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Re: Many Thanks and update on my ankle



Wow, you've really been through it! I'm so happy to hear you're happy with your docs and that your hubby is taking excellent care of you--such a blessing amid the pain and frustration. 


Sending you gentle cyberhug and so many wishes that this goes by quickly and without complications. Take care dear hippie and please keep us updated as you heal. Heart

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Re: Many Thanks and update on my ankle


You are  strong and brave. The whole time you have beens so calm with a get it done attitude.  So happy you are pleased with your surgeons and your husband sounds wonderful  Prayers your rehab is quick.  Keep us updated.

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Re: Many Thanks and update on my ankle

Wishing you a complete recovery.

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Re: Many Thanks and update on my ankle

@Imaoldhippie.  Run, don't walk, and get yourself some of these Scrubzz for quick baths.



Also I had surgery on my ankle about 25 years ago and found I could tightly tie a good quality plastic bag with a strip of an old bath towel beneath the tie to catch any leaks and my ankle stayed completely dry in the shower.  I used a shower chair

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Many Thanks and update on my ankle

@Imaoldhippie   I am glad you are on the mend..I have a pain block when I had shoulder surgery...most wonderful thing, lol.....I had minimal pain as well


Take care!

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Re: Many Thanks and update on my ankle

I'm so glad it turned out so well after the surgery and that they gave

an injection to numb everything and that you aren't in any pain! That must be a new thing, and a very good thing too! Cheers for the hubby being a good caretaker too! I hope you continue to heal with not much pain!

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Re: Many Thanks and update on my ankle

I'm glad everything went well for you. Hope everything continues to go according to schedule and you are up and out of the wheelchair soon. You have a good hubby, lucky you.

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Re: Many Thanks and update on my ankle

Hoping your recovery goes smoothly and you are back to "running" around!




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Re: Many Thanks and update on my ankle

@Imaoldhippie Sorry you're going through all this but hope all goes well now.  You'll have a long recouperative road, but just hang in there and it will get better.  Sounds like you have what you need along with the support of your husband.  That support is the most important thing!   Please keep us posted.  Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you.

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Re: Many Thanks and update on my ankle

@Imaoldhippie  Thank you for the update! I am very glad to hear that you're on the mend and had a successful surgery on your ankle.  You are such a strong and brave lady- you have such a fearless and great attitude 🤗💯. You have an excellent medical team and a wonderful husband- I love the fact that he tends to your needs and even made you a porch ramp for your wheelchair 💖. Keep up the great spirits and I hope that you and your husband have a really great weekend.