball for about 20 minutes each day and go all around it and talk to it.  It would also see its reflection in the ball.  Interesting what critters can do.


Our back yard is on a slope or I would try the ball.  It would end up in the   The gazing ball does not roll as much as a ball would.