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Dear God @possummink  it's a miracle that lady and her friend didn't get killed by getting hit on their heads.  I have never seen hail that big here.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Cannot believe I missed seeing the picture of Conrad. Dumb me!


Yesterday miserably HOT by late in the afternoon - though I would croak. Had to turn the ACs n for a few hours. Do NOT like doing that in May but sometimes it happens. and now the rates have gotten miserably high as a go along with the heat drill, not happy. Great night for sleeping however - slept with a quilt over me.


Suppose to be almost 100 today. Not looking forward to that.


Have a great day everyone.

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Posts: 21,624
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hey all

Winifred you are roasting we are freezing our behinds off, snow in forcast. we are so below normal here temp wise.


not much else guys, clothes to fold. the repair work scheduled for today was no show, man got held up with some other work don't know when he will come to do repair work


ok guys later.

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Holly Hobbie (Toot and Puddle) #hobby

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Stopping by for some grape jelly and oranges.   Not my place, but somewhere here in Missouri.  There have been quite a few pictures from Missouri Backyard Birdwatchers and Missouri Nature Lover pages with many orioles so far this year.   I haven't had one yet, but am hoping. Heart

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Posts: 21,624
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

hey all

not anything new here, kind of misty out. Other than that, nothing else.


ok guys later.

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Posts: 41,924
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I'll tell you what Freddie, I would rather have it a little chilly like it is by me than to have it hot like you have it in California.  If I want to putz outside I can put a sweater/jacket and baseball cap on.  When it's ugly hot like you got it I can't be outside, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

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OMG those poor ladies!  I don't know how they survived that storm! 


I did not know that you were hit by a hail storm that did so much damage.  I am so glad that you and your family made it through it safely! 



Sorry to hear that it is so hot where you live.  I am not a fan of the heat so I would never venture outdoors if I lived there. 

Stay safe!


We are expecting snow starting on Friday into Saturday morning!  Thank goodness we do not have to shovel at this place. 


Our daffodils are all in full bloom and sitting in our sun room and looking out at the flowers is so nice. 


Still no hummingbirds here.  They are usually here the last week of April.  Our neighbor has had his feeder out for 2 weeks and has had no activity.  I am looking forward to seeing them!


Take care everyone and stay safe!!!



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Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I always love putting dried flowers in my gives a nice aroma.... Especially if it is dried lavender!




Loves,   I am a cold weather person, through and through.  Our weather here has been really nice,  below normal temperatures with a chance of frost on Friday night.   Rain tomorrow evening with possible storms into the early Friday morning hours. 


That hail storm was pretty severe in that it lasted for quite a bit.  Usually our hail storms are over in a few minutes.   The one that damaged my house and so many others in North County lasted for a long time and I hid in the basement but could hear it hitting the big windows here in the living room.   They are the original double paned windows that were in the house when we bought it in 1961.   I don't know how old they are as the house was build around 1900.  They would have been hard to replace and they made it though the storm.  The window on my other house didn't.  They were cracked and some shattered.  The siding looked like someone took a small caliber cannon to it.   Most of the cars looked like they  had golf ball designs on their hoods and tops.   You could tell the older cars as they had stronger metal and didn't have as deep impressions left by the hailstones.  


I saw pictures on FB of some more hailstones and someone mentioned baseball sized hailstones in SE Kansas the same day, so maybe those ladies had a 'break' after all.   I don't even want to think about that kind of damage. 


My Chimney Swifts haven't been very active and may have gone back a bit south due to the chilly and rainy weather.  Not many flying insects are out and about.  Kind of a mixed blessing.   There have been reports of hummers being back here and a lot of orioles and here in Missouri this year.   I've never seen so many pictures of them in backyards and at feeding stations as this year 


  The Arch has turned it's illuminating lights of for a few weeks to help the birds navigate on their migration.  The lights are turned off every year to hopefully help the birds get past there on their way north.  So many of them apparently get 'blinded' or confused by the lights on buildings and die in colliding with the sides of buildings, tall ones in particular. 


I'm glad your infusion went pretty well for you this time.   Hope it is helping you too. 


 Time for me to begin to shut this computer down.  Have a nice Thursday,  Everyone.!!Heart