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Re: Lofthouse Cookies - my new Cheryl's cookies



Thanks so much for telling me, I really appreciate it.  Since I don't know exactly what the original Bergers cookies taste like, I can't be disappointed!  I will give it a try.  I am gathering the key is to be very generous with the dark chocolate frosting.  Sounds like a good plan to me.

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Re: Lofthouse Cookies - my new Cheryl's cookies

Every grocery store here sells the loft house cookie....but some have the store name on them also. They seem identical to the Cheryl’s cookie which I would never buy....too expensive for me. They also sell Lofthouse mini cookies at WM....same kind of package, just more cookies in smaller size.
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Re: Lofthouse Cookies - my new Cheryl's cookies

Bergers are the very best, a Baltimore tradition since forever!! Bergers and crabcakes, Baltimore's claim to fame foods!! and Old Bay, of course!!

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Re: Lofthouse Cookies - my new Cheryl's cookies

Lofthouse cookies taste fresh and good for a few days in my experience. The sell-by date on packages is sometimes weeks away, which I find ridiculous.
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Re: Lofthouse Cookies - my new Cheryl's cookies

i am over the berger cookies i think......i have recently purchased these chocolate fudge topped cookies from GIANT and they are so much better! if you see them you may want to give them a try in place of the berger cookies.


they look very similar to this....



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Re: Lofthouse Cookies - my new Cheryl's cookies

Lofthouse cookies are good.  Years ago BF loved ginger cookies (soft and sugary on top) and they used to sell cookies called Ginger Chewies.   Haven't seen these in the store in ages) but they do sell other kinds of Lofthouse at our Giant Food.  


Just saw Berger cookies at Giant yesterday also.  I think the cookies were half-dipped in chocolate but I've never tried them.

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Re: Lofthouse Cookies - my new Cheryl's cookies

If you feel like making your own, there are several Copycat Lofthouse Sugar Cookie Recipes online.

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Re: Lofthouse Cookies - my new Cheryl's cookies

I found out Aldi only carries them seasonally at holidays.  Not a regular store item.  Walmart still has them all year.  Target has them sometimes, but at a higher price.

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Re: Lofthouse Cookies - my new Cheryl's cookies

If Lofthouse Cookies are comparable to Cheryl's I'm glad I never purchased them although I have been tempted.  I would have hoped they would be much better than Lofthouse - personally I don't care for them.  Kids like them but they are nothing special.