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Sweet Birds in Flowers Garden – All Diamond Painting


Welcome old friends and new to the Bird's Nest.


Among the trees is a bird's nest,

and in the nest her three eggs rest,

and in each egg, Hush, you'll be heard!

There lies asleep A tiny bird.

Written by H.N. Bialik

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Honored Contributor
Posts: 41,741
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I'm bringing over a few posts from the April edition of the Bird's Nest:


@luvsbulldogs added:


I am starting to get my days and dates mixed up!  Each day seems the same as the day before! I had to look on the computer to see the date and then check the calendar to see what day it was.


I baked a chocolate Depression cake today with butter cream icing.  My husband said it is good.  I had a little taste and it was not bad.  I love chocolate but am not supposed to have anything with butter in it and the cake and the icing both have it in them.


Received a call today from my family doctors office and they had changed their hours so they wanted to change an appointment i have for next week that is just a 6 month follow up.  I mentioned that I do not want to go into their office so they scheduled a Telehealth phone call.  After hanging up I thought about it and decided it would be a waste of time so I think I will cancel it in the morning.  Also along with that I am certain they will want more blood work done and after the last episodes I had a few weeks ago I will not be doing that.  I guess eventually they will refuse to refill my meds but I will see.  The numbers are still going up here and also the deaths pertaining to the virus.  We live in the County that has the highest number of cases and and deaths throughout the State so I am staying in.


It rained for most of the day today but it was good because they fertilized the lawns yesterday.  All it seems to do here is rain.



Sorry that it was not one of your groundhogs that like living under your front porch!  Fingers crossed that you will see one of them soon.  I think one of them you named Gerry.


Take care everyone and stay safe!




There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Honored Contributor
Posts: 41,741
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

@possummink  added:


Image may contain: night, possible text that says 'This candle burns in remembrance of all who are affected by the Covid Virus. We may be apart, but we are together in our resolve to overcome this devastating adversity. May God bless you and yours. The Journey Home'


Imagem de may



birdie...I am going to paint this on my next bowling ball being used for yard art!

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,020
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

hey all

not much here.


I too am losing all track of time days,dates. did chores today. faxed over a huge pile of paperwork hoping this will clear up a mess we are having 22 pages worth.


did get walk in.


ok guys later.

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Posts: 21,020
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

hey all

just doing a quick check in, not much else right now,later.

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Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

beach Scottie                                                                                                                                                      More

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Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Image may contain: 1 person, dog


@Bird mama 


Bernie,   Thank you for our May home and for moving some of the photos over here from the April thread.  


Warm and sunny here,  with nice breezes.   A couple of days ago I saw one Chimney Swift flying around our property and today I saw 3 of them.  Hoping that more come and that they'll be building their nests in our chimney soon.   Love my little Swifts.     


I haven't seen the Rose-breasted Grosebeak for a couple of days so I guess they moved on north.   Kitty Catbird was waiting for me to get the birdseed scattered.  I added raisins for her and for Raisin Robin.  


Have a nice rest of your first day of May, unbelievable we're this far into 2020 already.  

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Happy May to you as well.

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Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Image may contain: bird, outdoor and water

Honored Contributor
Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Image may contain: one or more people, possible text that says 'people often forget that kindness is free'