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Life is moving ,seasons are shifting...

Although it is very humid and hot,here in the country the seasons are changing rapidly. If you weren't paying attention it may seem like a sudden dramatic shift when complete.My koi seem to feel change,they become quick and somehow lazy at the same time.As if to soak up the sun and warmth, store it deep within,I often say this must be what a koi dreams of those months deep under the icy water. The flowers are fading a bit ,becoming smaller, the big oaks are already dropping leaves, the huge black walnuts are dropping nuts like ping pong balls.The little squirrels  running off with their prizes...My frogs are moving at a slower pace.My barnyard babies are acting slower, Something is changing yes the earth is sending out signals,time to gather up,dance one last burst of life. I think life follows the same rhythm in our souls.A time to gather up, a time to rest.... Life moves constantly its beauty in that gift of a new day.For me I will say good bye to a cousin this week,I think it will change many of our family, I think her life will not be in vain. I pray for peace in the world ,more importantly in our souls,that we all reach out to each other, not hide pain, fear... I hope you here know,there are as  many here to listen,please share your lonliness,chances are you have no idea that others feel the same way. Dont rob the world of your beauty,your heart.It takes a lot of courage to reach out,you will not be turned away.What a lovely group of posters here.Life will turn with you or without you,but it will be less beautiful without you....Know I care for you,love you,you are perfectly perfect just as you are..Peace to you..Hugs,MaryAnne


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Re: Life is moving ,seasons are shifting...

 What a beautiful post and as always your posts are serene, thoughtful and appreciated.   Woman Happy

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Life is moving ,seasons are shifting...

Keeper of the koi- what a warm, loving outlook you have.  May peace and love be yours as well.

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Re: Life is moving ,seasons are shifting...

Although I like early fall, I am always sad when summer starts to say goodbye. I love summer and all that she offers, the fruit, flowers, BBQ's, the beach and farmers markets, sleeping with the window wide open and so much more.

Thank you @Still keeper of the koi for your kindness and gentle words. 


Sleep sweet Bo 3/19/08 8/4/18
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Re: Life is moving ,seasons are shifting...

Agree with those who drink in the abundance of summer's Vitamin D and misses it when cooler, more overcast seasons arrive. This love of summer has increased over the past ten years. I think my body is telling me something. My least favorite month is February, with the exception of Valentine's Day.

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Life is moving ,seasons are shifting...

How wise you are to notice the subtle.

How intuitive you are to understand your fellow creatures.

Life does goes on without us, but we must recognize when the extraordinary is in our presence.

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Re: Life is moving ,seasons are shifting...

@Still keeper of the koi a lovely post again.  I took my dog Angie for a walk just this evening and noticed subtle changes in the light,the way it lands on the trees etc. Autumn is definitely on it's way and that makes me happy!

Trees are the lungs of the Earth
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Re: Life is moving ,seasons are shifting...

So many need to hear affirmation and encouraging words....bless you for giving that gift to so many
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Re: Life is moving ,seasons are shifting...

@Still keeper of the koi Tks MaryAnne for the beautiful post. I'm going thru a bit of depression this wk, & needed to read something good. 

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Re: Life is moving ,seasons are shifting...

You write beautifully. I love to read your posts.